She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 220 - hypothetical question

Chapter 220: Chapter 217 hypothetical question


Shui Shui was still paying attention to her expression. Seeing that she did not say anything, she picked up the plate and stood up. “Excuse me. ”

She was a good child. After all, this was a self-service mode. Usually, the plates that were good could be placed on the corner of the plate. If they were not placed, they would be thrown aside and the waiter would come forward to clean them up.

The noblewoman looked at Shui Shui’s back. She really wanted to go forward and tell Qian Shuishui that she was her mother, but she could not do that. When Shui Shui finished placing the plate and walked back, she stood up as well “Shui Shui, come to Auntie’s house when you have time. You can leave your phone number with Auntie. ”

Shui Shui Wanted Shui Shui’s phone number so that she could contact her in the future.

Shui Shui looked at her for a while and gave her her number. “This is my number. Auntie Sun, I’ll go to uncle Jiang’s place first. ”

The noblewoman wanted to say something, but Shui Shui had already left. She returned to Jiang Yuan’s side, and Jiang Yuan had just seen Shui Shui talking to the noblewoman “It seems that she has feelings for you too. Don’t get too close to her for now. Although uncle knows that it’s not good to say this, uncle has to be responsible for you. In this woman’s heart, benefits are always more important than love. Don’t have too much hope. ” Jiang Yuan felt that Shui Shui Shui would invest too much.

Shui Shui only glanced at him. “No, it’s impossible to make up for peacock’s feelings now. But uncle Jiang, you already know about this. Does my father know about it? ”

“I don’t know, but it’s a child’s house. Why are you asking so many questions? You just need to study hard. ” This child knew too much. Fortunately, she was sensible and wouldn’t say anything.

When it was about time, Jiang Yuan took her and Jiang Li away. Jiang Li got into the car and asked, “sister Qian, that brother Zi Lin is looking for you. ”

Shui Shui recalled that they had played a game before. They had exchanged numbers. “Oh. ”

She flipped through her phone and dialed Mu Zilin’s number “Aiya, you finally called me. It’s so hard to contact you. I’m going to change this number. I’ll send it to you later. Going out for supper tonight? Having a night of fun? And then staying at my house? The room is already prepared. ”

“I have to ask the elders. ” She was now under Jiang Yuan’s control. Her father had said that she had to listen to Uncle Jiang.

“Hmm? ” Jiang Yuan didn’t know what they were talking about.

“Uncle Jiang, my friend asked me to have supper with him and spend the night at his house, ” Shui Shui said directly to Jiang Yuan.

“which friend? ” Jiang Yuan asked back.

“My good friend in City A, Mu Zilin, ” Shui Shui also said her name directly. She was from the Mu Family.

When Jiang Yuan heard this name, it wasn’t Mu Ziyu. “It’s not safe at night. Let’s do it tomorrow. It’s not early at this time today. ”

She could only reply, “No, let’s do it tomorrow. It’s too late today. ”

“Alright, you’re acting more and more like a good girl now. I’ve been quite tired these past few days. I don’t go out anymore. It’s not bad to stay at home and rest. Remember to come out tomorrow. Don’t always not pick up the phone. I don’t know what’s going on with you lately, ” he complained.

“I’m not not picking up your phone. There’s something going on recently. What’s there to complain about? I didn’t even say that you’re annoying. You called me early in the morning and texted me in the middle of the night. ” Shui Shui was speechless. This person really had nothing to do. They were actually quite tired. After all, they had so many things to do. Fortunately, their foundation was in Beijing. They could just arrange some things in the early stages.

“hehe. ” Mu Zilin was somewhat at fault. In fact, he was just bored. He had just returned and knew that Shui Shui was here. Naturally, he wanted to play with her. When he was lonely, he still had his friends. That would be such a wonderful thing.

Shui Shui looked ahead. They were almost at the villa. “I won’t talk to you anymore. See You tomorrow. ”

“mm, dress prettier tomorrow. ” Mu Zilin did not force Shui Shui Anymore. He felt that she was quite strict. Was She staying at a relative’s house. After hanging up the phone, Mu Zilin went to pester his brother. “brother, where do you think Shui Shui is staying now? Also, I heard her voice just now. I don’t know what kind of elder she is. She should be quite strict, right? When the time comes, let’s go visit her. ”

“Don’t worry about it. That’s Shui Shui’s father’s good friend. It seems that he arranged for Shui Shui to come here. ” Mu Ziyu did not like that elder. He actually told Shui Shui that they were not suitable and that they still had to meet. Since that was the case, wouldn’t it be better if they met tomorrow. Thinking of this, he did not hesitate to send Shui Shui a text message. “Let me meet your uncle tomorrow. ”

“Okay. ”

Shui Shui had already reached home. She went up to Jiang Yuan and said, “uncle, what do you think about meeting tomorrow, Zi Yu? ”

“Sure, I’ll book a private room. We can talk about it when we eat. ” Jiang Yuan called his secretary and asked her to cancel tomorrow’s matter.

Shui Shui replied to Mu Ziyu, “then let’s have lunch together tomorrow. I’ll send you the location tomorrow morning. ”

The nanny brought out a pot of sugar water. “I’ve cooked red bean coix rice today. Come and have a bowl of it. Only then will you be able to sleep well at night. ”

Shui Shui actively went to fill a bowl with sugar water every night. After drinking one bowl, she didn’t drink any more. If she drank too much liquid food at night, it would be easy for her to run to the toilet. Thus, she didn’t dare to act recklessly.

Enough was enough. Ever since she came here, the nights were too rich. Sometimes, she would wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. It was when she was very sleepy.

Shui Shui saw Jiang Li walking over. “The taste is not bad. Are you sure you don’t want a bowl? ”

“No, I don’t feel like eating tonight. You can eat. ” Jiang Li sat down opposite Shui Shui. “Sister Qian, the person you’re dating is Mu Zilin’s brother. Your relationship is really complicated. My Dad is a busybody. Don’t mind him. ”

“Huh? ” Shui Shui was a little confused.

“It was yesterday when I went downstairs and heard my dad talking to you. Although I didn’t hear much, I felt that my dad didn’t want you to be with that person, so he kept trying to persuade you. “I actually feel that my father is a little nosy, especially when we’re talking about our relationship. He’s against it. ” Jiang Li felt that his father really liked to be nosy Qian Shuishui was the child of his father’s friend. In fact, it had nothing to do with his father, but his father just had to interfere.

Shui Shui finally understood. He had heard some of the conversation between her and Jiang Yuan yesterday. Now that he was talking so much to her, he was actually expressing his views, and it was also because he felt embarrassed?

“It’s fine. Actually, uncle is doing this for my own good. Moreover, when I came here, my father handed me over to your father. We are all elders. If it’s right, then I will listen. ” She was not the kind of person who did not know what was right and wrong Therefore, if she could listen to the advice of the elders, then she would listen. She would not stubbornly think that she was the only one who was right.

“Eh, I feel quite embarrassed. Haha, my father actually told you not to be with Mu Ziyu and said that the aristocratic families are not good. ” He thought of his father’s words again. Jiang Li could also do that.

He did not reject Qian Shuishui. On the contrary, he felt that Qian Shuishui was pretty good. If they were to be together, they would definitely be very happy. Moreover, her personality was not bad. Unlike some people who were full of princess disease, she still had to return to city A. It was not bad to be friends for now.

“Haha, you are also cute. “. Uncle Jiang said all this for a reason. I do not think that he was wrong, but I will not completely listen to him. After all, it is hard to say if one is in a relationship. I can not say that I can immediately break up with you just because you ask me to break up with you. People are all sentimental. However, there are not many people who say that height is not a matter of distance and age is not a problem. The difference in family background may result in different views. However, they are all in the same country. How different can their views be If they couldn’t be together, it would mean that there was no fate and they couldn’t force it. Since they were together, it wasn’t worth it to think about the future for some small reason and then separate.”people didn’t like having regrets Moreover, she had a new life.

Jiang Li lowered his head and suddenly raised his head to ask, “if you like someone very much, but that person doesn’t like you anymore, what should you do? ”

“What can I do? The other person doesn’t like me anymore. I can only try my best to forget him, study hard, or try to find something to do so that I don’t think about that person. The longer I wait, the more I will forget him. ” She hadn’t met a person that she loved very much Because she was very rational, and because of her personality, she could not foolishly give her all for a person. There were some women by her side who were desperate for love. She felt that that kind of behavior was too silly, so she wanted to be selfish and love herself more.

She did not know what he was feeling today to talk about this with her.

Jiang Li felt that he had found the wrong person. Talking about this with Qian Shuishui was like talking to an adult. Moreover, her point of view was very direct. If she did not love him, then so be it.

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m just being selfish. I’m going back to my room. You should rest early. ” She went back to her room and called Mu Ziyu.

“Zi Yu, today, my younger brother suddenly asked me a strange question. He asked me, if you like someone very much, but that person doesn’t like you anymore, what would you do? ” This question was actually not strange But when she thought that they were dating, she wanted to ask him.

“I will try my best to make that person fall in love with me again. ” Mu Ziyu’s mellow voice made Shui Shui a little absent-minded.

“Then what if that person doesn’t love you anymore and is with someone else? ” Shui Shui continued to make assumptions.

“I don’t really want to answer a hypothetical question. Compared to you and me, I’m the same. ” Mu Ziyu refused to answer this question. A hypothetical question was always a hypothetical question. Even if it happened, it would still be different.

Shui Shui nodded silently. She did not really like hypothetical questions. After all, no matter how much she thought about it, she would still do what she had to do.

Mu Ziyu broke the silence with her silent truth. “I never believe in love at first sight, but I believe that love grows over time. ”

“interesting, that’s indeed the case. But, when you pursue me, don’t you consider the judgment of outsiders? At that time, people will think that you are a pedophile. ” Shui Shui couldn’t help but tease She was exaggerating when she said pedophile, but a minor and an adult, in the eyes of others, were both strange.

“I never thought about it, and I don’t plan to consider others. ” The resolute and willful words made Shui Shui Shui’s heart skip a beat.

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