She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 217

Chapter 217: Chapter 214


Shui Shui returned to her room and gave Mu Ziyu a call after taking a shower. “Zi Yu, uncle Jiang wants to see you. ”

“okay, but why does uncle Jiang want to see me? ” He was a little confused.

Shui Shui thought about it and decided to say, “Uncle Jiang doesn’t really want us to be together, but based on our background, the two of us are indeed not suitable for each other. ”

“What do you mean by that? You want to break up with me because of an outsider’s disapproval? ” Mu Ziyu did not know what was going on, but he was instantly furious. He was conflicted and felt very uncomfortable.

Shui Shui was embarrassed. That was not what she meant. She was simply stating a matter. “Don’t be agitated, I did not mean that. ”

“I will not agree to break up with you. Alright, you should rest early tonight. ” This was the first time he could not control his emotions. He did not want to hear any words about breaking up.

Shui Shui had not finished speaking when Mu Ziyu ended the call. He was definitely angry.

She stared blankly at her phone. She had never thought that Mu Ziyu would have such a reaction. Then what should she do now She had a headache. If she had known earlier, she would not have spoken like this. In fact, there was another sentence at the end. Although their backgrounds were different, liking them was not something that could be seen on the surface.

She held her forehead and thought for a long time. Then, she called Mu Qing to ask for advice.

The other party picked up the phone and Shui Shui went straight to the point. “Mu Qing, let me ask you something. What should we do if a conflict arises between a boyfriend and a girlfriend? ”

“Ah? Conflict? Let’s see what happened. ” Mu Qing was eating supper outside. It was rare for her to receive a call from Shui Shui Shui, and it was so explosive. Could it be that Shui Shui had a relationship problem?

“I said something wrong, and then he became magical. Although he didn’t lose his temper at me, his tone sounded a little different. ” Shui Shui didn’t know what to do either.

Mu Qing laughed out loud. Shui Shui Shui was really too direct sometimes “You definitely have to coax him. Sometimes, you don’t even know what you said. You might have hurt the other party. Coax Him. Call Him and see if he picks up. If he picks up, apologize and say something Nice. “If he doesn’t pick up your call, then call him a few more times. If he still doesn’t pick up, then send him a message. ”

Her method was more suitable for their relationship. Shui Shui Shui’s previous relationships and quarrels were all because of work or money. Some men wanted to control her finances, so she naturally wouldn’t give them to them.

After the call ended, Shui Shui also called him. She initially thought that Mu Ziyu wouldn’t pick up the call, but just as she was about to turn it off, the call went through. Shui Shui Shui quickly put it to her ear and said, “Zi Yu, I didn’t think through what I said just now. Don’t take it to heart. ”

“I know what you’re trying to say, but I want to ask you. Someone stopped us from being together. If that person was your father, how would you handle it? ” He knew that Shui Shui respected Qian an very much. If his parents stopped him, would she break up with him After the call ended just now, he had also calmed down. He should not mess up his emotions. He was worried about what Shui Shui would think and whether she would directly ignore him. However, when he saw that she had called, he was secretly delighted.

Shui Shui saw that he did not speak, so she continued “actually, none of this is a problem. It’s mainly my uncle Jiang’s side, and my father will definitely be on uncle Jiang’s side. “He’s quite against you aristocratic families. “My household registration is under his name now. Er, when I saw you, I went to investigate you. ”

“Let’s meet. Don’t worry, they can’t make the decision for me. ” Mu Ziyu listened to Shui Shui’s voice. “Are you still worried about me? When you become an adult, I can immediately go overseas with you to get a marriage certificate. ”

Shui Shui was embarrassed. “Of course I’m worried about you. Were you angry just now? ”

“A little. Do you think I’ll be happy if my girlfriend says that the two of them aren’t suitable for each other? ” He felt that Shui Shui was going to break up with him, so he didn’t want to continue.

Shui Shui knew that she didn’t think about what she said occasionally, so she said, “I know I’m wrong. Don’t be angry. I won’t bring up these topics next time. ”

“good, it’s good that you know. I’ll talk to you next time. I’ll spank your ass. ” He was relieved and didn’t think too much about it. Shui Shui Shui was more simple-minded. The aristocratic families were indeed troublesome, but how could he let Shui Shui get hurt. His parents also liked Shui Shui very much, so he wasn’t worried that his own family would take action.

Shui Shui ignored this sentence. “Then let’s make an appointment. Uncle Jiang is quite concerned about this matter. ”

“En, but why did your Hukou move to uncle Jiang’s place? ” He didn’t forget what he had heard just now.

Now, Shui Shui’s situation was becoming more and more complicated. Move to Beijing or someone else’s Hukou? Why was that.

Shui Shui couldn’t explain it to him. After all, this matter wasn’t good to tell others. “This matter is my father’s decision. I’ll read for a while and then go to bed. You should rest early. ”

“okay, rest early. ” Mu Ziyu knew that Shui Shui did not want to talk about it, so he would not force her. After all, it involved a private matter.

Shui Shui lay down and looked at the blue ceiling. She did not think about it anymore. Anyway, things were good between her and Mu Ziyu now.

She closed her eyes and went to rest early.

Mu Zilin naturally wanted to look for Shui Shui after he was done with his work. However, Shui Shui turned off her phone, which made him very angry.

“turned off your phone? You actually turned off your phone? ”MuuZilinn looked at his phone and said.

Shui Shui was woken up by Auntie Jiang the next day. After having breakfast, she was taken out of the house. She said that she was taking Shui Shui Shui to have a beauty treatment. After a busy day, at night, Shui Shui wore a purple back dress and walked with Jiang Li. Jiang Li felt that something was wrong ever since he heard what his father said last night.

Shui Shui noticed Jiang Li’s expression. “Xiao Li, what’s wrong? ”

“Nothing. ” He shifted his eyes away guiltily.

Shui Shui glanced at him. What did he mean by that. And what was he feeling guilty about? Did he feel guilty only because he had done something bad When her face came closer, his ears turned red. “What are you doing? ”

“What can I do? ” Shui Shui asked back.

“Why are you so close to me? I don’t like you. ” He was a little awkward. These words were not what he had thought, but he still had a good impression of Shui Shui.

Shui Shui stood back at her original position. Why was this guy’s face so red? Could it be that he was shy. “What are you doing? You’ve become so shy today. You were very casual before. ”

“I’ve always been very casual, and I’m not shy. You’re mistaken, I just feel so hot. ” Jiang Li did not admit that he was shy.

Shui Shui didn’t know what the little boy was thinking.

Shui Shui didn’t care too much about going to the dance tonight because she was just making up the numbers. Because Shui Shui wasn’t familiar with him, Jiang Yuan also brought Shui Shui to his side. When many people expressed their curiosity, he would say that she was his niece.

Many people kept asking Shui Shui questions. Shui Shui Shui wasn’t good at dealing with such things, so she found an excuse to go to the side. Jiang Li brought Shui Shui along. “I also don’t like to accompany my father to these places. It’s so boring. ”

“Okay. ” She didn’t say much and walked to the resting place with Jiang Li. Jiang Li pointed to the front “Do you see those people? They’re not that easy to get in touch with. They’re like a group. Although they’ll give face to me, I’ve never interrupted their conversation. Don’t pay too much attention to these people. Don’t mind what they say later. ”

Only the SOFA area could rest in this area, so they could only go over.

The two of them walked over. They could indeed be considered friendly greetings. “Jiang Li, this is? ”

“Qian Shuishui, the daughter of my father’s best friend, ” he briefly introduced, “sister Qian, I’ll go get you some food. Wait for me here. ”

“thank you. ” Shui Shui originally wanted to get it herself, but Jiang Li had already gone to get the food. This place was self-service. Usually, when she came to this place, her appetite was not that good.

The group of rich young masters all sized up Shui Shui. There was a trace of exploration in the male’s eyes. Shui Shui’s appearance was outstanding, so naturally, she caught the eyes of the few young masters.

“Qian Shuishui, why would your family give you such a name? ” A rich young master mocked. She didn’t like people who were more beautiful than her.

And Shui Shui, this name really didn’t sound good.

It always made people think of a fickle woman. In any case, it was weird.

Shui Shui looked over. “Of course, my parents gave you this name. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. ”

“maybe you’re used to it. I think you’d better change your name to Qian Shiqiu. How poetic, ” the rich young master said, and the woman beside her laughed along.

Shui Shui laughed “You should know that it’s rude to laugh at other people’s names. Besides, my parents came up with this name. I respect my parents, so I don’t think I need to continue this topic. Everyone is educated, so there shouldn’t be any elders who say that they don’t know each other. After all, everyone is educated. ”

Her words of upbringing caused the rich girl’s face to turn slightly red, and she revealed an awkward expression. Shui Shui didn’t scold anyone, nor did she blame anyone. If the other party insisted on saying her name, then she could only think that this person had a problem with upbringing.

They were all very proud. Who would be willing to be said that they had a problem with their upbringing?

“You have a sharp tongue, but I’ve never heard of the Qian family. ” Someone began to pick at the surname and belittle it.

Those young masters did not want to be like this. They sat in the middle, their hair dyed a little purple. They looked delicate and pretty, but their left ear had a blue diamond earring. This young master looked only a little older than Jiang Li, but that arrogant look.. All in all, they gave Shui Shui an arrogant attitude.

Of course, they were a group of pampered young masters and young ladies. They were completely different people.

“Alright, what’s there to talk about? You scared me the first time we met. My name is Wen Xingyu. Don’t mind what Qinqin said. Her tone is more direct. Since you’re here, join us and we can chat together. ” Wen Xingyu was more friendly towards beautiful girls His attitude was more friendly.

Shui Shui nodded. After all, his tone had softened and he even explained for that person.

However, when Jiang Li came back, he took a plate of fruit. “Sister Qian, I brought this for you. This fruit has been boiled with red wine. The taste is a little different from the outside. ”

“thank you. ” Shui Shui had eaten red wine cooked fruit, and she didn’t like it that much.

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