She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 190

Chapter 190: Chapter 187


Shui Shui did not intend to hide it. She did not know who the woman was before, but now that she knew, she would definitely reveal it.

Qian an thought about how he had said that it was his first time here in the office. Fortunately, he had a friendly secretary, or else he would not know what to do. Now that he thought about it, he did not even make an appointment with him and the secretary had brought him directly to the office. This behavior was indeed unjustifiable. He had said not to bring anyone in, but the secretary did not seem to remember.

“Dad, what did uncle talk to you about? ” Shui Shui asked. She was also a little curious.

“It’s about business. Your uncle and second uncle want to enter the company. I agreed to it too. After all, we’ve been talking about this for a long time. Let’s go then. After all, one more person and one less person makes no difference. ” Although Qian an was not happy in his heart.. But this matter had been dragged on for so long.

Shui Shui nodded and did not ask further. She felt that her father was not happy, but she still agreed. They should be family, so it would not be good to refuse. Her father was very kind, and he was more tolerant towards his own people. If the other party wanted to enter the company under the name of a relative, it would indeed bring trouble to her father.

She couldn’t help her father share the burden because she had no right to interfere in such matters. She could only listen and watch in a daze.

She only came to find her father for dinner that night. She didn’t want to bring more trouble to her father. It was time for dinner. She just needed to relax. “Dad, I feel that I want to work hard too. ”

“What’s wrong? Did something happen? ” Based on his understanding of his daughter, her current abilities were pretty good.

“No, I just feel like I have too much to learn. ” Shui Shui lamented. In this unfamiliar world, she always felt insecure.

Qian an patted Shui Shui’s head. “You’ve been working very hard recently. I’m worried about you. You should be fine. You’re still young. When you go to university, you’ll be exposed to a lot of things. ”

“I wasn’t as good as you guys when I was in university. My grades weren’t as good as yours either. It was only after I became angry that I managed to get into a good university, ” Qian an lamented. He didn’t have such a good academic environment back then.

Shui Shui listened quietly from the side and said, “Then, Dad, did anything interesting happen when you guys were studying? ”

Qian an thought “Yes. In High School, I liked a girl. I didn’t know how to woo that girl, and it made a lot of jokes. “weren’t there malt candies back then? All girls loved them. I bought a bag and gave it to the girl I liked. When she got it, she was very surprised and immediately opened it and ate it. “after eating one, she told me. Take a guess. ”

“I’m sorry. Although you’re very nice, I don’t like you, ” Shui Shui said with a smile.

Qian an stared at her. “How did you know? Did Dad tell you before? ”

Shui Shui shook her head. “You didn’t say, but I think it would be like that. After all, you didn’t say that she liked you. You gave her a bag of candies, and she was just surprised. There was nothing else. ”

“She’s smart. That’s how it is. To be more precise, she said it in a roundabout way. She said that she doesn’t want to fall in love for the time being. ” Qian an thought that it was very interesting back then.

Shui Shui also thought that it was very funny. “Then won’t it be awkward when we meet later? ”

“Yes, it will be a little awkward, but I didn’t think too much about it back then. That was it. I thought that she really had to study hard. Later, I found out that she fell in love with a boy from another class! ” Qian an was helpless She even rejected him, but she fell in love with someone not long after. It was obvious that she had rejected him previously. That first love had ended before it had even started.

Shui Shui could not help but laugh. “Dad, what about your real first love? ”

“My real first love was when I was in university. I didn’t fall in love for four years, but to be honest, I fell in love when I was in university. I met a very gentle woman. She was really the most gentle woman I had ever met. She gave off a gentle aura. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. At that time, she was only in her first year of university. Coincidentally, she also fell in love with me. Then, they naturally got together, ” Qian an recalled The corners of her lips curled into a sweet smile.

Shui Shui looked at Qian An. It was the first time she had seen her father smile so sweetly. “Dad, who do you think my biological mother is? ”

“Er, alright. Don’t bother yourself with this matter, understand? ” Qian an didn’t want Shui Shui to think so much. No matter who her biological mother was, she was still his daughter. No one could change that.

Shui Shui nodded. Since her father didn’t want to talk about it, she didn’t ask. “Then, dad, how old can you accept me finding a boyfriend? ”

She was quite curious about this.

“Haha, that depends on you. Father can’t control it. After all, it depends on the feeling. ” Qian an was very open-minded. He had fallen in love with someone when he was in high school. Once he fell in love, there was nothing he could do. He could understand that feeling.

Shui Shui nodded. “Haha, this also depends on the feeling, right? ”

“Yes, some of the feelings are actually fake. However, some of the feelings may make you work hard to remember them. ” When Qian An said this, he became a little serious. This was because he had to distinguish between what was a momentary throb and what was love at first sight.

“Daddy will work hard to build a good foundation for you two. You just need to rush forward without any scruples. ” Qian an felt that his efforts were not for the sake of the future generations.

Shui Shui nodded. “Haha, I’ll take care of daddy in the future. ”

“okay, I’ll rely on you to take care of daddy in the future. ” Qian an also hoped that he could enjoy his old age in peace. What else could he hold a great-grandson for? That would be the best.

The father and daughter chatted happily about their daily life. Shui Shui packed up again while Qian an sent Shui Shui home. Because Qian Zhian’s class ended at a different time, he didn’t bring Qian Zhian along. Tonight, Qian an parked his car and went upstairs with Shui Shui. Today, Qian Zhian was so depressed that he stayed at home and ate fast food. His sister had gone somewhere else.

He felt the door open and looked over. His sister was back.

“sister, where did you go again? Hey, dad, why are you here? ” Qian Zhian quickly stood up

Qian an looked at Qian Zhian. “Look at you. You seem to have gained weight. Did you eat too much? You don’t have to do anything at your sister’s place. ”

“No, I have to study. Ask Your sister. I worked very hard to write the test paper yesterday. Your sister even taught me. ” Qian zhian quickly asked Qian Shuishui to prove it to him.

Shui Shui smiled. “Yes, he can be considered to have studied, but he just doesn’t work hard enough. However, he can take it slowly. ”

“You, learn from your sister. Don’t think about playing all day. At least you’ll be relaxed when you enter a key high school, right? ” Qian an also hoped that his youngest son would have a bright future. In any case, it was good that he worked hard. He didn’t want to let himself regret it.

Qian Zhian nodded. In front of his father, he became very obedient.

“I went to look for my father today. After all, we have different class hours, so I didn’t call you. But I packed some food for you. ” She didn’t mean to not bring Qian Zhian. It was indeed inconvenient. She suddenly wanted to visit her father, so she went directly She didn’t think too much.

Qian Zhian knew that the time after school was different. It was indeed quite difficult.

“Well, I’m actually not full. LET’S HAVE ANOTHER MEAL! ” Qian Zhian took the packed food and began to eat.

Qian an sat next to Qian Zhian. “Eat slowly. Don’t eat too much when you’re full. I came up today to see you. You haven’t been home for a long time. Your mother misses you very much. ”

“I’m not going back for the time being. When I go back, my mother will nag again. It’s so annoying. ” Qian Zhian just didn’t want to be controlled.

His mother was so annoying. She called him every day and said a lot of things. In any case, she wouldn’t give him a break. She even asked him to leave his second sister for a while.

“okay, it’s up to you. After all, it’s your own business. ” Qian an started to let Qian Zhian go, so he didn’t have too many strict requirements. Because he was being too strict, the child might be afraid of him. Not long ago, he had sneaked over to Shui Shui’s side. At that time, he was initially angry, but after thinking about it, he was no longer angry. In fact, he lived here, and Shui Shui could help Qian Zhian Moreover, she could help Qian Zhian with his studies. At home, Qian Zhian was always unfocused and didn’t take remedial classes seriously. He wanted to skip classes every day.

Qian Zhian ate quietly and didn’t speak. He felt that the more he said, the more mistakes he made. He might as well not say it.

Shui Shui went to pour her father a cup of boiling water. “Dad, drink some water. ”

“En, en. I’ll sit for a while longer, then I’ll leave. ” His goal was to look at Qian Zhian. Now that he saw him, he was living quite comfortably.

Not long after, Qian an left. After Qian Zhian left, Qian Zhian patted his chest. “You scared me to death. ”

“Why were you scared to death? Dad didn’t say anything about you, did he? ” Shui Shui looked at him and didn’t know what to be afraid of.

She rummaged through Qian Zhian’s bag. “Do your homework. If you don’t understand anything, just ask. Don’t drag it out. I’m at school today, and I didn’t do my homework. I’ll go do it now. ”

“Okay. ”

Qian Zhian also listened to Shui Shui’s words. After all, Qian Shuishui sometimes didn’t like to talk, but at the critical moment, she was still a little fierce. She usually didn’t smile, but when she thought about it, she felt that her second sister had become a little serious. In the past, they would bicker, but now it was rare. He found that he was being suppressed.

In terms of learning, Shui Shui could indeed help Qian Zhian a lot.

The two of them quietly did their homework. Shui Shui Shui quickly finished her homework and focused on tutoring Qian Zhian.

Shui Shui’s teaching method was also very detailed. Qian Zhian completely understood it and could understand it in depth.

After Qian Zhian finished his homework, Shui Shui returned to her room.

She had her own things to do every day. Tonight, she was going to read a book because she hadn’t done so for a long time.

However, it was rare for her to go online to read the news today. There were no big news about their city a, but there were some companies that cooperated with the government. She also saw that her father’s company was also on the list and was developing well The previous scandals also disappeared. After all, they were not real things. With time, they would also be forgotten by people.

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