She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 175 - met Akong again

Chapter 175: Chapter 172 met Akong again


After returning home, Shui Shui began her own study for the day. Qian Zhian felt that it was especially magical when he was practicing calligraphy. He looked at these words written out, but when he went to try them out, they were all crooked.

“Sis, although writing calligraphy is very beautiful, we don’t need it in our daily life, right? ” Qian Zhian held his Chin and looked at Shui Shui Shui.

Shui Shui then wrote, “to cultivate one’s body and mind, there’s no other reason. Sometimes, when I’m upset, I’ll write and my heart will calm down, and I’ll be able to relax. ”

“I can’t do that. When I’m upset, I must vent. ” Qian Zhian yawned, his gaze a little sleepy.

“Go and rest. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. ” Shui Shui put her pen and ink aside, took a deep breath, and started to continue with other things.

Qian Zhian went to the living room and opened the folding bed. After he was done, he went to take a shower and was ready to rest.

Shui Shui settled her own things and went back to her room to take a shower and sleep.

Qian Zhian slept on the folding bed. Although he wasn’t used to it, he felt more at ease than sleeping on the sofa.

He did not know that he was hated by Mu Ziyu. Because of this, it was not convenient for Mu Ziyu to find Shui Shui. Naturally, he was not very satisfied. Qian Zhian did not know that although he did not sleep well tonight, he fell asleep early because he was tired.

His breakfast was still a clear soup fan. He could not be picky as it was already very rare for his second sister to cook. If he was picky, it was definitely better than being beaten to death.

Then, Shui Shui took out a fruit. “take this fruit for lunch. Starting from next week, I will help you with your studies. You should prepare yourself. After all, you are in the third year of Middle School. If you work hard, what school can you not enter? ”

“That’s easy for you to say. ” Qian Zhian felt hopeless.

“It’s okay. Didn’t you see that Zi Lin also got in? His Foundation is even worse than yours, ” Shui Shui told him the truth.

She ate an apple and sat to the side. Her things were also packed.

“Oh right, on weekends, you can stay at home or go out. I can only come back at night. I have to go to class during the day. If you’re at home at night, I’ll come back to pick you up for dinner. ” Shui Shui thought that her classes only ended in the afternoon on weekends Qian Zhian had to settle breakfast and lunch by himself.

“Is that so? Okay, can I call my friends over to play? ” Qian Zhian asked. He was afraid that Qian Shuishui would be unhappy.

“Sure, but pay attention to hygiene. Don’t let me come back. It’s messy everywhere. Bring your friends over to play. Don’t go into the study or my room. Got It? ” Shui Shui didn’t have anything valuable, but she didn’t like others messing around.

Qian Zhian nodded. “Don’t worry. Just play in the living room. ”

“Okay. When I leave tomorrow, I’ll leave 500 yuan on the bookshelf in my room. You can eat whatever you want. ” His father now controlled their pocket money. Qian Zhian only had 1,000 yuan per month So he also formed a good habit of not randomly buying things.

Qian Momo had the most pocket money. She had 5,000 yuan per month, but she was always short of money. She asked Li Xue for more. Qian Zhian was jealous of his sister. His sister had so much money because his mother gave it to her. As for his second sister’s pocket money, he had no idea how much it was.

“elder sister, how much pocket money can you get every month? ” Qian Zhian asked.

“three thousand. ” Shui Shui had never used the money on her card. It was almost 20,000.

“So much. ” Qian Zhian was envious. Why did he have the least.

“Fortunately, I don’t live at home, so the food fee is naturally high. There’s also the cost of the water and electricity network. It’s about the same. ” Shui Shui felt that it wasn’t much, especially in this place where she lived. It was more upscale, and the online signings were the fastest.

“That’s true. ” Qian Zhian nodded. In fact, his second sister was also living a very tight life.

On This Day, Shui Shui was just as usual. There was nothing special. It was worth mentioning that Xu die had changed classes. Of course, for everyone, this was a good thing.

For Shui Shui, it was just a small interlude. It didn’t have any meaning.

On Sunday, Qian Zhian got up early. Because he had an appointment with his friends today, he saw his second sister dressed particularly androgynous. She wore black shorts with black knee pads, and she was wearing white sports shoes with a simple t-shirt on top “sister, where are you going? You’re dressed like that. ”

“I have practice today. ” Shui Shui drank a large glass of milk. “Huhu, I’m leaving. I’ll bring you to dinner tonight. ”

“okay. ” Qian Zhian looked at her and felt that his second sister was going to face something important today.

Shui Shui came to teacher Li’s residence and ate something. Teacher Li started to talk to Shui Shui. “Have you thought about what to do this week? ”

“Yes, yes, I have some ideas. But teacher, my right hand is weaker. How can I improve it? ” Shui Shui tried it. Her right hand was always at the critical moment and couldn’t exert strength.

“Then you can borrow strength! ” Teacher Li looked at Shui Shui’s dressing. “Try to protect yourself today. Don’t be bullied too badly. But it’s a bit difficult. This time, Akong will be even more fierce. ”

“Yes, I understand. So I have to take advantage of the situation. ” Shui Shui nodded. She knew coach Akong’s strength was very strong. If she wanted to win at her current level, she was far from it.

“She won’t hurt you, but you have to be careful. I told you before, pay attention to her weakness when there’s a chance. There will definitely be flaws. After all, no one is perfect. ” Teacher Li warned “How do you feel today? If you’re not good, then stop. Stop. There’s no need to force yourself. Teacher is here for everything. ”

“I will. If I can’t hold on, I will stop immediately. ” Shui Shui took a deep breath and walked out with her teacher. They got into the car and set off.

At this moment, Shui Shui sent a message to Mu Ziyu, “I’m setting off now. ”

“Okay. ”

Mu Ziyu set off. He had never been to this place before, so he naturally had to navigate there.

Teacher Li started the car and looked ahead. “You said that your friend was coming to see if it was a boy or a girl? ”

“A boy, ” Shui Shui said.

“A boy, a boyfriend? ” Teacher Li continued to ask because he was also very curious.

Shui Shui did not deny it. “We’re only together now, but he’s pretty good. ”

“teacher will see what kind of boy he is later. How old is he? Is He the same as you? ” Teacher Li drove the car out and asked.

“He’s 21 years old, a senior, ” Shui Shui Remembered.

“He’s a little older than you are now, but normally, it’s normal for a man to be older than a woman, as long as he’s not more than 10 years old. However, you’re still a high school student. Don’t you think there’s a generation gap if you look for a college student “and will this affect your studies? ” He continued.

Shui Shui scratched her head. “No, I know what to do when it comes to studying. As for him, I’m also paying attention to him, so our relationship is very simple. Basically, we just go out to eat together, and nothing else. ”

“That’s good. A girl should take care of herself. “. “fortunately, you’re different from ordinary girls now. If he makes a move on you, just hit him and run away. Don’t bother him anymore. “. “safety first, the rest is on the side. ” Teacher Li was really afraid that Shui Shui would fall in love too early.

Moreover, Shui Shui was still so young. The men she would meet in the future would be even more outstanding.

“teacher will also take a look later. What about that boy? He can also practice later. If his martial strength is too low, he won’t be able to protect you. This won’t do either. ” Teacher Li treated Shui Shui as if she was his own child. He felt that Shui Shui’s boyfriend.. He had to be both civil and martial.

Shui Shui could not help but laugh. “I don’t know if he can do it either. But teacher, you will make people very embarrassed. ”

“What’s there to be embarrassed about? Isn’t this for your own good? This time, as long as you hit Akong once, Akong will give you a gift. Make good use of it. ” Teacher Li did not know what the gift was, but it was definitely something good.

Shui Shui nodded. “I’ll do my best. ”

They came to the shooting range. Of course, they did not go inside. Instead, they went to the lounge next door. There was a boxing range here. It was smaller than a regular boxing range.

Not long after Shui Shui arrived, Mu Ziyu also arrived. Teacher Li looked at Mu Ziyu from head to toe. “Not bad. In terms of appearance, you’re a little more handsome than when you were young, teacher. ”

He reached out and patted Mu Ziyu’s chest. “Yes, yes, you’re quite something. Not Bad. ”

Mu Ziyu smiled gently. “Teacher Li, I won’t bully Shui Shui. ”

“No, no, it’s not a problem of bullying, but a problem of whether or not you can protect her. ” Teacher Li shook his head and smiled. It’s not bad. This boy is quite good.

Shui Shui stood beside him and drank some water. “teacher, don’t be like this. ”

“Haha, are you feeling sorry for her? But you have to let teacher rest assured. Zi Yu, right? Have you learned any martial arts? ” Teacher Li still circled around Mu Ziyu.

“Yes, I’ve learned Sanda in the past, but it’s been quite a while. ” He felt that this teacher Li seemed to have a hidden meaning.

“teacher. ” Shui Shui was really afraid that teacher Li would test Mu Ziyu.

“Alright, I won’t continue. You do it first. When the instructor comes later, don’t rush up when you see your girlfriend being bullied. ” Teacher Xu smiled. This young man might do that.

Shui Shui looked elsewhere and was too lazy to say anything else.

Instructor Akong came, but she came alone today.

She was carrying a military backpack. “sorry, something came up in the army, so I’m late. Little sister, you’re in pretty good shape today. ”

After she came, she looked at Shui Shui. Seeing that she had prepared something, she nodded in satisfaction. It seemed that she was prepared.

Shui Shui nodded. “Of course. If I’m not prepared, how am I going to welcome Instructor Akong? ”

“Haha, interesting. Old Li, just watch. Watch more and speak less. AIYO, there’s another handsome man here? Don’t tell me that this is your new student. ” Akong noticed Mu Ziyu. He was sitting below, his gaze gentle?

“It has nothing to do with you. Today, you should be more careful. ” Teacher Li reminded Akong, in case he didn’t know what to do.

“I know. I know what to do. You should know. Little sister, come up! ” Akong jumped onto the boxing ring and put on his boxing gloves. She didn’t bring anything else.

Shui Shui went onto the ring and looked at Akong’s hands and knees. She said to herself, “you can do it. Believe in yourself. ”

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