She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 11 - Class Summary

Chapter 11: Chapter 8: Class Summary


For the next two months, Shui Shui did not go to the Qin family anymore. She was only going to the middle school examination. Mu Zilin was also willing to accompany her to the end. He had also improved very quickly. Shui Shui had also changed her opinion of him. Mu Zilin was still quite smart. He understood many things with a little bit of effort.

Of course, in the last few days, the teacher had to start summarizing and guessing questions, so he required all the students to go to class. Naturally, Mu Zilin and Shui Shui had to go as well.

Mu Zilin started to feel nervous about the exam in three days. When he went to school for class in the morning, he called Shui Shui. “Shui Shui, I went to school today and got my exam certificate. I heard from them that you’re in class one and I’m in the class downstairs. ”

“okay, I got it. I’ll see you at school later. ” Shui Shui was really cute when she heard his words.

Shui Shui changed into her school uniform, tied her hair into a ponytail, and left the house. It was rare for Qian an to send the two siblings to school together. In the car, Qian an asked Shui Shui, “Shui Shui, are you confident? ”

He looked at Shui Shui through the rearview mirror. Her face was cold. Recently, she did not talk much and did not like to smile much. He was very worried. Although his daughter was rebellious in the past, she had never been so quiet. This silence was a little scary. It was said that the younger ones were prone to depression. Could it be that his daughter was suffering from depression. The more he thought about it, the more he was afraid that something would happen to his daughter. His eyes were filled with worry.

Shui Shui looked ahead and did not notice that her father’s imagination was running wild. “There’s no problem with the science subjects. The only problem is the Chinese subjects. We can only rely on luck. ”

“The Chinese subjects, it’s fine. “. Other things. I’ve also asked around. This year, the scores of the two high schools are around 620 points. It’s said that the questions this year will be more difficult. Therefore, the scores to get into the exam will be correspondingly lowered. As long as you can get 600 points, father will be able to help you with other things.”How could this score be easy However, she was also hardworking. She had seen it with her own eyes. Naturally, she could not discourage her.

Shui Shui nodded. “I’ll work hard. ”

“Shui Shui, what school did you apply to? ” Qian Anzhi’s relationship with Shui Shui Wasn’t as conflicted as before. Now that he thought about it, he didn’t seem to know which school Shui Shui applied to.

“I applied to the first and third high schools, and one of them applied to the eleventh high school. However, it shouldn’t be a big problem. At least there’s one school that I can go to. ” Shui Shui was confident in her own ability However, Mu Zilin was in danger. He had improved in a short period of time, so his standard was naturally not as good as those good students. However, after class today, she would go back to look at the exam questions and make some guesses. She would then let Mu Zilin memorize her summary In any case, if she could get one, she would get one. It was also a good score.

She had never guessed the exam questions before, but she could study the previous ones and guess again. There was a certain pattern. No matter what, she was once a top student.

Today was her first class, so to her.

She went to her class, grade 31 class, according to Mo Shuang’s memory. She came to the door, tidied up her clothes, and walked in with big strides. Her gaze fell, and she casually glanced around. She heard Mu Zilin’s loud voice, “Shui Shui, why are you so late? ”

Shui Shui waved her hand. “It’s just right. My Dad sent me here today. ”

She put down her bag and sat down. Mu Zilin directly moved a chair to sit beside Qian Shuishui and took out the breakfast he bought. “I bought you an egg tart and a sandwich and milk. Have some. ”

“thank you. ” Although Shui Shui Shui had already eaten breakfast, she was too embarrassed to reject Mu Zilin’s good intentions. In the past few months, she had truly treated Mu Zilin as a friend.

The girls around her were envious and jealous.

Mu Zilin was the class Belle. Although his grades weren’t good, he was handsome. Every month, there would be people confessing to him, and there would often be people bringing Mu Zilin breakfast. It was a pity that he had never dated anyone. However, the only person he had a good relationship with was Qian Shuishui, this scumbag girl. It was one thing if her grades weren’t good, but she was still so scumbag. Previously, she had snatched the boyfriends of a few people and even pretended to say that she didn’t like those people.

Shui Shui felt those malicious gazes. They really weren’t pleasing to the eye. However, it had nothing to do with her. They all had to take the middle school examination, and after the examination, they were basically divided into different categories.

She tore open the packaging and ate the egg tart while drinking milk. “This egg tart tastes pretty good. It’s even blueberry-flavored. ”

“Of course. I know you like it, so I went to buy it. After the last day of class today, there won’t be any classes. The Middle School examination is in two days. Let’s go and relax tonight. Let’s go and play. I haven’t gone out to play for a few months. ” Mu Zilin really wanted to go and sing He had been bored for three months and studied every day. He didn’t even know how he persevered. Shui Shui had really changed. She had become more mature and her personality was much better. After that incident, he had never heard Shui Shui swear again. She had changed from a fiery person to such a quiet person. Of course, he liked the current Shui Shui Shui even more because she was full of confidence.

“Okay, have fun tonight. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we have to concentrate. Let’s make a final conclusion together. ” Shui Shui believed that relaxing and relieving the pressure before the exam was beneficial to the mentality of the examination venue.

At this time, the bell rang and everyone returned to their seats.

Mu Zilin sat behind Shui Shui and searched the bottom with his phone, wanting to find a place that was fun and delicious.

The form teacher carried a large stack of documents into the classroom. The students in front would stand up and help the teacher.

When the form teacher entered, she saw the two students who had been absent for three months. They had finally arrived today. However, these rich second-generation students were not lacking in money. They could just spend money to buy a school. Therefore, she did not need to think too much. The most important thing was that the students who studied well could get into a good high school. She had a bonus. Although this class was not a key class, there were a few students who were eager to learn and their results were not bad.

There was still a chance for them to get into schools like the Fifth High School. If they were lucky, they could even get into the third high school. It would be very difficult for them to get into the first high school and the second high school. Basically, she did not want to think about it.

The teacher stood on the podium and revealed a gratified smile “there are still two days before the middle school examination. Today, I have found some information for everyone. Then, everyone take a good look. The teachers are all here. The other teachers are in their offices. If you don’t understand, just ask them. You can also ask your classmates. Today, the main purpose is to explain to everyone. I hope that you can understand all these information today. Also, if you have any questions that you don’t know well, you can solve them today “Two days later, we will enter the examination hall. ”

Everyone’s mood was different. Some were afraid, some were excited, and some were indifferent.

The information was sent out. Shui Shui picked it up and read it. The science subjects were all theories, and it was useless. Moreover, it was almost time for the exam. Who would have the mood to remember these contents?

Moreover, these questions were too complicated. Shui Shui felt that there was no need to spend time on these.

Mu Zilin directly stopped reading. He felt dizzy when he saw these questions.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy. Please do not reprint it!

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