She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 109 - did not develop naturally

Chapter 109: Chapter 106 did not develop naturally


“Xu die, you don’t have to beg me because I won’t help you even if you beg me. Please move your foot away. I’m going to sleep. ” Shui Shui was very cold. She was very cold and did not show any mercy at all. Of course, Shui Shui was only like this to some people. There were many times when she would not be so ruthless.

People had to be self-aware. Some people, no matter how much they gave, she would not take it to heart. Such a person would easily stab others in the back. Looking at this foot, Shui Shui smiled faintly. “You can take it back now. It’s wise to not let yourself get hurt. ”

Xu Die looked at Qian Shuishui because she really had no choice. However, looking at Shui Shui Shui like this, she would not help her. No matter how much she humbled herself, it would be useless. The door was closed and Shui Shui stopped. She was very troubled by staying up late and hated being constantly knocked on the door by Xu die looking for her. It was really annoying.

After thinking about it, Shui Shui still wanted to move out. How should she put it? It was best to live comfortably on her own. Moreover, Xu die was living with her father. That man was a hooligan type, so she had to avoid him.

Xu Die walked into the elevator dejectedly. She suddenly realized that she did not have many friends. Even when she asked for help, no one was willing to help her. When she needed help the most, she ran into a wall everywhere. She wanted to see if this apartment could be refunded. At the very least, she still had some money. She would find a place to live and stay away from her father.

She would not be able to stay in the apartment tonight because she did not want to see this father’s face anymore. Once she saw him, she would be upset and unhappy.

She took some money and went to find a motel. She rented a room cheaply and spent the night like this.

The next day, Xu die woke up early because she had something to take care of. When she returned to the apartment district in the morning, she saw Qian Shuishui. She was carrying a bag and jogging. She didn’t look over and didn’t know if she was being ignored.

She rushed to the management office but didn’t expect that she wouldn’t be able to get the deposit but she wouldn’t be able to get the money after that because the man didn’t pay at all. He only gave her one month.

Damn it, she looked at the receipt. “Are you sure you only paid for one month? ”

“That’s right. If you insist on returning the apartment, I can help you apply and get half of the deposit back. ” They were very humane. There were many places where they could not get the deposit back, and they could, but it depended on the situation.

Xu Die did not hear what the man was saying clearly. There were only three words in her mind: She had been deceived. How could that man deceive her like that He had only paid the deposit and one month’s rent?

Could it be that he had returned it Had he dumped him to get revenge on her It was possible. She widened her eyes and immediately took out her phone to make a call.

She could not get through She continued to call!

Very soon, the other party finally picked up the call.

She did not wait for the other party to speak and directly questioned, “how can you be so unclassy? You promised to take me to live in this apartment, but you went to return the money. What do you mean? Is it a man? ”

“Huh? Who Are you? What unclassy apartment? ” A middle-aged woman’s voice sounded.

Xu die suddenly felt a little awkward. Who was this person Could it be his wife?

Since it was his wife A stratagem appeared. “Then who are you? This is my boyfriend’s cell phone number. ”

“Your boyfriend? Your boyfriend is really old. Also, don’t you know that your boyfriend is already in jail? This cell phone was left behind by him at the company. We’re going to send it to the police station. ” When she said this, Xu die was shocked.

“From Your Voice, you sound quite young. There’s a name on it. Xiao Die, right? How old are you? ” The woman continued to ask.

Xu die was a little nervous. She did not want to have any contact with people who were in prison. “Ah, Oh, oh, sorry. I have something to do now. I’ll go back to work first. ”

The call was hung up. Xu Die took a deep breath and leaned against the side.

The situation up there was now How did that person end up in prison Then she absolutely could not look for that man now. She could not get involved. She had to clear her name.

However, Xu die did not know that the middle-aged woman was actually just toying with her. After all, that man was only in his twenties and was not married. When she heard that he was in prison, she panicked and did not think about many things. She did not think about the matter of the refund of the deposit. What could she do with that little money?

She walked out alone and wandered outside.

Shui Shui actually saw Xu die this morning, but she did not pay attention to her. She jogged on her way to class.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy. Please do not reprint it!

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