Sharing Tamed Beasts' Talents for Eternal Life

Chapter 288 - Chapter 288: Disaster

Chapter 288: Disaster

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation       Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

He Qingge was a little surprised by this ability. This group of people were all enveloped by the power of the Heavenly Tribulation released by He Qingge.

Of course, this did not mean that He Qingge could control the entire world’s Heavenly Tribulation.

It could only trigger a trace of the power of the heavenly tribulation to descend, but it could not completely control the heavenly tribulation.

Otherwise, He Qingge could have used the heavenly tribulation to descend on all the tribulations he had endured.

At least until now, He Qingge could only use his understanding and control of the Heavenly Tribulation to trigger the power of the Heavenly Tribulation between heaven and earth.

If he could truly control the heavenly tribulation of the entire world, He Qingge would probably be able to ascend and vindicate the Dao.

However, even if the heavenly tribulation was triggered in such a way, it could not be compared to the lightning tribulation that He Qingge had experienced. However, this group of people still could not resist the power of the heavenly tribulation.

There were even many people who had already reached the edge of transcending the tribulation, but they had been suppressing themselves because they sensed that they could not transcend the lightning tribulation.

After all, the lightning tribulation was a test for immortal cultivators. After swallowing many heaven and earth spiritpal nhipctq_ if and earth spiritual machine could not pass the test, it would be better for it to return to dust and earth and become nutrients for the entire world again.

Now that He Qingge had triggered the power of the lightning tribulation, the High Heavens had sent down the lightning tribulation. Coincidentally, the suppression on their bodies had loosened, and the lightning tribulation had doubled.

In an instant, the lightning tribulation that should have belonged to them descended.

In addition to He Qingge’s large-scale lightning tribulation, the entire sky had been enveloped by the lightning tribulation.

It had been mentioned before that once a person entered the area where another person was transcending the tribulation, the power of the tribulation would also descend on that person.

It instantly triggered the heavenly tribulation on this person’s body, regardless of whether it had reached the level of the breakthrough or not.

It would also instantly strengthen the heavenly tribulation that enveloped the two of them.

Now that He Qingge had triggered a trace of the Heavenly Tribulation, the power of the Lightning Tribulation had been activated. Some of the people who had suppressed their strength had already activated their Heavenly Tribulation.

The Heavenly Tribulation enveloped most of the people in an instant. They were all enveloped by the scope of the lightning tribulation. Originally, this group of people was prepared to surround and attack He Qingge. The distance between them was not too far.

The moment the heavenly tribulation started, everyone was locked onto.

There was no way to escape. There was no way to escape from the Heavenly Tribulation. Of course, unless you had a way to leave the entire world and go to another world, you could naturally avoid the Heavenly Tribulation.

There were too many people being targeted. The power of the lightning tribulation instantly increased layer by layer, as if there was no limit to the increase.

Coincidentally, He Qingge was also within the range of this lightning tribulation.

He Qingge’s own talent and strength were quite powerful. In addition to his current breakthrough in strength and reaching the Nascent Soul realm, the heavenly tribulation he triggered was naturally even stronger.

Moreover, there were so many people who increased the level of the heavenly tribulation.

Thunder rumbled in the dark clouds, and the entire sky was covered in lightning. Thunder dragons roared in the clouds, as if the heavens were furious.

As if it had been provoked by many people, lightning fell from the sky like a storm.

Even He Qingge himself could not escape the lock of the heavenly tribulation. He was also standing in the environment of other people’s lightning tribulation, so he was naturally guided by the true heavenly tribulation.

Dong dong dong

Bolts of lightning descended from the sky.

The black mountain formed a beautiful and magnificent scene.

Dark clouds covered the sky and pressed down on the city. Lightning pillars lit up the entire sky, making people feel as if a calamity had descended on the world.

A bolt of lightning struck He Qingge’s body, and his originally powerful body instantly shattered.

Yes, this time’s lightning tribulation was even more powerful than the one He Qingge had undergone before. After all, there were so many people. The lightning tribulation had increased layer by layer and undergone a qualitative change.

He Qingge realized that he had underestimated                Tribulation. He

thought that his strength had become stronger after passing the Lightning Tribulation, but he did not expect the intensity of the Lightning Tribulation to be even stronger now.

This was partly due to his own efforts. After all, the lightning tribulation had locked onto He Qingge, and it had also triggered his power potential and strength level.

It was only the first lightning pillar, but He Qingge was already severely injured.

In addition to the injuries that had not been healed in time after transcending the tribulation, it was simply adding insult to injury.

If this continued, He Qingge might really die, let alone use his body and soul to accept the test of heaven and earth.

He Qingge ran away decisively and entered his own small world.

Jiang Qingyan’s strength had also reached the limit of the Nascent Soul Realm and could break through to the Soul Formation Realm at any time.

Now that he was in He Qingge’s small world, he was not affected by the lightning tribulation.

Therefore, after entering the small world, the feeling of being locked on by the lightning tribulation instantly disappeared.

He Qingge heaved a sigh of relief and began to repair his body.

However, the others in the outside world were in a miserable state. In the face of the continuous lightning pillar tribulation, they had no ability to resist at all. Coupled with the fact that he was locked onto by the heavenly tribulation, there was no way to escape.

Only a few of them had extraordinary opportunities and treasures that could withstand a few more attacks.

He Qingge roughly calculated the timing. When he came out again, the venue was in a mess. The dark clouds and lightning in the sky had already dispersed.

All that was left were charred corpses on the ground.

He Qingge realized that he could use this situation to directly kill opponents who were much stronger than him in the future.

If he could trigger a trace of the power of the heavenly tribulation and activate the opponent’s heavenly tribulation, He Qingge would directly charge in and increase the heavenly tribulation..

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