Seized by the System

Chapter 427 - Becoming Shareholders From Borrowing Money

Chapter 427: Becoming Shareholders From Borrowing Money

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What a place to settle down, but I don’t see any signs of a music industry?” After all, Fang Ning was a talent in science and engineering, he immediately noticed the problem after taking a look around.

“Hehe, Brother Dragon, you have sharp eyes indeed.” Spirit King Bodhisattva smiled awkwardly then continued, “The Spiritual Insects Clan was born with shortcomings, previously they managed to find their financial source by looking after the sacred beeswax for the Truth Department, which was all thanks to you. Other than that, they can only sit idly and eat away. The good thing is most of the butterflies can support themselves as long as there are fresh flowers around, they don’t need clothes or residences, which saved a lot more necessities as compared to ordinary people.”

Although he was Bodhisattva who was high above, the Venerable One, he was not at all unfamiliar with specialised affairs.

Bodhisattva and Buddhas from the real world were different from what was stated in novels, perhaps they need not eat and drink like ordinary people, but they did need some glory and traditional music. Which one of these did not require manpower and resources?

In other words, it required the spending of money.

Furthermore, their followers were mostly profane, such that their livelihoods were not taken good care of by their earthly nations, which was why they sought help from the Buddha.

Since Buddhas enjoyed the incense from their followers, they needed to guide them, be it spiritually or in their living.

Schools that failed to do this or were incompetent in this sense had basically died out.

Commoners were the most realistic ones. They would not bother if everyone experienced the same situation. The Buddhas never responded, even though they accepted the offerings. Just like those clay puppets on earth, it depended on how the people operated them.

However, the upper realm had real Buddhas. Some of those new Buddhas were affected by their intent to expand their school, hence they would respond to the prayers of their believers, which would cause competition.

Naturally, believers would move towards Buddhas that were more responsive and granted wishes. In that case, one could not punish them anyway as it was considered to be heterodox, where Heavenly Retribution would be put into effect.

Over time, Buddhas and holy beings who wanted to rely on incense offerings from their believers or to expand their cultivation paths had to research on “how to respond to believers, how to guide believers”.

Upon hearing what he said, Fang Ning nodded then thought for a while before he said, “How’s their cultivation qualifications?”

“Most of them are dumb, after all they were humans before they were insects, it’ll take a lot of effort due to their change of mental state, which makes it harder for them to get used to the cultivation method of insects.” Spirit King Bodhisattva said bluntly.

At this moment, the butterflies that were spiraling above them instantly became mad after hearing that. They became down-spirited and flew without strength.

“Oh, if that’s the case, it’s really hard to find a way out for them… Wait up, how about their literary talent? They fly around outside every day and are resourceful, I suppose it’ll be suitable for them to be nurtured into literary talents?” Fang Ning had a sudden thought.

“This? I’ve never really thought of that before, they’ve had abundant life experiences, I guess we won’t know until we try.” Spirit King Bodhisattva only looked for long-term jobs for the Spiritual Insects Clan, not necessarily because he wanted them to become more powerful.

Humans would do all sorts of tricks whenever they were unoccupied, which was the same for insects, adding on to the fact that they were humans before this.

“Wait a minute, let me ask them.” Spirit King Bodhisattva reached his hand out and waved, then a butterfly landed on his shoulder.

“Xiao Wu, are you good in literature?”

“I’m an expert in it, I even composed some essays, it’s just a pity that I’m not able to write them in words due to my form.” The big butterfly spoke, it had a crisp voice of a girl.

“Eh, are you good at feel-good novels?” Fang Ning took the opportunity to ask.

“What’s that? I don’t know that.” The gigantic butterfly said in disdain.

“Eh, what a mainstream butterfly.” Fang Ning was not very pleased, but he could not be bothered to make a fuss out of it.

“Xiao Wu, don’t be like this. Since you’re already in this form, you should consider your future livelihood and cater to the market’s needs.” Bodhisattva advised it earnestly.

“I know, I’ll try my best to learn.” The gigantic butterfly lowered its wings and said, it was obviously dispirited.

Upon seeing that, Fang Ning was content. That would be great, he would have another source of mental nourishment in the future and he could help those idle spiritual insects in finding proper jobs.

For all he knew, they would become a literary race in the future.

“The Butterfly Lovers” had been handed down for ages, it was possible for the Spiritual Insects Clan to replicate more similar masterpieces like this, but they could not be tragedies as the master of the Fang Family was not fond of those.

After taking a look around, Fang Ning felt joyful, hence he wanted to make a move.

Right then, Spirit King Bodhisattva asked with a sincere smile on his face, “Brother Dragon, what do you think of the stunning scenery?”

“It’s quite nice indeed, it’ll surely become a blessed spot in the future.” Fang Ning said with certainty.

“If that’s the case, I’m really grateful for the help that you’ve given us. I intend to share half of this place with you, Brother Dragon, what do you think?” Spirit King Bodhisattva said sincerely.

“Uh?” Fang Ning was suddenly stunned, this place was given by him to Spirit King Bodhisattva…

Of course, this realm originated from devilish energy, since he was not a professional, he could not subdue the Heavenly Axiom here.

It was totally different from Yin Energy Realm, rather than doing it for nothing, he might as well do him a favor since it would not be much of a trouble, and he could gain high rewards too…

After all, it was the help of the people which caused the defeat of Lei Tian, it was not done by just Vigilante A himself.

“Spirit King Bodhisattva is really generous indeed, we’ve gained a half-transformed land from doing nothing!” Sir System quickly pushed Fang Ning so that he would agree to it.

“Wait a minute, I somehow feel that something’s not right.” Fang Ning pondered a while then came to a sudden realization. “We’ve clearly become shareholders from lending him money! Something is not right, think about it, if we agree to this, half of this land will belong to us, how can we still ask him to repay us his debt?”

“Tss…” Sir System just realized. “I see, I can’t believe Bodhisattva is so cunning.”

“Hehe, he’s not cunning, he probably said that out of sincerity. I suppose he was thinking of getting closer to us.” Fang Ning said.

“Does that mean that he’s trying to flatter us?” Sir System said in disbelief, “He’s Bodhisattva from the upper realm, isn’t he?”

“Hehe, you’ve never seen the legend of Guanyin the Bodhisattva then, what does this even amount to? As compared to that mighty being, Spirit King Bodhisattva is quite reserved, you should know that we’re the ones with true strength now.” Fang Ning laughed proudly.

“Oh, I’ll look into it right now. Eh, it really is like that, in order to gain incense and expand schools, men can transform into women? Society, society. Conscientious systems like me really can’t understand…” Sir System was immediately convinced after it looked into it.

“I think it’ll be best if we simply agree to it.” Fang Ning said so.

“But if that’s the case, we’ll probably lose our rewards.” Sir System said reluctantly.

“Hehe, based on the current situation, it’ll be better to be secure. We’re gaining this land for nothing and we won’t have to worry about its environment in the future. Since there’s Bodhisattva from the upper realm to adjust the weather, it’ll be a prosperous place with smooth weather.” Fang Ning urged.

“I keep feeling that you’re fooling me again, I get it, are you trying to get a bunch of free writers for novels that you’d like to read? You’re trying to get close to them aren’t you?” Sir System suddenly became alert.

System Notification: [The System sees through the Host’s intention, intuition increased.]

“Uh…can there be more trust between humans and systems? I’m thinking for the bigger picture, do you know that a cunning person has more than one plan to fall back on; have you heard of the story of Alaska? A piece of land is never really useless, it’s all up to the time period, and we happen to have time for this.” Fang Ning thought hard to trick it.

“What you’re saying actually makes some sense, let’s accept this land then.” In the end, Sir System could not identify the bigger picture, it stopped being so resolute in its opinion.

Seeing that Vigilante A blanked out for a long time, Spirit King Bodhisattva did not rush him, he only waited quietly.

He knew that receiving gifts was a knowledge for some mighty beings, they would not accept gifts from just anyone.

A brief moment later, he got the answer he had been longing for.

“Thank you for your kindness, Bodhisattva, if that’s the case, I’ll accept your offer.” Vigilante A nodded and said.

Spirit King Bodhisattva was rather glad when he heard that, he finally managed to gift it to him.

Logically, a figure with a rank like his should never worry about such things.

Despite that, he was currently suffering a predestined fate.

Just moments ago, Devil Lord Zhi Nan, who used to be his old friend, was trying to take over this realm. He could not counteract his actions with his spiritual powers. If it was not for Brother Dragon who arrived in time, this realm would have already gotten a new owner.

There was nothing he could do as his physical body needed to repress countless devils in the upper realm, or else things would not have to turn out like this.

As for now, his only plan was to cling on to Vigilante A…

He helplessly thought to himself, ‘Being Bodhisattva might look like I’m high above everyone else, but unless I willingly enter a perishable realm, I’ll still have to face reality.’

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