Secret Marriage: Reborn as A Beautiful Model Student

Chapter 782 - Xie Xuning, Take Me with You!

Chapter 782: Xie Xuning, Take Me with You!

Her snow boots squeaked as she walked on the snow.

Shi Han’s words made her feel like she was on fire. She walked slowly to the middle of the temple.

The snow and wind were relentless that day. The visibility was poor which made it impossible for her to see from a distance.

Xie Yi’s warm face felt frozen in the cold. She thought she was fortunate to have a cup of ginger soup beforehand. Otherwise, she might have definitely caught a cold.

Xie Yi spotted a figure from afar wearing orange and blue.

Her feet moved towards him as if they were under her command.

“This sign implies that the person you want to find will eventually come to you.”

The benevolent monk, who interpreted the signature, explained the contents of the signature to him in detail.

Xie Xuning’s throat tightened and his eyes turned red. “Is that so?” he asked.

“Donor, all this is the will of the Buddha.”

Xie Xuning placed his palms together. Was it truly the will of the Buddha?

If the Buddha had a will, did it mean that his Linlang was truly alive?

She was somewhere out there in the world. One day she would walk up to him silently and surprise him.

“Thank you.”

Xie Xuning thanked him and put away the signature.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Xie Yi standing not too far away from him. Her nose was red and her eyes looked teary due to the chilling temperature.

“Dr. Xie, what are you doing here instead of staying in your room on such a cold day?”

Xie Xuning’s tone sounded a little harsh, which might’ve been caused by the nature of his work.

He rarely treated women tenderly aside from Ye Tianxin.

As his precious daughter, she was considered to be different from other women.

“I felt a little bored, so I decided to go out for a walk. Mr. Xie, how about you?”

Xie Xuning couldn’t tell her that he came out here to interpret the signature, so he said, “I also came out for a walk. You shouldn’t go too far. It’s snowing pretty hard tonight. Be careful on the roads since you may not see them.”

“I will be careful.”

As Xie Yi stared at Xie Xuning’s back, her heart pounded. She stood in the snowstorm and watched Xie Xuning’s figure drift away from her line of sight.

“Excuse me, master. Did the gentleman just come here to interpret his sign?”

The monk shook his head gently and said, “I can’t tell you, donor.”

“Well, that’s it.”

Xie Yi clearly remembered that Xie Xuning did not interpret the sign when they walked by this morning. She thought that he must have come to a professional to interpret the sign at the time.

“I don’t know what he was asking for, but I hope he gets what he wants.”

Xie Yi felt there was nothing much to do after walking around for a while.

She couldn’t even enjoy the beautiful scenery because of the snowstorm, so Xie Yi had to return to the fasting room.

As soon as she returned, she heard noisy footsteps coming from the yard.

She lifted the curtain and saw the monks rushing about. “What happened?

“Some travelers went down the mountain today and accidentally fell off a cliff.”

The abbot of the temple just received word that some members of a mountaineering team accidentally fell off a cliff as they were going down the mountain.

Xie Yi was startled by such terrible news. They could freeze to death even if they weren’t injured on such a cold day.

“What should we do? Have you notified the rescue team to go down the mountain?”

Of course, Xie Xuning received the news before Xie Yi did. He walked up to Xie Yi and said, “I have organized a temporary urgent rescue team.”

Xie Yi grabbed Xie Xuning’s sleeve in a panic and said, “I will go with you. As a doctor, I can provide emergency treatment to anyone who is injured.”

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