Secret Marriage: Reborn as A Beautiful Model Student

Chapter 549 - A Good Dog Won’t Block The Way, So Scram!【2】

Chapter 549: Chapter 549: A Good Dog Won’t Block The Way, So Scram!【2】


She said she was a dog?

Ye Youran had stayed in the detention center for such a long time, so she was no longer the little girl from before.

When she heard Xu Yuan’s words, she stood up abruptly, and directly smeared the meat-filling bread in her hand onto Xu Yuan’s face.

How could the petite and fragile Xu Yuan be Ye Youran’s opponent?

Ye Youran pressed Xu Yuan to the car and made several punches towards hidden parts of Xu Yuan’s body.

“I’m going to call the police.”

Xu Yuan was dumbfounded from being beaten up. How would she know that Ye Youran would be so violent?

“Call the police. I would just tell the police that you bribed me to destroy someone else’ appearance. That one hundred thousand will be evidence.”

After Ye Youran finished beating Xu Yuan, she looked at her triumphantly. Xu Yuan glared at Ye Youran with resentment.

Ye Youran couldn’t care less. She directly grabbed Xu Yuan’s Chanel bag, took out some cash from the wallet, and left.

Xu Yuan didn’t care about chasing after Ye Youran. She sat in the car and cried loudly when she saw herself in the mirror.

Her face was full of oil made from the bread filling. The oil also had the smell of green onion, ginger and garlic.

Xu Yuan’s whole body was trembling with rage. She didn’t expect a waiter who lived at the bottom of society would dare to treat her like this.

What was even more hateful ws that she dared not even call the police.

She gritted her teeth angrily, but there was nothing she could do.

She took out a tissue and wiped her face, then drove to a nearby shopping mall. She had to find a place to wash her hair and get a spa.

When Xu Yuan went to a SPA, she went to a place that she didn’t go to before. That was because the SPA was very high-end, and the cost of going there one time was enough to get an annual card at the SPA she went to.

But today, Xu Yuan was really angry, and she felt that she had to vent.

Otherwise, she might go crazy!

After Xu Yuan arrived at the club, she made a call while walking. She cursed Ye Tianxin. When Wu Tong passed by Xu Yuan, she was taken aback.

Ye Tianxin again?

She glanced at Xu Yuan calmly, only to see that Xu Yuan was Professor Xu’s daughter.

Wu Tong stopped Xu Yuan. “Are you… Xu Yuan? Professor Xu’s daughter?”

Xu Yuan turned around while holding her phone. She looked at the good-tempered lady in front of her, then asked a little puzzledly, “I’m Xu Yuan. May I ask, who are you?”

“I am Li Qingcang’s mother.”

Xu Yuan’s face suddenly turned red. She didn’t expect that she would meet Wu Tong at this moment, and she suddenly felt at a loss.


Wu Tong sneered in her heart when she saw Xu Yuan like this. Compared to Ye Tianxin, Xu Yuan’s character really paled in comparison.

She seemed so petty.

She wasn’t at all like Tianxin, who was brave enough to express her opinions during the first meeting.

“Xu Yuan, I just heard you mention Ye Tianxin on the phone, may I ask, what happened to her?”

Xu Yuan’s ears blushed, and for a moment, thousands of thoughts raced through her mind.

What should she say?

How should she tattletale discreetly?

To make Wu Tong hate Ye Tianxin?

“Ye Tianxin’s relationship affairs are a little bit messy…”

After Xu Yuan spoke, Wu Tong let out a “Oh”. “How about we find a place to sit down and have a discussion?”


Xu Yuan felt gleeful. She thought, perhaps she can use the method of making Wu Tong take a liking to her. This way… she will have support.

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