Secret Marriage: Reborn as A Beautiful Model Student

Chapter 1375 - Ye Tianxin Killed Herself Out of Guilt (1)

Chapter 1375: Ye Tianxin Killed Herself Out of Guilt (1)


The lawyer looked at Mrs. Wales and said in a low voice, “Ma’am, we’ll let you know if anything happens to Mr. Wales. Don’t worry.”

Mrs. Wales sat down on her chair. That oriental girl was a busybody.

If she had not intervened, Wales would not have lived. She could have been Wales’ legal successor.

Mrs. Wales clenched her fists tightly. She was thinking about what she could do to turn the situation around.

She could not just sit around and wait.

Otherwise, Wales would divorce her.

Mrs. Wales thought about it and took her bag into the washroom.

She drafted a text message and sent it to an unknown number from her phone. She then quickly deleted the message.

Mrs. Wales turned on the tap and washed her hands.

She was thinking about how she could continue to coax Wales.

She was repulsed by the thought of having to continue to spend her days with Wales.

“Ye Tianxin, have your meal.”

The door of the detention center opened. The attendant handed her a tray with s sandwich, a glass of milk, and a banana.

Ye Tianxin looked at the sandwich and thought that something was not right.

The sandwich did not look like what she ate the day before. There were far more ingredients in the sandwich and they looked fresher this time.

Ye Tianxin suddenly became wary of her surroundings.

She pried open the bread of her sandwich and looked inside. She noticed that there were glass fragments mixed with the salad dressing of the sandwich.

Ye Tianxin laughed coldly. Who wanted to kill her?

If she had died in the police station, the public would think that she had killed herself out of guilt. It would not appear to be odd and no one would bat an eyelid about it.

Ye Tianxin then took the glass of milk and smelled it. She put the glass aside.

The person who wanted to kill her did not know that she had undergone professional training by Qie Yiyan.

She would not fall easily for such amateur tricks.

It also showed that the person did not know her well enough.

“Ms. Ye, this way please.”

The door of the detention center opened again. It was Wales’ lawyer, who stood at the door and passed Ye Tianxin his name card.

“Hello, Ms. Ye. I am Mr. Wales’ private lawyer. Mr. Wales will be withdrawing all charges against you. This is all a misunderstanding.”

Ye Tianxin looked at the lawyer and pushed the plate with the sandwich in front of him.

“I’m glad that Mr. Wales is fine. But I hope that he can give me an explanation for this.”

The lawyer saw the glass fragments in the sandwich and was taken aback.

He had not expected this.

Who dared to do that?

“So, Ms. Ye, what do you want?”

Ye Tianxin looked at the sandwich. “Do you think I’d eat this and kill myself out of guilt?”

“I will pass the message to Mr. Wales.” The lawyer was dumbfounded.

Ye Tianxin looked at the policeman who accompanied the lawyer into the room. She continued in a low voice. “I want to see the people in my embassy. I suspect that someone in the police station wants to kill me. I want my embassy to do a thorough investigation about this matter.”

Ye Tianxin was firm and adamant. She did not want to negotiate at all and would not back down.

The policeman could not help but curse when he heard Ye Tianxin’s remark.

It was a trivial matter which had escalated into an international issue. He didn’t have to go through all of this trouble at all.

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