Secret Marriage: Reborn as A Beautiful Model Student

Chapter 1235 - The Proposal to Ye Tianxin (1)  

Chapter 1235: The Proposal to Ye Tianxin (1)

Someone had cleaned the apartment. All the green plants in the apartment were full of vitality.

“Brother Li, when did you come over here?”

Ye Tianxin noticed that the coffee table in the center of the living room was moved to the side. On the carpet, red rose petals were laid out in a heart shape.

In the center of the heart was a small red embroidered box.

“Silly girl. You should say something to reflect on this romantic moment.”

Li Qingcang reached out to the embroidered box. He knelt with one leg in front of Ye Tianxin.

He opened the embroidered box in his hand, took out a simple platinum ring, and lifted it towards Ye Tianxin’s face.

“Tianxin, will you marry me? Will you be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part?”

Ye Tianxin’s eyes sparkled with tears.

She could hear her heart pounding.

She could never imagine something like this happening in her previous life.

She could never imagine that someone would love her and cherish her enough to kneel before her and ask her for marriage.

From now on, no matter what was laying before them, either fierce battles or blossom flowers, they would stay together, like a pair of typical lovers in an ordinary marriage.

There were going to start a new journey together.

Li Qingcang’s eyes shined as the luminous stars in the sky.

His world had turned bright and colorful since she arrived in his life.

She came into his life like a fairy who fell into the secular world.

She became a part of his life that nobody else could replace.

“Yes, I will.”

Ye Tianxin was going to say that she was stubborn and foolish. She also had little secrets and had plans for her life.

She had also rehearsed through her mind the many romantic phrases she could say in a moment like this.

Then she realized that…no matter what she said, nothing was more appropriate than those three words.

Li Qingcang held Ye Tianxin’s hands with profound love. He put the plain ring on Ye Tianxin’s middle finger and kissed it.

“Even though I cannot give you a perfect wedding at this moment, I promise that the day will come fairly soon. So, Ye Tianxin, can you wear the ring on this finger for now?”

Ye Tianxin nodded with her eyes in tears.

He was the stars in the sky, the Sun in the freezing winter.

He was the light in her life that no one can replace.


Ye Tianxin’s tears fell from her face.

The sound of her tears dropping was like the spring rain falling on the surface of a lake.

The surface of the lake rippled.

“Is it time for a kiss?”

Jing Zhichen poked his head out of the bedroom and shook the camera in his hands after hiding inside the bedroom impatiently.

What was taking so long?

“Get out of here!”

Li Qingcang picked up a book and threw it at Jing Zhichen’s face.

“Boss, you cannot do this to me. You always treat me like a slave whenever you need me and kick me out when you don’t want me around. That’s not fair. I am learning how to please girls, too. It might become useful when I find a girlfriend in the future!”

Ye Tianxin could not help but laugh aloud when she heard Jing Zhichen’s smooth-talk.

Jing Zhichen stepped out of hiding. He walked in front of them and said in a low voice, “Tianxin, boss, you two will be blessed.”

They will live blessed and happy lives.

The proposal was merely the icing on the cake for Ye Tianxin.

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