Secret Marriage: Reborn as A Beautiful Model Student

Chapter 1227 - Grandpa Li Wants a Divorce (3)

Chapter 1227: Grandpa Li Wants a Divorce (3)

“We’ve been married for so long. Now, hearing you say you want a divorce is like stabbing my heart with a knife.”

Grandma Li’s character was overbearing. She was never satisfied with what she had. Give her an inch and she will take a yard.

Grandpa Li had no choice but to force it on her.

“Wu Tong, you don’t have to divorce Li Hang. This has nothing to do with him. She will never disturb you or your family anymore.” Grandpa Li assured Wu Tong. He would take Grandma Li away from their lives forever.

Grandpa Li stared hard at Grandma Li.

One could accuse him of being heartless or ruthless, but he didn’t care.

He only did not want her to destroy his grandchildren.

Grandma Li looked pitifully at Grandpa Li. She cupped her face with her hands and started wailing.

“What kind of person am I to you? You have never treated me as your wife. You have never loved me.”

Grandpa Li’s eyes teared up too.

He had to admit that he had never loved her, but how could she say that he had never regarded her as his wife?

“If I’ve never treated you as my wife, when I was at the peak of my career, I would have divorced you once I reached the peak of my career. Did I? I got a teacher to teach you how to read and write, to learn new things. All you ever did was to grumble, believing that I thought you are not educated and look down on you. I asked you to learn etiquette, but you chased the teacher away. Ask yourself how have I treated you all these years. What more do you want me to do?”

Grandma Li said accusingly, “That’s because there is another woman in your heart. You’ve always hated me.”

“Another woman? Ha!” Grandpa Li laughed coldly. “If I really have another woman, do you think our marriage would have lasted till now?”

Grandpa Li had focused on his career when his marriage failed.

Many people had advised him not to continue his marriage. They felt that an uneducated woman like her was not worthy of him.

However, he never thought of divorcing her during his prime.

If he abandoned his wife once he became successful, it would make him no different from an ingrate.

“Then why do you want to divorce now?”

“Do you remember how poorly you treated Xingchen when she was younger?”

Li hang and Wu Tong had Xingchen soon after their marriage.

After Xingchen was born, Grandpa Li decided to let Grandma Li look after Xingchen since she did not want to go out and work.

She ended up mistreating the baby girl because she favored boys over girls like all traditional families.

“i’m not the only one. When I was young…”

Grandma Li tried to defend herself once again.

“Okay, let’s not talk about it anymore. Let’s just get a divorce. I’m just tired after dealing witht his for so many years.”

Grandpa Li could remember those days clearly.

He had been soft-hearted.

Time and again, he caved in.

Now, he did not want to be soft-hearted or give in anymore. He did not want to drag on this matter any longer.

Divorce was the best solution.

“You are all forcing me to do something I don’t want me to do. Do you want me to die?”

Grandma Li shouted at her family members. Nobody stood up for her or even sided with her.

“I already told you. If anyone pushes you over the wall, it’s just me. I will accept whatever punishment. Just leave the children out of this.”

Grandpa Li took out the separation agreement and placed it in front of Grandma Li.

He had already signed on the piece of paper.

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