Secret Marriage: Reborn as A Beautiful Model Student

Chapter 1140 - Brother Li, You Smell So Good

Chapter 1140 Brother Li, You Smell So Good

“Are you unhappy?”

Ye Tianxin was so gloomy.

It’s really annoying.

It’s very annoying. It’s so annoying. “Brother Li, I don’t like Ying Yimei.”

Ye Tianxin was not a hypocrite, she just didn’t like Ying Yimei.

The calculation in Ying Yimei’s eyes was so obvious that Ye Tianxin wanted to tear her face apart. “It’s fine if you don’t like her. She’s not even that important. Why bother wasting your anger on someone so insignificant?”

Li Qingcang stretched out his hand and squeezed Ye Tianxin’s small face. Her face was full of collagen. He felt good when he squeezed


It was elastic.

He felt that he simply couldn’t part with it.

“Brother Li, I think Ying Yimei will steal you from me.”

Ying Yimei’s presence had given Ye Tianxin a heightened sense of danger. She had to hold Li Qingcang firmly in her hands.

“Little Tianxin, you have to have faith in me. I can’t be taken away from you by just anyone. What do I have to do to make you believe in me?”

Ye Tianxin straddled Li Qingcang’s body, and she nuzzled in Li Qingcang’s arms like a kitten.

“Brother Li, I really want to plant a cup on you, so that you will always be mine.”

Li Qingcang pursed his lips and smiled. There was a faint blue light in his eyebrows.

“There’s no need. Tianxin, I am all yours, and nobody will steal me away.”

Ye Tianxin buried her head into Li Qingcang’s neck and took a deep breath of his breath, which was as cool as mint and as cold as cedar.

“Brother Li, you smell so good.” Ye Tianxin desperately wanted to do one thing, but she couldn’t.

Her ears turned red.

She had to wait for the right time to do it.

This was to ensure that their little Jin would come to them exactly as planned.

He just came to them and became their little son.

“Are you feeling better now?”

Li Qingcang hugged Ye Tianxin’s thin waist.

Ye Tianxin didn’t know that her posture hurt Li Qingcang

He was an average adult man.

Sometimes, as long as he thought of her or smelled her breath, he became so beastly that he wanted to violate her on the spot. “Brother Li, you are so kind.”

Ye Tianxin’s eyebrows were shining. She’s so lucky to have met someone like him: a man who loved, adored, and protected her.

“Little Tianxin, you are so easy to be satisfied.”

She was already satisfied with such a bit of goodness.

Li Qingcang couldn’t help thinking that he wanted to treat her better in the future. Otherwise, his little Tianxin would be in a bad state.

Just then, Li Qingcang’s cell phone rang. As soon as Li Qingcang saw the text on the screen, he handed the phone to Ye Tianxin.

The person who sent the text was Ying Yimei.

Ye Tianxin clicked on the text that Ying Yiwei wrote:

“I’m sorry for my disappointing behavior today. My sister-in-law must think I am a bad woman. Please apologize to her for me. I just don’t like the blind date that my mother arranged for me on her own terms, but I couldn’t find a suitable reason to refuse her, so I… did that. Brother, I have arrived home safely. Good night.”

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