Second World Novel

Chapter 737. The Amazing Dragonman

Chapter 737. The Amazing Dragonman

The air behind Jack compressed before exploding. His body was then pushed forward at high speed. He was not unfamiliar with this sensation because it was the same effect as a spell from a magic scroll he had used in the past, the Wind Jet spell. Except here, it was an innate ability of the Supreme Dragon form that required no casting time.

He dove down directly towards the Ice Demon Fiend. Once Jack came to certain proximity, the Ice Demon Fiend reacted. It jumped with its two claw-like wings stabbing upward.

The two crashed into each other in the air. Their collision caused an explosion of wind that radiated out. Both Jack and the Ice Demon Fiend rebounded from the impact. Jack was thrown back into the air, while the Ice Demon Fiend was slammed into the ground. The demon's fall created a large crater on the ground.

"Amazing!" Jack uttered. His direct physical clash had indicated that his supreme dragon form was even stronger than this higher-level rare elite demon. He didn't have to worry about a direct clash while in this form.

Yet, he chose to cast and execute all his range spells and skills while flying. The Ice Demon Fiend's skeletal wings were incomplete, so it can't fly as Jack did. The demon could only watch helplessly on the ground while being battered by all the attacks. The demon formed some ice balls on its palms and threw them upward, but the balls' range was greatly reduced since they defied gravity. None of the ice balls hit Jack while Jack's attacks easily fell onto where the Ice Demon Fiend was standing.

'A Flying unit is truly superior,' Jack thought. However, his range damages were not as high as his melee. He could slowly wear this Ice Demon Fiend down with this flying bombardment if his beast form had no time limit, but it did, so he couldn't waste time like this. Also, there was the environmental mana buildup. He didn't have all the time in the world.

So, after testing the flying harassment, Jack dove down again to where the Ice Demon Fiend was. He activated his new skill, Phantom Blade, which he had acquired after becoming a level 45 Blade Dancer. Shadow copies of his claws appeared behind his two arms. As he clashed with the demon, this phantom claw followed his every attack, bypassing the demon's blocks.

Jack utilized his sword art together with his game skills as he battled the Ice Demon Fiend in close combat. The demon was continuously getting pushed back. Jet and the others were awed as they watch the duels. Was this rare elite level 50 demon wasn't as strong as what they were told?

Blade orbs continued to swirl around Jack's arm one after another. Because of his set equipment's effect, his blade orbs no longer reset as long as he didn't miss the strike. With the phantom blade skill, the unblockable hits continued to produce blade orbs, until they culminated in thirty blade orbs, boosting his damage by 30%.

The demon was continuously pushed until it almost reached the ice spear fence that circumvented the basin. Its HP continuously went down at a steady rate. Jack heard its low growl as mana gathered in its body. He immediately flew back as Ice Ring exploded out.

<br/>The Ice Demon Fiend's unusually large mouth on its torso lighted up. It was about to use its freezing ice beam! In response, Jack's large dragon neck was also lighting up. As the demon's large mouth opened and a thick ice beam blasted out, Jack also opened his maw. A thick beam of bluish-white beam poured forth. This beam was Jack's supreme dragon's Soul Breath. It was a breath attack that delivered soul damage.

The two beams collided. A strong energy shockwave radiated out, knocking everything away, but the two opposing beings stood their ground. The beams that came out of their mouths continued to pour forth, trying to assert dominance over one another.

After several seconds, the ice beam was slowly pushed back by the soul breath. Jack started to take a step forward, while the Ice Demon Fiend took a step back. The ice beam was getting pushed back rapidly.

Seeing that its ice beam was losing. It canceled the beam and a sphere of ice encapsulated its body. Without the ice beam's hindrance, Jack's soul breath shot forth and slammed into this ice sphere. An enormous explosion resulted.

Jet and the others felt the wind of the explosion hit them. If they could feel the force from so far here, they couldn't imagine how strong the explosion would feel from up close.

When the explosion subsided, the Ice Demon Fiend was visible again. Its ice sphere had been completely broken. It didn't look to be in a good shape either. One of the skeletal wings on its back was broken. Its HP was only a quarter left.

The Ice Demon Fiend decided to use its ultimate skill. The ice spear fence behind the demon started shivering before they shot up. All the ice spears disappeared into the dark sky above before falling to where Jack was standing. The demon had concentrated all the spears on Jack's location.

Jack decided to test his supreme dragon form's defensive skill. His two large bat-like wings came forward and covered his body. The skill was called Wing Shield.

The spears started battering at these wings non-stop. The number of falling spears was so dense that Jet and the others couldn't see Jack through the spears. The attack lasted for a long time. When the last spear fell, they saw Jack was still there with his two wings covering him.

Jack opened the wings and checked himself. No wounds. He didn't even lose a single HP. This wing shield negated all attacks so long as it didn't cross a threshold that it could block, similar to shield equipment. The total damage by all the ice spears might be impressive, but each of the individual spear's damage was not enough to penetrate the shield's defense, so they were all negated.

Jet and the others looked at Jack with open mouths. "Isn't that beast form a bit too overpowered?" Jet muttered.

Jack checked the time, his beast form duration had less than three minutes left. He figured that he was done with his experiment and he should finish this fight. He called out his Spirit Weapon and activated the Overlimit of his Storm Breaker. His right claw was now crackling with white light and black lightning.

His spirit weapon activated its melee mode since the enemy was nearby. Its blade broke into two parts and became a dual-sword entity. Together with Jack, it was like two swordsmen unleashing Formless Flowing Sword Style against a single opponent. The Ice Demon Fiend was unable to compete against Jack before this, it was even more so now. Its HP continued to decrease.

When its life was critical, Jack decided to give Jet and the others a show. He called out his runestone of luck and then unleashed his Lightning Barrage while at the same time commanding his Spirit Weapon to activate its finishing mode. The spirit weapon turned into a large black sword and stabbed into the dying Ice Demon Fiend. The twenty lightning balls landed then. The resulting explosion was even more spectacular than the previous soul breath.

What remained after were loots on the ground.

It took Jet and the others a few seconds before they snapped out of their trances and ran to where Jack was. Jack had returned to his human form and was currently inspecting the loots.

"Jack boy, weren't those last assaults a bit overkill?" Jet said when he arrived. "It's completely unnecessary. The demon will still fall even if you continue with normal attacks."

"That's true," Jack said. He then grinned, "but it's cool, wasn't it?"

"Damn right, it was!" Jet said as he joined Jack in studying the loot.

"I have already taken the exp pills. No Thousand-Year Wine. You guys can roll on these remaining drops," Jack said.

"Are you sure?" Jet asked. "You single-handedly killed this Ice Demon Fiend. The way I see it. All these loots are yours."

Jack shrugged. "No need to worry. Just help yourself. I've already taken what I want. These remaining ones are of no interest to me."

'No interest?' Everyone thought. There were several rare-grade equipments on the ground, there was even one super-rare grade shoulder armor. If anyone else uttered the sentence, they would consider the guy to be boasting, but Jack's equipment had already outclassed these rare-grade pieces.

They then started rolling to determine who got what. But the coins and mana cores were also all taken by Jack, he was donating them to the guild. It had been decreed to all guild members that all coins and mana cores from legacy dungeon runs would be donated to the guild.

After coming out of the legacy dungeon, Jack proceeded to the training caves. In the following days, while waiting for Fierce Flame, he spent them in between these two facilities.

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