Second World Novel

Chapter 687. Orc Vs Vampire

Chapter 687. Orc Vs Vampire

A wall of lightning came up with Flarement right in the middle. His Barrier had burst apart by then but he managed to complete his spell. His armored lizard appeared beside him.

Flarement wanted to move away from the lightning wall but he was paralyzed by the lightning. Before he could recover, a ring of light appeared around him and locked him in place. Blackhole had cast Magic Bind, preventing Flarement from moving away. Flarement was now suffering from continuous damage from both Arcane Turbulence and Lightning Wall.

His armored lizard tried to advance, but it was slowed because it was also within the Arcane Turbulence area.

Blackhole had been casting another spell again. He never stopped casting one spell after another. A large fireball appeared and rushed at the immobilized Flarement. It crashed onto him and caused Burn. His HP went down to a dangerous level.

The Arcane Turbulence had completed its duration and disappeared, but the magic bind and lightning wall were still there. The lightning wall gave him continuous damage as well as non-stop chances of getting paralyzed as long as he stayed within the lightning wall.

He panicked seeing his HP continued to go down but could not do anything to release himself from the magic bind. One could force oneself free from a magic bind if one had sufficient strength. But he was a magic user which had a low stat in strength. He could only watch helplessly as his HP was depleted.

Flarement's armored lizard that was still walking towards Blackhole disappeared. Pallas declared Blackhole as the winner and announced the end of the individual matches for today.

Everyone was amazed. Aside from Arthur Bagrat, all the other individual matches were won by the lucky players who had acquired lucky wins. Nobody expected these lucky players to also be hidden experts.


After the twenty minutes break, the semifinal team match started.


Team Section Match 3: Orc Vs vampire

Orc Team

Violent Blizzard, level 46 Avenger

Four Winds, level 46 Berserker

Disco Rain, level 46 Assassin

Water Lily, level 46 Elementalist

Purple Mist, level 46 Priest


Vampire Team

Loudshield, level 46 Sentinel

Operator, level 46 Technocraft

Jungletrek, level 46 Beastmaster

Susan, level 46 Summoner

Naturecall, level 46 Druid


"The vampire team…," Jack mumbled.

"What about it?" Paytowin asked.

"It's going to be quite crowded," Jack replied simply.

"Do you still think one of these teams sent the assassin yesterday?" Domon whispered.

"I think so," Jack answered.

Pallas opened the portals for the two teams and they went inside their respective portals. Everyone turned to the projections up in the sky to see where they ended up at.

It was a region filled with hot lava rivers, hills, and small volcanoes that spewed out lava.

<br/>Inside this arena dimension, the two teams came out to a scorching and smearing landscape. Lava geysers shot out at an interval along the routes before them. Sometimes an explosion occurred at one of the volcanoes' craters, this explosion created a rain of fiery meteors that landed on an area randomly.

"Let's head out," Four Winds ordered and they took the most direct route, the central path.

From the projection outside, everyone saw that the vampire team did the same. The two teams showed every indication that they wanted to finish this match with speed. However, when the vampire team was halfway, the beastmaster call out his wolf pack. Seven wolves ran forward in a fan formation.

This wolf pack soon met the orc team who had taken the straight route as well. But instead of engaging, they ran back and warned their master. The vampire team members started casting spells.

Susan summoned her avatar, a giant lizard, a fae, and eight dirt golems. Naturecall summoned two tall treants. Jungletrek called out his pet, a minotaur. Operator threw his techno golem ball which transformed into a large squarely and clunky-looking robot.

"You are right, it is crowded," Paytowin remarked.

The small army then moved forwards, with the summons spearheading the march. The two teams came into view of each other. The orc team could now see the army of summons heading their way.

"If it is me, I will retreat first and wait for the duration of that summons to expire. This way, it will only leave the pet and the techno golem to be dealt with."

"Apparently, the orc team is not you," Jack commented.

The orc team continued marching forward, unfazed by the increased number of their opponents. An explosion took place from one of the nearby volcanoes. The volcanic rocks from that explosion rained down right at the middle where the two teams would have met. So, they halted their advances while it happened.

Once the rain of molten rocks ended, one woman sped forward from the orc team. It was Violent Blizzard. Her other four teammates followed behind.

The vampire team was not to be outdone, their marching summons also rushed forward while they followed closely from behind.

Violent Blizzard showed no fear against the incoming mass of summons. Her speed didn't diminish. When the summons were almost upon her, she jumped with her silver greatsword held high. The giant aura of a blue sword with two large wings appeared. She slashed down. The energy of this Blue Wing Slash cut towards the summons. The energy spread out and pushed the summons to two sides. The summons were both damaged and faltered from that powerful skill.

Her four teammates separated into two teams, Four Winds and Purple Mist took the left side while Disco Rain and Water Lily went to the right. Water Lily cast her Ice Field. The group of summons on the right was all caught within the spell, suffering damage and were slowed.

Water Lily followed up by casting Arcane Turbulence which was different than normal. There was a fence of chains around the spell's circular edge. The monsters inside couldn't escape the spell due to these chains. Water Lily had used a seed to transform her Arcane Turbulence into Prison Turbulence.

With one portion of the summons locked by Water Lily's Prison Turbulence, Disco Rain dove into the midst of the rest and started stabbing with high speed.

At the left-wing, Four Winds also dove into the summons' midst without care and started slashing. Purple Mist cast Bless on him and he activated his Enhanced Berserk. His two axes slashed wildly, creating starlights all around him. Every incoming opponent was repelled and damaged at the same time. Violent Blizzard came and joined his side soon.

Any other team would have gone to finish off the summoners instead of wasting time with the summons. Yet, this orc team seemed to show the intention of beating the summons first.

The vampire players didn't stay idle. Operator placed traps before them before joining Susan, and Naturecall in dishing out ranged attacks. Operator was using a gun for a weapon. Jungletrek ran forward and turned into a werebear, he joined his summons and clashed with Violent Blizzard. Loudshield stayed to protect the remaining three players just in case any of the orcs charged over.

Despite the overwhelming numbers, it was the summoned creatures that were at a disadvantage. The wolves died one after another, the dirt golems as well. The battle which was at the two fronts started to converge into the middle. The five orcs worked together using the Five Poles Formation, thinning out the herds further.

When the vampires saw the five grouped up again, Susan and Naturecall started casting the big spells. Runes appeared one after another. Susan completed her spell first. The cloud above turned dark. Crackles and thunders were heard. The black cloud parted and a shining ball crackling with electricity fell. When it fell to the height of around twenty meters from the ground, it exploded. Uncountable lightning spears came crashing down. It was Summoner's Elemental Spirit. In this case, it was the lightning spirit.

Because there were too many summons blocking the view, the vampire team didn't notice Purple Mist was also casting a spell. Before the lightning spears came down, Purple Mist had completed her spell and the five orcs disappeared. They appeared soon behind the vampire team. Purple Mist had used Mass Teleportation to get to the enemy's rear while dodging the destructive spell.

But before they could ambush the vampire team, Naturecall turned around. She had not cast her spell. She had purposely slowed down her casting. The vampire team had seen Purple Mist's Mass Teleportation from the last match so they were aware of it. Naturecall completed her spell at this time. It was the spell of Wild Stampede. A crowd of wildebeests appeared and started rampaging towards the orc team.

In the last match, the orc team had used Mass Teleportation to escape this spell. Now they had used it to escape the Elemental Spirit spell, so they couldn't use it again. Additionally, the vampire team didn't just position themselves randomly. They had stood with their backs not far from a flowing lava river. So, when the orc team teleported behind them, it was their backs that were facing the lava river now. With the stampede coming, they would be pushed into this lava river.

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