Second World Novel

Chapter 591 - 591. Wicked Witches’ Challenge

John then led the Saint Edge group away in another direction. Jack watched them go before resuming heading to the teleportation chamber, Jason followed along beside him.

They came out in Thereath's Zone Portal and Jack hailed a carriage to carry him and Jason to Ellie's Restaurant. Jack had received a reply from Ellie about the room number. He had originally asked Jeanny, but Jeanny told him to just let her handle the meeting.

Jack asked her if she was alone. She answered yes. He then asked if her mother came alone as well. She answered that her mother came with some retinues. Jack replied by saying that it would only be fair if he came to accompany her as well then. She didn't object but she didn't tell him where they were meeting as well. Jack could see the girl was becoming indecisive when it came to the issue with her family. John made the right call of calling him back.

Along the way, he used Inspect randomly. The level distribution among the players was more varied now. The mainstream had levels around 42 to 44 as was previously reported to him. But he also saw several that were still around level 30. Some were even around level 10 and they didn't look to be players who focused only on their auxiliary skills.

Jack figured those lower-level ones were those that had died recently. Now that players did more traveling, not everyone focused on just leveling up. They spent more time traveling so their levels fell behind others who were still heavily focused on exp farming. And with travels, there came more risks due to unknown environment, casualties occurred. Hence, this caused the difference in levels to become much more varied compared to before.

Arriving in front of Ellie's restaurant, he marveled at the max-upgraded building. It was eight-story tall now, dwarfing Amy's bakery beside it. Business was also looking good. The first floor was full. He didn't have the time to marvel at the restaurant's changes for too long, though. He headed directly to the VIP room informed by Ellie.

When he was in front of the door to the aforementioned room. He acted politely and knocked. The door was opened by a rough-looking woman. Jack scanned her, she was a level 44 Berserker.

"Who are you?" The berserker woman asked curtly.

"I'm with Jeanny. She is inside, isn't she?" Jack replied politely.

Instead of answering Jack, the woman looked inside for a while before turning back and said to Jack, "There is no such person here. Go away!"

She was just about to close the door when Jack gave the door-leaf a strong kick. The impact sent the berserker woman flying across the room.

"Damn, Jack boy. I don't remember you to be a hooligan," Jason commented from behind.

Jack just chuckled and motioned for him to follow as he stepped into the room. He didn't forget to check on the door he just kicked. No damage. Good, meaning no need for a repair.

There were five other persons in the room aside from the berserker woman who was currently on the floor. One was Jeanny, the other four sat opposite her. Three of those four had stood up when their doorkeeper got sent flying.

"Who are you?!" Uttered one of the women whose countenance looked very much like Jeanny, but not old enough to be her mother. A spear appeared in her hand.

"You…!" Another voice was heard. Now this one Jack recognized. She was Queen Magenta.

"How are you, beautiful hag?" Jack greeted her.

"Who did you call a hag?!" She scolded. She also took out her magic staff.

"I did add beautiful, didn't I?" Jack tried to defend.

"Stop!" Jeanny was standing up now. "This is Storm Wind, he is the co-leader to my guild. I invited him here."

She did not, but with how things were proceeding, a fight might break out if she didn't say something.

"Your ex-guild, don't you mean?" the woman amongst the four who remained seated said. She was the calmest in this situation. She was looking at Jack sharply. Her age looked similar to Queen Magenta. Jack could see Jeanny's features on her face, Jack was sure then that this woman was Jeanny's mother, the main leader of Wicked Witches.

She was also an elf, the same as the other women in this room aside from Jeanny and Queen Magenta.

The berserker woman who fell to the floor had risen. She was holding a battle-axe and was just about to lunge at Jack when Jeanny's mother lifted a hand to stop her.

"Mister Storm Wind, I have heard many things about you," Jeanny's mother, who Jack inspected to have the alias of Nova, said. Jack was slightly glad that this leader didn't use any funny moniker like Empress or something like that. He was worried at first considering there were players like Queen Magenta and Princess Purple in that guild.

"Not all of them bad, I hope," Jack said and sat beside Jeanny without waiting for an invitation.

Jason, who tried to be a gentleman, remained standing by the door. The berserker woman came back to the door, when she used Inspect and found out about Jason's level and class, she said, "move aside, weak man!"

Still trying to be a gentleman, Jason complied and stood a bit further. Next to where Jack was sitting. Jack turned to him and gave him a look that said, 'Why don't you sit down?'

He returned with a look that said, 'I'm fine standing.'

"Why do you come here?" Queen Magenta asked curtly after sitting back down. Her magic staff was still ready in her hand.

"I'm here to make sure you don't poach our leader," Jack said.

"What poach? My sister's place is right here with us. She has no business playing around with a small guild like yours," the woman with the spear who looked like Jeanny said.

"Small guild like ours? My good-looking sister, we are currently number one in the guild chart. If we are small, aren't yours considered tiny then?" Jack replied.

"Who is your sister?! Your guild is just lucky to get the resources that get recognized by this world system. In terms of real prestige, your greenhorn guild is nothing compares to ours."

"I remembered someone called me lucky as well when I placed first in the tutorial rank. I put that person down," Jack said as he glanced at Queen Magenta. "As a matter of fact, your so-called large guilds had made several attempts on us little guild, but we still kicked their asses back. If you think that was because at that time your pretty ass was not here, then you are welcome to try and see how we kick your pretty ass this time."

"You have a real foul mouth," Nova remarked.

Jeanny's sister, who Jack scanned to have the alias of Jennifer, stood up again. Her spear was back in her hand. "I welcome your challenge! A backwater player like you who gets a big head just because you never fought a real expert, I will teach you a lesson."

"Is she for real? She is calling you and the others as fake experts," Jack said to Queen Magenta, who turned away without dignifying Jack with a response.

"Stop, everyone!" Jeanny stood up as well this time. "Mother, I have told you. I'm not interested in becoming a part of the Wicked Witches. I have my own guild now. One that I build with my own hands and my friends. I won't let that go."

"Sister, why are you being so stubborn!" Jennifer uttered.

Nova frowned at her daughter's words, "Are you sure about this, Jeanny? You know we won't let this go."

"As my friend said. You are welcome to try. We are not weaklings who you can push around," Jeanny said. She then said to Jack, "let's go."

"Oh? We are done?" Jack said with a surprise. He just got here. He thought he still needed to quarrel a little bit more.

Jason wanted to open the door for Jeanny, but the berserker woman stopped him. "Madam has not yet excused you, people."

She attempted to shove Jason, who she considered a weak level 36 healer. Jason caught her hand as he used his long staff to lock and pull her forward. Increasing the momentum of the woman's pushing attempt. Jason sent her flipping before falling hard on her back.

"I'm sorry," Jason said. He then opened the door for Jeanny.

Jennifer and the other woman, who was a sentinel, wanted to take action but Nova held them. Nova also asked the fuming berserker woman to stand down.

"I'm sorry again, mother," Jeanny said.

"As do I," Nova replied.

Once they were outside, Jack asked Jeanny, "What's that about your mother said they won't let this go? Are they issuing us a challenge?"

"Yes. In case if I refuse, they want a showdown with our guild. But just the players. We are not to include our guild's trained units. They wanted to point out that in terms of players' quality, theirs are superior. They wanted to show me that it was a waste of time to stay in Everlasting Heavenly Legends."

"Only players?"

"Yes, we select two hundred players. They will do the same. We then fight only with those numbers."

"Two hundred? What a joke. Let me rout them all by myself!" Jack exclaimed.

When Jeanny wanted to tell him not to underestimate Wicked Witches' core members, she heard a voice notification. In fact, not only her. Every member of Everlasting Heavenly Legends received the same notification, including Jack.

"Alert! Your guild core is under attack."

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