Second World Novel

Chapter 577 - 577. The Two Tomes

Jack suddenly worried that the danger might not have passed. There was very little they know about this young vampire Count. They had heard his side of the story, but how much of them were true? He could probably be planning to end everyone here to cover his secret as a member of the Vampire race.

Jack gripped his Storm Breaker. One thing reassuring was his sword was still in the Overlimit state. The four minutes duration was quite long.

Jack also used Inspect on Arlcard.

Arlcard Maxius (Rare Elite Vampire, Mature), level 45

HP: 410,000

The Ancient Blood Awakening Potion's effect had ended, Arlcard's level had gone down, but why was it higher than before he took the potion? Not to mention his rare elite grade remained.

'That should be the effect of him sucking Aubelard's blood,' Jack heard Peniel's voice in his mind.

Arlcard stood up. Jack instinctively took a step back. The vampire noticed Jack's cautious act. He didn't make any response. He walked towards the altar.

Jack realized Charlene was still sleeping on the stone altar. He hurriedly ran over there before Arlcard. He used one hand to gently pick Charlene up while his other hand was still having Storm Breaker at the ready.

"How is she still sleeping throughout the noise of our battle? Was she drugged or under a spell?" Jack asked Peniel.

"She was under a spell," it was Arlacard who answered. "Lie her back down. I will remove the spell that lulls her."

Jack didn't immediately put her down.

"Don't worry. I won't cause her harm," Arlcard said.

"Really? How many times have you tasted human blood?" Jack asked.

"Never," Arlcard replied.

Jack was taken aback by the answer. He said, "Dude, if you say you have only tasted human blood once a year or only a few times since you turn, it is more believable. Do you truly expect me to believe you have never tasted one for almost a century as a vampire?"

"Believe what you want, I care not," Arlcard replied.

"How do you survive without human blood?" Jack asked again.

"Animal blood," Arlcard replied.

Jack still found it hard to believe, but his instinct somehow tell him that the vampire was telling the truth. Perhaps that was also the reason why Arlcard's mana was not as black as Aubelard and his other creations. If this was true, Jack had found a new respect for this vampire.

Jack laid Charlene back onto the altar. Arlcard cast a spell with four runes spell formation. Jack sensed the strange mana affecting Charlene dispersed after Arlcard's spell.

"That is Dispel," Peniel explained. "Very useful spell. You should be able to get this spell from Order of Magi."

Charlene slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a few times before looking around in confusion.

"Who are you, misters? Where am I?" She asked with an innocent expression.

Jack thought the girl was going to cry. Probably Aubelard had placed her under enchantment the whole time, making it easier for the girl to be managed.

Since the girl was oblivious of her situation, Jack didn't want to give her a scare. "You are lost, little girl. But no need to worry. Big brother here will take you back to your parents. Come," Jack said with the friendliest possible manner.

The girl seemed to have a long thought before replying, "My mom told me to not follow strangers. Although uncle looked nice, I'm afraid I can't go with you."

"Uncle, hahaha…," Peniel laughed at Charlene's comment. Jack was irritated by it. 'I am so young, how can you call me uncle?'

"A fairy!" Charlene beamed when she noticed Peniel. "Sister fairy, can I play with you?"

"Hey, I'm not a toy!" Peniel replied.

"Haha, look! It's a fairy toy!" Jack returned the laugh, which earned Peniel's deadly stare.

"Sister, are you angry? I didn't mean to make you mad. I'm sorry," Charlene said to Peniel.

Peniel, hearing the girl, turned gentle and said to her, "That's okay. I'm not angry. How about this? I will play with you once you are back at your house. This uncle might seem scary but he is a good man. You can trust him."

"And I am not a stranger," Jack joined in. "See, I know your name. You are Charlene, aren't you? Your father and mother asked me to look for you. So you can trust me."

"That's true," Peniel said. "We will bring you back to your father and mother. You want to see them again, right?"

Charlene nodded. "Okay. I trust you, sister fairy," she said sweetly.

Jack was morose. 'What about me?' He thought.

Charlene continued to chat with Peniel. Jack sent her a thought telling her to watch over the girl first. He had a few more things to discuss with Arlcard before leaving. But first, he went to where Aubelard and Ephiltes had fallen. They had dropped a few loots. Sidney and Harper didn't drop any because they were killed by Aubelard and Jack didn't attack them at all.

Aside from coins and mana cores, loots from Aubelard consisted of one super rare armor, one super-rare material, one unique-grade seed, and an insignia. The super-rare material was a Magic Crystal, one of the materials he needed to upgrade his Lightning God Blessing and Orb of disguise. Drops from Ephiltes was a super rare sword.

Jack pocketed the coins, mana cores, super rare equipment, and the magic crystal. He took a better look at the seed, sword, and insignia.

Vampiric Seed (Super rare consumable)

Evolve a skill

Blood Count Insignia (Unique Insignia, for guild purpose only)

Allow the training of Blood Count

Spatha of Light, level 36/66 (super rare one-handed sword)

Physical damage 250

Attack speed 2

Durability: 70

Dexterity +12

Attack speed increased by 50% for 5 seconds every 20 seconds interval

Each swing created a trace of light that lingers for 1 second. Anyone who came into contact with the light receives 70% light damage.

The previous two seeds he received were only rare grades, which meant this was a better one. He would need to ponder deeply about what skill to use this seed on. The insignia sounded like a strong unit, probably a vampire-type unit? As for the sword, this is better than his Whirlwind Falchion. He would imprint it for his magic weapon once he had access to the magic furnace.

Jack returned to the altar after storing the loots. Arlcard tidied up the altar after Charlene woke up. He had taken away the sacrificial dagger, cup, bottle, and the red-colored crystal. But the two most valuable items, the black and white tomes, were still on the altar. Arlcard made no attempt to take them away. He simply stood there beside them.

"You are not taking those away?" Jack asked him.

"You are a weird outworlder. I heard your kind will do anything for treasures. Even turning on their trusted ones if needed. I would have expected you to try getting your hands on these two tomes even if it means risking your life."

Jack had sensed the abnormal mana from the tomes. Arlcard's words caused him to become even more curious. He used inspect on the two tomes.

Book of the Damned (Legendary Artifact)

Required soul link to use

Restriction class: Warlock

Book of Creation (Divine Treasure)

Required soul link to use

Jack was stunned after reading the two tomes' data. He just stared at them unblinking.

"Want to make your move now?" Arlcard asked.

Jack only blinked after the question. He laughed at the question, thought for a bit, before asking, "Do you truly never drink human blood?"

"I'm not going to answer the same question twice," Arlcard replied.

"What about the other children that were kidnapped? I know you said they didn't survive. But are their remains still here? I want to bring them back to their parents. At least it will bring them closure."

Arlcard made a gesture with his head telling Jack to follow him. He then walked to one of the cave openings by the side, leaving the two tomes just like that. Jack glanced at the tomes briefly before following him. Jonathan came along as well. Jack wondered if this old soldier knew what those two tomes were.

When they arrived at the openings, Jack saw that there was a door further in. Arlcard opened the door and led Jack and Jonathan in. Inside, the two were shocked to find the room filled with numerous bodies of children.

"I asked my vampire father to allow me to dispose of the bodies after… he was done with them," Arlcard said. "I placed a spell on them to preserve their condition. I meant to return them to the town once I successfully dealt with that vampire father of mine. I am powerless to stop him, this is the least I can do."

Jack and Jonathan were speechless at the sight. The children here were so small, so full of the promise of life, and yet their journey had been so cruelly stolen from them. Jack gritted his teeth. He somehow wished Aubelard can return to life so he could kill him again.

"I will take care of them," Jonathan said.

Jack turned to him. He continued before Jack uttered anything, "I was being given the responsibility to guard this town. Although it is not my will, it is still my responsibility. I am ashamed for not having put in more effort all this time… I will bring each of them back to their parents. You take that live one back. You are a hero who has ended the tragedy of this town, so you deserve this town's gratitude. I will be the one that bears their sorrow, as it is my failure."

"As with me," Arlcard said. "We will do that together."

Jack closed his eyes. When he opened it, he said to them, "I'm proud to make friends with the two of you."

Jonathan clasped Jack's shoulder for a reply. Arlcard simply glanced at him. Jack was expecting the vampire to say, 'since when am I your friend?' But Arlcard was silent.

He gestured for Jack to follow him again, back to the altar where the two tomes were.

"Take those two," the vampire said to Jack, which left Jack stunned again.

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