Second World Novel

Chapter 514 - 514. Common Enemy

"Leaveme… it is really distasteful saying your name. I'll just call you Alone," Rawprocessor said. "It is time that you follow us back and hand over that divine treasure you have stolen. I admit I have underestimated you a few times, but I have brought enough people this time. You are welcome to use your Fire God Barrage, we have a contingency on that. You have no chance for victory now."

Leavemealone didn't respond. He just looked at the newly arrived group with hostility.

"Hmph, you are always trying to act cool," Rawprocessor continued. "That divine treasure is not something for a lowly person such as you. Only our Master, who is destined to rule this world, deserves it. It is just a matter of time before you ants understand your places in this world."

Leavemealone simply stood in silence.

"Damn it, I really can't stand it!" Jack said. "Can you say something back, please? If not, then just go ahead and smack him already. Why do you let him talk shit for so long? Like he said, do you have to act so cool?"

Both Leavemealone and the World Maker people looked at Jack in confusion. But their confusion was for different reasons.

Leavemealone said, "You are not with them?"

While Rawprocessor said, "Who the hell are you? Why can't I inspect you? If you don't want to get hurt, then just get the hell away!"

The Paladin who stood behind Rawprocessor nudged at him and whispered something to his ear. Rawprocessor seemed to realize something and asked, "Why do you wear God-eye monocle? Where did you get that?!"

Hearing that, Jack turned to Leavemealone and said, "Oh…! So you think I am with them because of my monocle? Damn, dude. You should have said something instead of just attacking me like that. We have fought for nothing. I am not with them. In fact, I am also their enemy."

"Our enemy?" Rawprocessor muttered after hearing Jack's words. The paladin again whispered something. Rawprocessor frowned and then said to the Paladin, "no way. That guy is in Themisphere kingdom. Other than us and the dwarf races, normal players have not yet the means to cross country."

No longer bothering to whisper, the paladin simply said, "he is of the Human race."

Rawprocessor eyes widen. It was true that there were humans in the Sangrod empire, but those were all natives. All the players that arrived in this country were all of the vampire race. And they all had similar characteristics of pale face and the two visibly obvious fangs when they opened their mouth.

Rawprocessor stared at Jack intently and asked, "are you Storm Wind?"

Jack did not answer. In fact, Jack didn't even look at the World Maker group. He was still looking at Leavemealone. "Why are you still silent with enemies in front of you? Just now you attacked me without making sure first, now they are one hundred percent your enemies and you just stand there doing nothing."

Leavemealone was irked. Under normal circumstances, he would have just whacked them without ceremony. But he had misunderstood Jack as their crony because of his God-eye monocle. He did not attack once Rawprocessor appeared because he was worried about dealing with all of them. After the fight with Jack just now, he was not certain if he could win even without the handicap from sunlight exposure. If Jack and Rawprocessor ganged up on him, he would be in huge trouble. That's why he just stayed silent while thinking of a way out.

"Well, since you are not doing anything, I will act first then," Jack said as another spell formation was formed on the tip of his magic staff. Five runes were formed at the same time.

"Multi-rune casting?" Rawprocessor was surprised. He then realized another thing, Jack was holding both a longsword and a magic staff. "You truly are Storm wind!" He exclaimed.

Jack's spell was completed and he threw the spell right in the middle of the World Maker group. The group was startled, wasn't their leader still having a conversation? Not only were their preys ignoring them, they even attacked first. They didn't act like preys at all!

Eleven crimson chains shot out. Rawprocessor, the paladin, and the assassin were the quickest to react. They hurriedly ran away from the area of effect. The advanced class players were slower to react. All seven were entangled by the crimson chains. They tried to hack at the chains without any success.

Jack dove into the middle of the bound players. He activated Adrenaline Rush and used Whirlwind Slash. Whirlwind Slash had a fast cooldown for an elite skill, only one minute.

All the players that were still bound by the crimson chains could not defend themselves. Jack's blade cut through all of them and their HP immediately fell to 1.

Jack had expected it. When he heard Rawprocessor talking about the contingency for Lightning God Barrage, he had suspected they were using the same trick as Yellow Death. They probably also had teleportation scrolls. Unfortunately, they couldn't use it while being bound by his spell.

Jack made another circling slash, but it was not a skill this time. He simply spun his body and slash. The bound players only had 1 HP left. A simple touch was enough to finish them.

Rawprocessor looked at Jack in consternation. Jack, who was standing over the bodies of his seven underlings with eleven crimson chains weaving around him looked very sinister. He couldn't help but gulp.

'What the hell is Gridhacker doing? Throwing his problem my way. Doesn't he know I have enough on my plate already?' Rawprocessor cursed in his mind.

He had no chance to think further as he heard screams from behind. His two remaining underlings, the Paladin and the Assassin, were being bombarded by Leavemealone's punches.

Leavemealone was not simply standing just now. He had activated Meditation to recover the HP he lost during his fight with Jack. Now that his enemies' attentions were drawn by Jack, it was a perfect time to strike.

He used to be Rogue, so he had the Backstab skill. Though he was using fist instead of dagger now, the effect was still the same. He used it on the low HP and low defense Assassin. It scored critical damage.

There was another thing worth noting from his punch. Leavemealone's Ki-infused Fist was on cooldown, yet his fist was shining. The shine was different though. The fist appeared larger. In fact, it appeared as if the fist weapons on Leavemealone's hands had broken apart and were held only by light. Jack saw it and immediately knew, that was a weapon in its Overlimit state. The guy had a weapon similar to his Storm Breaker, a weapon that came from the Seed of Thousand Forms.

The critical damage produced by the weapon was disastrous. The Assassin's HP plunged rapidly but lingered at 1. Leavemealone had seen what happened when Jack dealt with the seven opponents, so he had expected this as well. His other arm punch out and claimed the Assassin's life.

"You!" Rawprocessor shouted in anger. "How dare you ask for a helper!"

"You are one to talk about helpers. You shouldn't have come out to the sunlight," Rawprocessor heard Jack's voice nearby, he quickly erected Magic Shield, just as Jack's sword crashed onto it.

He was surprised to see Jack's sword was different from before. In response to Leavemealone, Jack had also activated Overlimit for his Storm Breaker. Jack had used Flame Strike as well, Rawprocessor's Magic Shield was shattered.

Before the guy could respond further, Jack continued with quick slashes. His second slash reduced Rawprocessor's HP to 1, the third slash claimed his life. Rawprocessor's eyes were still wide. This was too fast and unexpected. He had not yet used all the tools in his arsenal.

The Paladin was just about to throw a Soothing Light at Rawprocessor, but Rawprocessor had already died before he had the chance. Everything simply moved too fast. Peniel later explained to Jack that the Soothing Light skill was Paladin's first standard skill. At its first level, the skill healed 1000 HP to the target.

Now, the Paladin was bombarded by Leavemealone's Infinite Lightning Punches. With the Overlimit still active, some damages bypassed the Paladin's shield. Leavemealone also sent his punches at various angles that caused the Paladin to have difficulty blocking all his punches.

The Paladin ended up using the Soothing Light on himself, but Leavemealone's punches were still relentless. In the end, the Paladin succumbed.

"They were all wearing Amulet of Rebirth," Jack said. No one dropped any loots, except for one. Jack bent down and picked up Rawprocessor's God-eye monocle. John was going to flip for this.

"You don't mind if I keep this, right?" Jack said to Leavemealone, which was replied with a cold shoulder.

'Damn, this guy really…,' Jack was lost for words. He simply stored the monocle in his storage bag.

Jack was originally planning to capture the World Maker people for interrogation in case he ever crossed one. But after meeting Wilted Tree and being told that the World Maker's base of operation was very far away, he no longer felt like doing it.

Since the base was very far away, and he trusted Wilted Tree's words, it was no use knowing the place. He already got enough matters on his plate. He was not going to travel to that far away place just to settle a score with this World Maker group. He decided to just deal with them if he met them, like what happened just now.

"So, I assume they are coming for you because of your Fire God Blessing. How do you get that divine treasure anyway?" Jack asked Leavemealone.

The guy didn't answer, he walked to where the two fairies were. "Let's go," he said to Carnelia.

Jack called out, "Wait! We have a common enemy. We should work together. How about adding each other as friends?"

Leavemealone glanced back at Jack and uttered, "Leave me alone!" He then turned around and left.

'The hell is this guy's problem…,' Jack said in his mind.

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