Second World Novel

Chapter 359 - 359. Shooting Dash

Jack took out his Rapid Dazing Staff and said, "target his limbs." He was adopting the same tactic as John had done on the Grim Sand Drake. To the mage soldier, he said, "begin the incantation."

They both started forming their spell formation. The mage soldier formed his rune faster than Jack, but Jack's one had all three runes forming at the same time. In the end, Jack's spell was completed a tad bit faster than the mage soldier's one.


"Cast it!" Jack uttered to the others. The others unfurled the magic scrolls in their hands. Five Magic Bind hit the unsuspecting Wangombe who was in intense combat with the human Knight. Four of them locked his two arms and two legs, the last one by Jack was sealing his torso.

Wangombe was taken by surprise by the sudden interference. One magic bind cast by low-level casters would be easy to be broken, by five of them locking different parts of his body, he needed to exert extra effort to break it. Not to mention he was not a strength-type class, hence it was more difficult for him to break these united spells.

A window of opportunity was all it needed to decide the outcome of a battle between two equal opponents, the human Knight did not let this chance go to waste. His heavy hammer crashed onto Wangombe's chest as he was still incapacitated, then a follow-up attack crashed onto his head.

Jack and the others did not stay idle. They cast their offensive spells and ranged attacks. Jack turn on the burst shot ability of his staff to maximize damage. Wangombe's defense was not as insane as the Grim Sand Drake, so they had no problem causing sufficient damages even with their levels.

The other orcs saw their leader's predicament and tried to lend a hand, but the other human soldiers were also aware and thus immediately put themselves in harm's way to hinder them.

Wangombe roared in fury as he forced himself free from the Magic Bind. He finally managed to break four of the magic binds, leaving only the one in his left leg. The human Knight had stopped his attack for a second to channel his strength for an ultimate strike, he lifted his hammer high as a magnified image of his hammer appeared above. This gigantic image fell on Wangombe at the same time as he broke the last magic bind.

Wangombe was just about to utilize his incredible speed to flee the attack when the ground underneath him light up just as the last magic bind was shattered. He was affected by disoriented status which slowed his movement. A crescent light also hit one of his knees. The crescent light did not cause much damage to him but it still caused his knee to buckle for a breath. Jack had started casting Arcane Turbulence when he saw the first magic bind was broken, he then executed Sword of Light at the same time when his spell was cast.

This short pause had deprived Wangombe of a dodging chance. The giant hammer summoned by the human Knight slammed at him heavily and brought him collapsing to the ground. The force of that giant hammer was so powerful that it created a small tremor and a cave-in at the point of impact. Sand dust exploded out and covered everyone's vision.

Everyone watched with apprehension as the dust receded. Wangombe's battered body was soon exposed as he was lying pitifully on the small crater of sand. His HP was only a hair-breadth left.

Wangombe spoke with difficulty as he tried to stand up, "d-detestable humans… y-you will no-not… defeat the gr-great Wangombe …"

His subordinate orcs went into a frenzy as they saw his condition. They tried to barge their ways through without a care of their own safety.

Seeing the situation, they would break through before long. There were healer orcs as well among them. It would be troublesome if they managed to heal that orc. "Finish him!" Jack ordered as he executed Shredding Fang together with ranged attacks from his staff. The human Knight also sent another strike with his hammer.

Wangombe was close to death already, he would not survive these attacks. Before they connected, Jack willed out the Runestone of Luck. On the night that the Grim Sand Drake was defeated, he had fused with the Runestone of Luck. This runestone had the element of lightning, so he had gone through electrocution torture again that night.

Runestone of Luck (rare runestone)

Increase luck by approx. 5 points for 10 seconds.

Elemental energy required for upgrade: 0/1000

He focused his willpower on the runestone and boosted his luck by an additional 7 points as the attacks connected with Wangombe, whose HP bar was immediately depleted. He doubted that it was his attack that dealt the killing blow, but it does not matter, the human Knight was under his command, so his luck stats should still apply when the orc died.

Wangombe's body did not disappear as monsters did, but a couple of items dropped beside him. Jack came over to pick them up.

The other orcs were devastated seeing their leader's demise. Yet they still did not stop their frenzied. It's like they had gone berserk. The human soldiers had trouble dealing with them. But now that the human Knight was no longer preoccupied, he immediately made short work on the other orcs.

One of the orcs yelled out to his comrade, "you go back! You have to tell Overseer Badu of this. He will surely avenge our leader, Wangombe!"

That orc nodded and turn back as he summoned his mount and rode away. The other orcs continued to fight until all of them fell. Jack was relieved to see that no other orc units were coming, but they still had to leave this place soon. Sooner or later, the orcs would find them if they stayed still at one place. Not to mention with how much respect these soldiers showed this Wangombe, they would surely come back to claim his body.

Jack observed the items that the slain orc had dropped.

Technique Book: Shooting Dash (Super Rare Consumable)

Grant the skill: Shooting Dash

Restriction: Any advanced physical class

Skill Book (rare consumable)

Grant 1 skill point

Amethyst (rare gemstone)

Amazing, he exclaimed in his mind. He doubted this orc was at the standard of the Grim Sand Drake, yet all the items it dropped were also at least rare grade. He did not doubt that the increase in luck played a significant role in this outcome. Peniel was right, it was the right decision to choose the Runestone of Luck.

There were also 1 gold 42 silver coins and 4 mana cores which he picked up. Other slain soldiers also dropped some coins but he chose not to waste time to pick them all up, he was just about to ask them all to leave but his God-eye monocle picked up a yellow marker on one item among the ones dropped by the others.

He ran over there to pick the item up. Other items might not be valuable enough to take the risk, but a yellow-colored marker was different. It indicated a rare grade. When he arrived at the place, he saw a light-green-colored sword. Jack picked it up.

Venomous Viper sword, level 35/65 (Rare one-handed sword)

Physical damage: 175

Attack speed: 2

Durability: 80

Reflex +6

15% chance to cause Poison status effect on each attack

"That was Ronnie's sword," he heard Prince Alonzo said. Jack saw the approaching prince, his countenance was not pale any longer. His poison status must have expired.

"Ronnie?" Jack remembered the guy as the one who had volunteered as the prince's guards. "Who killed him?"

"That orc leader just now," the prince replied. He then gave Jack the short version of Ronnie's treachery.

'So there really was something wrong with the guy? I should have given more trust to that Investigator talent of mine and be more adamant about my suspicion when I talked to Bailey this morning,' Jack thought. He was relieved that in the end, he was still not too late in rescuing the prince.

'Eh? Then how come this sword dropped?' He suddenly thought. No loots dropped when the one who did the killing was an NPC who was not under a player's influence.

Feeling his questioning thought, Peniel explained, "that sword must be a special item which was loaned to that Ronnie guy, it was not exactly his possession. Sometimes such an item will still drop even if the one wielding it died without outworlder's interference."

Meaning it was an item naturally of this world. He believed if it was the other soldiers who saw this sword first, they will also pick it up, unlike the other dropped loots. Luckily, he saw it first.

"We need to go," Jack said as he stored the sword. He summoned his steed, the others did the same. "Let's move out!"

They rode away from the place. Jack chose to head Westward, away from the human main army. He had seen the orc army forming a barricade when they chase after the prince, they would just go into the enemy's arm if he headed East. Jeanny and the others had also been headed Westward as they were being chased by the orc's left-wing army. Jack planned to regroup with them before he thought about how to get back to the main army. He sent a message to John so he could inform Captain Salem that the prince was safe with him.

While he was riding, he checked on the loots. He was especially happy with the level 35 Venomous Viper sword. He could instantly increase his Storm Breaker's level to 35 when he fed this sword to it.

He then took out the skill book. His Container of Souls rendered this book less important to him, but a free additional skill point was always welcomed. He used the book and was prompted with a question to apply the free point to his Warrior or Mage class. He chose the Warrior class without hesitation, he still saw his melee class as his main class.

The technique book was next. 'What's this skill do?' He asked Peniel.

"It's a movement skill. It allowed you to cover a decent distance in speed. This skill is similar to the Body Double spell, once you leveled it up to level 10 and 20, it will have additional effects."

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