Second World Novel

Chapter 1442 1442. A Series Of Killing

The six were very surprised that they were surrounded by five full-health opponents. They thought after the ambush, they would find corpses or near-death players when they barged in. Even so, they were no amateurs who panicked at unexpected situations. They quickly put themselves back-to-back covering all angles and started shooting using their guns.

Unfortunately, their targets were not normal opponents.

Grace and the others had known the six were all gunners from the grenades they threw. Grace rushed forward. With her unique-grade armor and Armor of Ego in effect, she brushed off all the incoming bullets. Her mace split into two smaller versions and they struck as fast as an eagle and as agile as a snake.

Paytowin didn’t stay idle. He and Brave King also rushed forward. He was confident of his brave techno suit’s defense, and he chose melee engagement against these gunner players.

He was now level 71. He received another level when he reached level 70, a skill that provided him with a melee weapon. The skill was Brave Saber. The Brave Saber summoned a laser sword, which dealt 200% light damage. The saber ignored 30% defense and increased his attack speed by 100%. Each slash with the saber had a 10% chance of causing Burn effect. The skill’s duration was ten minutes with a one-hour cooldown.

Paytowin held the Brave Saber in his right hand while his left hand used a unique-grade gun that was awarded by ghost Callan after completing several tasks. Brave King fought beside him.

David was also a gunner class, but he did not shy away from melee engagement as he had shown during the world tournament.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Ironhand was the only one who didn’t rush forward. He was still confused about the situation and reacted late. He was an elite marksman and his bow was not an ideal weapon in this cramped room, but he did what he could.

None of them used any AOE skills. With how small the room was, those skills would just hit everyone.

The fight didn’t last long. The six were above-average players and were no doubt someone who had experienced plenty of battle situations in the past, but those weren’t enough to triumph over the equipment and skill disparity from Grace and Paytowin. David also proved to be a better combatant than them.

Out of the six, three were killed and the other three were incapacitated. Grace, Paytowin, and David each used a runic rope to bind the three players who were still alive. This was a safe zone, killing the enemies only reduced their levels by one, which made them wonder why these people bothered to attack them in the first place.

After binding the three, they forcefully took off their face masks which were easily removable, unlike other equipment. They could inspect these players then.

All three were guild members of the State of Galhana.

‘Have we been found out?’ Paytowin sent a message to the others.

‘The fact that they are here might point to that,’ David replied. He then grabbed one of the captives and asked, “Why are you here? Who ordered you to attack us?”

The person was silent.

“I know you used to be a soldier from the way you fight. I am one too,” David said. “One who is not foreign to interrogation techniques. We don’t have much time so I will go right ahead to the painful one.”

David pressed his thumb to the man’s left eye. The man flinched but he couldn’t escape. David started applying pressure.

“You won’t receive damage since I’m not using any weapon,” David said while increasing his pressure. “You also won’t get permanently blinded since we are in a game world, but you will fully feel the pain. Now, how long you are willing to endure this is up to you.”

The man started screaming.

“Good lord…,” Ironhand uttered.

Grace turned away.

David started using two thumbs on both the man’s eyes. The screams became louder. No one from the outside heard the screams. The VIP room was soundproof when its door was closed.

It went on for several minutes. Finally, the man succumbed. However, they didn’t give much information. They just knew that they were ordered by the guild’s upper echelon to target the Corporate United members within the city.

Ironhand confirmed this. He just received reports about multiple attacks aimed at their members. Some were killed inside the city. Some unfortunate ones were incapacitated by using runic ropes and dragged out of the city to be killed outside the safe zone.

Manager Steelhand who oversaw the operation in this city had issued an order for every member to stay in the public area. All the attacks were done covertly. The enemies didn’t dare to do it out in the open.

“Let’s take these three to the city guards,” Grace said.

“What’s the point? The ruler of this city is in league with their guild,” Ironhand said.

“They are still bound by the game rules. The fact that they have to do it covertly means they will get captured if found by the guards,” Grace replied.

“All right, let me deal with that,” Ironhand said. He then continued by using messages. “Now that we know we are targeted, we need to move fast. You three go to Mirgrom. Yonhilda’s brother was held in a fort called Khurn Valdur. Mirgrom is the closest town to that fort. Do you have the teleport access to that town?”

Grace, Paytowin, and David nodded.

“Good. Meet my guild mate there who goes by the name of Associate Clearsky. I’ve notified him. He has the kingdom faction quest. He will guide you to the fort.”

The four split. Ironhand took the bound three players to a guard station. Grace was right. The city guards took the three into custody and put them in jail. Ironhand wasn’t blamed despite being involved in killing the comrades of these captured players. This was because the other side attacked first. His act was considered as self-defense.


At the city hall, Sizhad came to Boron.

“I have a few men in the city jail. I would like them released,” he said.

Boron didn’t turn to him. “I heard. I also heard they are part of a series of killings that have suddenly happened around this city. Is your guild doing something behind my back?”

“… All that we do, we do it for the good of our rebellion. These people whom my guild dealt with are outworlders who threaten our cause.”

“I don’t like you saying what we do is a rebellion,” Boron said. “It is a revolution. One that aims to put this country on the right track. Whatever you are doing, stop it at once. This revolution needs the people’s support. If I let senseless killings happen under my watch, what will the people think of me? Releasing the captured killers is even more out of the question. Your members should blame themselves for getting captured.”

Sizhad scowled. Boron never turned to him throughout their conversations. The native didn’t give him any face.

“I understand,” Sizhad replied. He left the room without showing any discontent.𝑛𝚘𝑣𝖊𝗅𝒏𝞮xt.𝔠𝗈𝑚

Boron looked at the outworlder leave. This should teach him his place, Boron thought.

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