Second World Novel

Chapter 1270 1270. The Eternals On The Battlefield

The Flames of Doom was an AOE spell that didn’t differentiate between friends or foes. Although the area the archdemon lord hit using this spell had the majority of enemy soldiers, a small number of allies were also there. These allies were similarly killed by the spell.

Jack tried sending a mental command to have the archdemon lord be more careful where it aimed its spell, but Jack felt a mental rejection from the archdemon lord.

It didn’t like getting a command.

It continued to throw its spells around. It conjured a gigantic blade of fire that sliced through the earth, causing a long line of flaming trails. The ones that were cut by this flaming blade received an incredible amount of damage if not outright killed. Peniel identified the spell as Blade of Doom.

Another of its spells was the Meteor Shower. The same one as what Master cast using a magic scroll when he invaded the Council of Virtus.

All these spells had eight-runes spell formation and caused large AOE damage. The archdemon lord ignored Jack’s request to avoid allies, but at least its targets were where more enemies were located.

The archdemon just moved on its own, dispensing one powerful spell over another. Its spells were all AOE, damaging enemies en masse. Being a level 71 eternal grade, not many could stand in its way.

Jack sent a message warning all allies in the direction the archdemon was heading to hurriedly scurry away. He followed behind the archdemon and provided it with protection. Not like it needed it, but this archdemon lord was a magic type. With Jack preventing anyone from disturbing it, it could freely cast its spells without interruption.

Therras, Arlcard, Grace, and Oswald followed and dispatched any enemies that were not immediately killed by the archdemon’s spells. Most of such enemies were already low in health.

Jack received a message from John, requesting further reinforcements. He had received a report from John earlier that Master was sneaking from their rear. He had sent several of his royal agents with flight ability, but it seemed it was not enough.

Jack wanted to go but his beast form was on cooldown. His Soar spell was too slow to fight Master in the sky. He thought this was a pity. Jack asked John if they should send everyone to Master, considering It was a good chance to finish Master off while he was isolated from his army.

John said it was better to not take such a bet. Master wasn’t a reckless person, unlike somebody he knew. John made sure to emphasize the last part of his sentence in case Jack didn’t catch who he meant. John pointed out that Master dared to come by himself, he surely had prepared a way to flee if things went bad.

If they took away their competent fighters on the field for the opportunity to kill Master and ended up failing, they would suffer a double defeat. Right now, it was already hard to turn the tide with the limited number they had. Sending away powerful combatants was a sure way to cause their army to fall.

Jack understood John’s reasoning. He sent Arlcard and Therras to go support Duke Alfredo. He and Grace were enough to support the archdemon lord here.

The Themisphere army experienced a huge decrease in pressure from the side where Jack’s archdemon lord was wreaking havoc. This allowed John to focus the army to deal with other sides.π—‡πžΈπ“₯π–Šπ”©πž°π”’xt.π—°π—ˆπ•ž

Considering there was not enough eternal combatant on the enemy’s side to face the archdemon lord, this was not surprising. For the eternal grade beings on the enemy’s side, Vekja and the Primordial Hydra were still tussling with Eoranth. Even with the two combined, they still couldn’t win over the lord of dragons. However, Eoranth also couldn’t defeat the two in a short time.

On the side where Broidrireg was fighting against Suzaki, a winner was more easily determined. Broidrireg with his arsenal of spells wore Suzaki down after long hours of combat. Suzaki had little health left now.

Suzaki tried approaching Broidrireg to use her Immortal Prison ability, but the old dragon put even more distance from Suzaki the lower her HP was. It was apparent that Broidrireg was unlike Eoranth. He remembered the firebird’s life-sacrificing ability.

Suzaki was frustrated. Since she couldn’t trap Broidrireg, she changed her tactic to evasive maneuvers. She had very high HP recovery in combat, almost rivaling the Primordial Hydra. As long as she could dodge Broidrireg’s spells long enough, her HP could recover to a point where she could tackle Broidrireg directly again.

But after seeing Suzaki avoiding him, Broidrireg also changed his approach by casting his spells on the Liguritudum army below. His spells were even more destructive than the archdemon lord’s because his level was much higher. Suzaki had no choice but to fly back to limit Broidrireg from massacring the Liguritudum army.

So, their fight became a cat-and-mouse game where the Liguritudum army below suffered casualties every time Suzaki fled from Broidrireg’s assaults.

Both Broidrireg and the archdemon lord had managed to level the playing field on their sides, turning the enemy’s superior number void. But many other sides were still having trouble, especially the side that was harassed by the Cult of Phobos.

Casualties continued to pile up on that side. John was out of ideas about how to deal with the cult. He could only throw sacrifices to try to halt the cult as much as possible while hoping Broidrireg to quickly finish Suzaki and come to deal with the cult.

While he continued to maneuver the troops with much effort, he saw another force appearing on his radar.

“What is this now?” He complained. Did his mother prepare another surprise for him? He didn’t think they could take any more surprises. This new force was a legion with a size of around 10,000.

This new force was registered as white dots, which represented neutral native force. They came from the South. Along the side of the marshland where the Ligurutudum force first showed up.


On the battlefield where Paytowin was battling accompanied by Mihos and his Brave King. Mihos suddenly stopped fighting and looked to the South.

“They have arrived,” he uttered.

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