Second World Novel

Chapter 1160 1160. New Country Guardian

Jack received two new skills from his Time Sage and Beast Monarch after the two increased to level 70.

The new skill from the Time Sage class was Reset.


Reset, level 1/20 (Active spell, range, requires magic weapons)

Complete the ongoing cooldown of all skills.

Cooldown: 6 hours

Mana: 500


This skill reminded him of the reset potion he used in the past. He had never seen that potion anymore when he visited the Magic Association shop. Either the shop stopped selling the potion, or the stock was very limited and it kept on being bought by others. Now that more players got access to the shop, the latter seemed more probable.

“Does this skill reset the skills from my other classes? Or just my Time Sage class?” Jack asked Peniel.

“I don’t know. Your multi-class is an anomaly,” Peniel answered.

Jack decided to try it. He needed to know the full extent of the skill so he could use it properly.

He first used Brave Slash. He then used Reset. The Brave Slash skill was available to use again afterward. Not only that, the Lightning God Barrage which was supposed to be still on cooldown was also available. He uttered an excited yell. This meant he could use the divine skills twice in a row with Reset.

He also checked his Storm Breaker. Unfortunately, the Reset didn’t affect the equipment’s skill. The Overlimit was still on cooldown.

For the Beast Monarch, level 70 gave him Iron Mammoth Stampede.

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Iron Mammoth Stampede, level 1/20 (Active skill)

Summons 20 rampaging iron mammoths that charge randomly at nearest hostiles.

Deals 500% physical damage, causes knockback, and has a 5% chance to inflict Dizzy, Disoriented, and Confused on every impact.

Duration: 1 minute

Cooldown: 3 hours𝓃𝗈𝓋ℯ𝓛𝑛𝚎xt.𝗰𝑂𝗆

Stamina: 300


Jack thought the skill was similar to Druid’s Wild Stampede spell. Peniel explained that the iron mammoths conjured by this skill were many times more destructive than the wildebeests from druid’s Wild Stampede. Not to mention these iron mammoths would actively search for hostile targets during its one-minute duration, while the wildebeest from Wild Stampede rampaged on a fixed path and only last a short five seconds.

Jack then checked his available free skill points. He had 3 for each class from his recent level-up.

His containers of souls also received plenty of souls from Ramaun and the infernal Stormbird. Both of them combined gave him 900,000 souls.

He used 3 free skill points and all the 900,000 souls to level up Reset. Each level-up reduced the spell’s cooldown by 3 minutes. At level 13, Reset’s cooldown was 5 hours and 24 minutes.

He also used 3 free skill points for the Iron Mammoth Stampede. Each level-up increased the skill’s duration by 3 seconds, allowing the mammoths to rampage a while longer.

After dealing with his skills, he used one level-down pill for his Brave Swordsmaster class. This might cost him a bit longer time to get the next skill at level 80, but using this pill on early levels also meant he needed fewer exp points for the extra level-up.

Additionally, he was rather far ahead compared to the average players, so he figured it was okay to drop a few levels.

With his Brave Swordsmaster dropping one level, all his three classes were now at level 70.

He was ready to return to the upworld now. He called Pandora. One day had passed since Pandora brought him to the underworld, so her energy to travel through planes had been recharged.

With a burst of flames, Pandora created a tunnel that brought them back to the upworld. When the flames dispersed, Jack saw that the sky was still dark but it was not the underworld’s dark sky. It was simply nighttime.

Jack opened his map. As before, the crossing put them in a random place, but it was still a region where Mount Draygetos was located. After getting a bearing, Jack had Pandora fly over to the mountain.

In a short time, they arrived above Darmos’ hut. Jack didn’t see any white dots on his radar. He looked up. Did that playful dragon hide in the clouds again? Jack’s radar couldn’t detect Broidrireg when he was in his eternal form.

He observed the clouds trying to catch the shadow of Broidrireg’s huge body. But since it was nighttime, it was difficult to even for his dragon eye. While he was still deciding if he should fly up there, a white dot just popped up nearby.

He looked down and saw a half-naked Darmos come out of the small lake next to his hut. A fish was fluttering in his mouth.

“The hell, did he catch that fish using his mouth?” Jack landed and unsummoned Pandora.

Darmos removed the fluttering fish from his mouth and asked. “That is surprisingly quick. Did you give up already? I was praying that you don’t find any brimstone fruit down there.”

Jack answered by taking out the fruit and showing it to him.

“Oh…,” Darmos gave a depressed expression.

“Dude, did you truly that unwilling to be a country guardian?” Jack asked. “If so, then just help me for a year. Or half a year! If you want to leave by then, I won’t stop you.”

Darmos sighed. “A deal is a deal,” he said and looked back to the lake he just came out of. “I’m going to miss this lake, and this mountain.”

“You will love Mount Thenias,” Jack persuaded. “If you like lakes, you can go to the lake next to my guild headquarters. It is not far from the capital. You can go there in no time with your speed. That lake is much larger than this one. You can swim there to your heart’s content.”

“I remember you mentioned the fish there are not as good as here, aren’t they?” Darmos said.

Jack nodded.

“It is indeed difficult to find a lake with rare-grade fishes like this one,” Peniel remarked.

Jack scolded Peniel in his mind. He said they are trying to persuade this old dude to leave, not stay.

Darmos gave a long sigh again. “As I said, a deal is a deal. I’m going to make you make up to me, lad. You are going to cook for me regularly!”

“Don’t worry about it! I assure you will get many tasty foods, even if not from me,” Jack announced with excitement. He had finally succeeded in persuading this old dragon to be Themisphere’s new country guardian.

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