Second World Novel

Chapter 1087 1087. Orc Bullet

Mkulme in its red ape form was faster and stronger. Each of its punches sent the armored basilisk back. Four Winds was also constantly on edge to avoid getting punched by those large fists.

Mkulme activated his beast form’s skill and his red hairs tuned longer. The hairs also stood on ends. The visual effect was slightly similar when Leavemealone in his White Tiger Emperor form activated White Tiger Rage. Mkulme became even stronger after using the skill.

Despite its high defense, the armored basilisk’s HP continued to drop steadily. It was now close to the critical state. Jack didn’t mind the pet was killed. It was not his, but their fight would get a lot harder if it was taken out.

Jack arrived and joined the fight. He used his sword art to attack and his movement art to dodge. He commanded the armored basilisk to force itself onto Mkulme and took Mkulme’s main attention, while Four Winds and he stole hits from the sides.

Jack studied the situation while they fought. Four Winds’ Royal Barbarian Blood and Ancestral Possession were coming to an end soon, and so was his Beast Command. He didn’t think they could defeat Mkulme before those happened.

Therras was winning against Tumwa. Jack had used Ultimate Beast, turning Therras into a bipedal creature and increasing all its power. He asked Therras to not activate its armor’s supersonic mode, though. The visual of that armor’s ability was too eye-catching. It would be too pushing it. He was already glad that until now, no one had yet stopped the tourney to arrest him.

Even though Therras was winning, Jack doubted Tumwa could be defeated in a short time. This meant once the basilisk was gone and Four Winds depowered, it would be him alone against Mkulme in beast form. That was not a good prospect. If both he and Four Winds were defeated, then it didn’t matter even if Therras was winning.

After considering everything, he decided he should take another gamble. He commanded the armored beast to charge at Mkulme and forcefully kept him busy while he tapped Four Winds and pulled him aside. He then quickly whispered something to Four Wind’s ear.

Four Winds frowned but he had no time to argue. He just said, “Make it quick!” He then rushed back at Mkulme. The armored basilisk had lost another chunk of life due to its forceful charge.

Jack took a few steps back. He took the opposite direction from where Tumwa and Therras were fighting. He then started focusing. Runic symbols started appearing around him.


“Rune technique?!” The more knowledgeable spectators uttered after seeing the runes around Jack.

“He even knows rune technique? That beastmaster is just full of surprises,” Kima Mountking remarked.

“Rune technique is only useful if it hits. Let’s see how he pulls that off first,” Jinga Loudmaw scoffed.

“You seem to dislike that beastmaster. One might mistake that it’s your tribe who are fighting down there,” Woga Braidedbeard chuckled.

“Hmph, I simply don’t trust outworlders,” Jinga said. “They shouldn’t have been allowed spots in this tourney from the start.”

“Outworlders are already part of our world whether we like it or not,” Kabaka mediated. “We shouldn’t shut ourselves from this change. Two Gods already announced their support for outworlder monarchs. If our nation’s outworlders proved their worth, we won’t deny them the glory.”


Four Winds tried his best to keep Mkulme occupied while the armored basilisk continued forcing itself onto Mkulme. This caused the basilisk to lose its HP even faster. It was now close to dying.𝓷𝒪𝗏𝗲𝓵𝗇𝗲xt.𝐜𝒪𝓶

However, Mkulme had second thoughts when he was about to deal the basilisk a killing blow. This was Tumwa’s pet, after all. But then he realized this was inside the colosseum’s arena, the pet won’t die for real.

This momentary hesitation gave Four Winds an opening. His Savage Cleave was off cooldown. Four Winds’ two axes again shone with energy.

Mkulme sensed the power. He was not letting himself get hit by that move again. He used his beast form’s skill, raging ape fist. His fist was enveloped by a red glow. This glow formed an image of a larger fist which Mkulme punched forward.

The cleave and the punch collided with one another, resulting in a destructive shockwave. It was Four Winds who was blown back. At that time, Mkulme caught sight of Jack whose body was surrounded by countless runes.

“Rune technique!” Mkulme exclaimed.

He was about to rush over to prevent Jack from completing the technique, but there were so many runes on Jack’s body already. The rune technique was near completion. Hence, he stayed back. He focused his attention on Jack’s movement. He didn’t know what kind of rune technique Jack was using. He prepared himself to dodge.

Mkulme wasn’t wrong. Jack was indeed near completion. Jack called, “Four Winds, now!”

Four Winds was already knocked flying in Jack’s direction. He made use of the force and propelled himself to Jack.

“Right on time!” Four Winds said. He was indicating his bloodline skill, Titan Strength, which just came off cooldown.

His body enlarged to a giant. With one hand he grabbed Jack’s body. Without pause, he threw Jack in Mkulme’s direction using all his strength.

Jack’s rune technique could be learned by a beastmaster and he had never shown this technique in the public. So, there was no problem using this technique without exposing his identity. Even so, he originally didn’t think about using it because this technique was a pure melee technique. This technique was only useful if he combined it with the teleportation spell.

But they needed to defeat Mkulme fast, and this rune technique was the only one with enough power to do it. Hence the improvisation. Four Winds’ throw turned Jack into an orc bullet.

Jack only had a one-second gap between completing the last rune and landing a hit. He purposefully slowed down the forming of the last rune and completed it right before Four Winds grabbed him because he wanted to fully utilize that one-second gap. If it was not completed when Four Winds threw him, the technique was considered canceled because his position had moved.

With both the Titan Strength and Royal Barbarian Blood in effect, the throw took less than one second in sending Jack to Mkulme.

Mkulme was ready. He was about to move away when he felt something bite his leg.

“You…!” Mkulme exclaimed in rage. He had been too focused on Jack after seeing the rune technique that he forgot about the near-death basilisk.

He punched down and depleted the basilisk’s remaining HP.

But the disruption was done. The basilisk had robbed Mkulme of the precious half-second. Jack’s body which was propelled at high speed slammed into Mkulme, right when the last rune was completed.

Jack focused his willpower to boost the damage as the runic symbols slammed into Mkulme’s body. Raging white flame erupted and engulfed the Giantkiller tribe’s leader.

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