Second World Novel

Chapter 1031 1031. Investigators For The Affairs

Jack spent the whole afternoon handing out the remaining second-class special classes and normal special classes.

Most of the players he didn’t even know. He didn’t spend so much time in the guild headquarters, after all. But if Jeanny trusted them, then he was okay with it.

With almost half the guild’s core members now having special classes, their battle capabilities increased another notch. Additionally, they were now also kingdom faction members. If they carried out the kingdom faction quests, it would benefit the kingdom as well.

The kingdom faction quests had increased now that more players joined the kingdom faction, unlike the time when Jack was the sole member.

Now that Jack was king of the kingdom, he could also see that each completion of the kingdom faction quests contributed to the settlements the quests were based on. It helped increase the settlement stats by a bit, either its economy, productivity, security, or happiness. Or sometimes they just provided extra coins, mana, or even troops to the kingdom.

Jack dismissed everyone to do their own thing, but he called Jeanny and Domon over to the throne room. John was already in there playing with the monarch system.

Duke Alfredo and Duchess Isabelle were also there. Thaergood was elsewhere dealing with administrative matters.

“Wow, a nice throne room you have here!” Jet exclaimed.

Despite Jack only inviting Jeanny and Domon to the throne room, some people decided to just unashamedly follow as if they owned the place. Bowler, The Man, and Paytowin tailed behind Jet, while Leavemealone followed behind Domon.

“Woo-hoo! This place is big!” The Man yelled and started walking around the place with Bowler and Paytowin.

“Can you people please stop acting like school kids on their first trip to the museum?” Jack chided.

Duchess Isabelle and Duke Alfredo made silent chuckles while Jeanny shook her head.

Jack sat on the throne and then asked Jeanny, “How about the things with Theboldiere and Therowld?”𝒏𝒪𝒱𝚎𝓁𝗇𝚎xt.𝕔𝚘𝑚

“I’ve selected four of our members. Two used to be police detectives, one used to be a private investigator, and the fourth used to be a reporter. They paired up into two teams and they had gone to those two settlements.”

“Good. Have you explained to them the parameter of the missions and the deadline?” Jack asked.

“Yes, the team in Theboldiere will investigate the land dispute between the two landlords. Once they got a clearer picture of the incident, they will report their findings to me. I will let you know once they did. Same as the ones who head to Therowld. They will check Lord Elmond’s household.”

“Give their names to Isabelle. She can inform the authority there to assist if needed,” Jack said.

Jeanny gave the four players’ names to Isabelle and she immediately headed out to use the communication device to talk with the governors of those two settlements.

“Jeanny, please go and find more players with real-life investigative skills,” Jack said. “We will need a lot of them. Peniel said that if these affairs are handled nicely, then more people will submit their cases to the kingdom. The better we complete these affairs, the more merit points they provide, which in turn increases my sovereign level. Even if those players have low levels, it doesn’t matter as long as they are good investigators. Accept them into our guild and have them on standby to investigate these affairs.”

“I understand. I have already spread out the words,” Jeanny said. “I’ve also asked Florence from the Missing Outworlders Coordination Center to let us know if she had any info on players with such a skill. She had already given me some candidates and I’ve already sent people to check on them. If they check out, we will recruit them.”

“Good!” Jack uttered.

Now, all he needed to do was wait for the report before deciding what to do with those two cases from the Affairs Overview. He believed with better information, he should be able to make a decision that could be considered well enough by the world system.

Jack then turned to his grandfather, “Gramps, I’m going to have someone introduce you to Lord Commander Armstrong. I want you to give these kingdom’s soldiers some pointers about martial arts as you did to our guild soldiers.”

“I understand that natives can be less compliant compared to our guild soldiers, it won’t be as easy,” Domon said.

“Some of them are eager learners,” Jet said. He had taught martial arts to Grace’s companion, Oswald. He had a good opinion of that native’s enthusiasm for learning.

“I will give it a try,” Domon said.

“I will help,” Jet said.

“Good!” Jack uttered.

When Duchess Isabelle returned, she came with Thaergood. Jack had called him over to meet him in the throne room.

Thaergood frowned when he saw The Man, Paytowin, and Bowler running around the room like some kids. They even played catch around the sculptures lined along the side of the throne room. He was thinking about calling guards to chase these people out. But when he saw the king didn’t mind, he decided to just ignore those fellows.

Seeing Isabelle and Thaergood arrive, Jack told the two and duke Alfredo that he was giving John the authority to deal with most of the settlement buildings, military development, and research choices.

He asked both Isabelle and Thaergood to give John their assistance. Thaergood wasn’t so fond of the idea.

Jack told them he would be going out often but would return at least once a month to deal with necessary matters. Thaergood told Jack that he should bring at least a regiment to accompany him.

Although that would be cool, Jack refused. Bringing such a large group would just hinder his freedom. He told them not to worry. He could take care of himself and if there was a problem, he could call his royal agents for help.

Thaergood wasn’t assured. Three out of the five royal agents were recruits. Duke Alfredo was the only royal agent who could be depended upon. But since the king had made the decision, there was nothing he could do.

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