Second World Novel

Chapter 1027 1027. Potential Recruits

“How do you know? I never invited you there,” Jack said to John.

“I heard you lived there, so I went to check it out. Tasty bread they make,” John replied. “Anyway. She is not bad, but not special, either.”

Amy was a level 30 special elite. Since she was level 30, it meant that she had been drafted via the Call to Arms instead of the normal draft.

Jack was wondering if Samantha got drafted as well. It would be a problem then. Who would be looking after his bakery then?

Peniel understood his worry when she saw him type Samantha’s name in the search option. She said, “She is not drafted. Whether it’s the Call to Arms or the normal draft, the system will only pick one person from a household. Unless, of course, the city’s population was too few already, then there is no choice. But with Themisphere’s current population, no way that happens.”

Hearing that, Jack eased off a bit. He still felt uneasy about Amy in the soldier, though. That girl had not seen conflict before. If war happened and she got sent as one of the foot soldiers, there was a chance of her being a casualty.

Jack knew that this was a reality of war. Soldiers would have to be sent out and they would have a decent chance of dying. He couldn’t prevent that. Now that he was a king, he would even be the one who sent those soldiers to die.

However, he couldn’t stay idle and just let Amy suffer that fate. Not if he could do anything about it.

So, he sent her a request for the royal agent’s fourth slot. She accepted almost instantly.

“I thought you want the best grade for the two remaining slots?” John teased.

“Shut up,” Jack returned.

“Oh, her traits are not bad. She even has a talent,” Peniel remarked after Jack opened up her information.

Amy had six spell traits. Nature, restore, Enchant, Manipulate, Offense, and Boundary. Only one trait lesser than Duke Alfredo. She had three affinities. Wind, ice, and light. She also had one talent, Invigorator. This talent boosted all healing spells to heal 100% more HP, it also improved Amy’s success chance when learning healing spells.

Jack chose two spells that she could use and installed them on her. The first spell was Healing Wind, a druid’s restorative spell. The second was Ice Fall, the same spell possessed by Water Lily from Cipher Flight.

After he was done with Amy, he returned to filter the list from the newly drafted recruits. He set it so the highest grade was at the top of the list. He hoped the World Peace Garden which he had completed using his ruling power gave at least a few rare elites to choose from.

“Holy!” He uttered after seeing the top of the list.

“Wow, it is lucky that you have completed that World Peace Garden first before drafting,” John commented.

“This is unexpected,” Isabelle said.𝒏π’ͺπ’±πšŽπ“π—‡πšŽxt.π•”πš˜π‘š

“This is the first time such a thing happened since I entered this kingdom’s court,” Thaergood also joined in.

At the top of the list, there were two mythical-grade recruits. As for rare elite grades, there were more than twenty recruits with such a grade.

“I say it is not just the World Peace Garden’s effect. Your luck stat certainly had something to do with it,” Peniel said.

“You don’t say! With a few more drafts and training, our army will be invincible! Hahaha!” Jack laughed.

“Stop it! You sound like an evil ruler bent on world conquest,” Jeanny reprimanded.

“Ah, I’m sorry. I’m getting carried away,” Jack chuckled.

“What’s wrong with being a world-conquering evil ruler?” John asked.

Jack ignored him and studied the two mythical-grade recruits. “Which one should I choose?” He muttered.

“Hey, how about you ditch one out of those four useless agents so you can add them both?” John said. But he quickly amended after catching Duke Alfredo’s stare, “I mean, one out of the three useless agents. Our powerful duke is still the best.”

“No,” Jack said without bothering to give a reason. Though it would be great to have both the mythical grade as his royal agents, he was not the type of person to discard someone after just appointing them a few minutes ago.

“Don’t worry, you can ask the other mythical grade later,” Peniel said. “The number of your royal agents will increase when your sovereign level increases.”

“What? Are you serious?” Both Jack, John, and Jeanny asked at the same time.

“Yeah. Actually, you only have four royal agents when your sovereign was level 1. You have an additional one because you leveled up your sovereign level to level 3. You will get another one when you reached sovereign level 6.”

“Sweet f*ckin-A. Isn’t this system a bit too OP?” Jack said.

“Well, you are a king. I guess it is supposed to be OP,” Jeanny laughed.

“Do you know what’s the maximum number of royal agents he can have?” John asked Peniel.

“Twelve,” Peniel answered.

The three nodded. They didn’t even want to act impressed anymore.

“All right. So, which one to choose?” Jack opened the information of the two level 30 mythical-grade recruits.

Of the two mythical-grade, one was named Howard, and the other was Nerd Bungie.

“There is no contest. We should choose Nerd Bungie,” John said.

“Why?” Jack asked.

“I like his name,” John answered.


“Howard has better talents,” Peniel, who had been reading their data, said.

Howard had the skill traits of bow, crossbow, gun, dart, dagger, fist, and move. As for talents, he had three.

His first talent was Ranged Proficiency. This talent was similar to Lindsey’s sword proficiency except that it applied to all ranged weapons. His ranged damage was increased by 10%. He had an improved chance of learning ranged skills, and he could learn ranged skills that had a requirement of twenty levels above his current level.

His second talent was Distant Shot, which added 30% distance to his ranged weapon’s reach.

The third talent was Hooked arrows. All targets struck by his bow or crossbow would have their movement speed slowed by 20%.

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