Second World Novel

1377 Chapter 1377. Everyone

Euphosine stopped moving, allowing Talia and Aglea free hits. However, Talia quickly retreated because she sensed the mana converging around Euphosine.

A powerful explosion radiated from Euphosine, freezing even the air. Talia didn’t retreat fast enough, but her flames protected her from getting frozen. Her speed became slow, though.

Aglea never stopped attacking. She lost mana sense when she died. But even if she had the ability, Master would still command her to keep attacking. Euphosine’s ice mana explosion hit her point-blank. Her entire body was frozen.

With a slap, Euphosine sent the frozen Aglea flying across the hall. Euphosine then shot forward.

Talia tried to engage Euphosine but Euphosine’s ice chains assaulted her. Because she was slowed, she couldn’t dodge the ice chains. The ice chains coiled around her before slamming her into the floor.

Without obstacles hindering her, Euphosine proceeded toward Peniel. One healing from Peniel brought Talia to almost full health, she couldn’t let the fairy repeat that.๐š—๐’ช๐“‹๐“”๐“ต๐๐—ฒxt.๐“’๐Ž๐”ช

Jack wasn’t going to stay still and let Euphosine get to Peniel. He and Therras came forward. Therras’ body had returned to normal. The Gigantify Pet had ended, but Jack still had other buff skills for his pet.

Jack used Beast Howl, Beast Tantrum, and Mirage Beast. Therras had recovered decently when it stayed on the sideline while Euphosine was battling Talia and Aglea. The Beast Howl replenished its remaining HP. It was now back to full health and its stats were also increased. The Beast Tantrum increased its stats further.

Therras and its clone served as tanks to block Euphosine from reaching Peniel.

Euphosine waved her hand. Huge sharp icicles materialized before her. They impaled Therras and its clone. Therras’ clone was pushed back, but Therras refused to. Despite getting damaged, it forced itself forward and used Overbearing Stomp. The stomp produced a localized earthquake and destroyed the icicles.

Euphosine was displeased that this pet stopped her advance. She cast a spell. Hundreds of little butterflies made of ice were conjured. When these butterflies touched Therras and its clone, they exploded. The explosion dealt ice damage and also produced a freeze effect. With so many butterflies hitting them, Therras and its clone were frozen in no time.

The butterflies flew past frozen Therras and came at Jack and Peniel.

Jack put Peniel behind him. When he saw these ice butterflies, he cast Orb of Storm and Perpetual Lightning Judgement.

The empowered lightning blasted all the butterflies. Icy and electrical discharge filled the air, obscuring the view. Jack sensed another attack coming. Jack used Flame Strike powered by mana manipulation at the exact time the attack arrived. He felt a strong knockback and was sent tumbling backward.

The attack Jack blocked wasn’t the only one. Seven ice spears appeared and headed toward Peniel.

ฦฅandasnovelยทฦˆom “Peniel, invulnerability!” Jack called.

Peniel almost used the skill but a group of people came in front of her. These people blocked the ice spears for Peniel.

“Everyone?!” Jack saw that these were people he was familiar with. They were Grace, Spring Crown, Naomi, Kramer, Freddie, and Tom. Each of them blocked one of the ice spears except for Grace who blocked two. All of them suffered damage and were thrown back except for Spring Crown.

Naomi and Tom almost lost their lives from the block. Kramer also suffered large damage but he had high HP as a native. Freddie didn’t lose so much because he used mana manipulation to block. Grace also didn’t lose much despite blocking two ice spears because of her equipment’s high defense and she had activated the Armor of Ego.

Spring Crown didn’t suffer any damage because he used his skill, Absorb Energy. His spear was now coated with intense ice energy.I think you should take a look at

His spirit weapon was behind him. He used Energy Weapon, turning his spirit weapon into a ball of energy that smashed into Euphosine who had now appeared in front of them.

Euphosine easily blocked the energy weapon with an ice shield formed by her hand. Her ice chains stretched forward, attempting to stab everyone.

Grace, Spring Crown, and Freddie parried the stab while getting forced back. Kramer kept on getting stabbed but he refused to retreat. Naomi and Tom had retreated after the first clash. Tom cast healing spells on them both.

Peniel cast Healing Field to keep Grace and the others alive. She had flown back to hide behind Jack once these people saved her.

Jack came forward and blocked Euphosine’s ice chains using his sword art. “Kramer, move back!” Jack commanded. The native teenager was too valiant for his own good.

A distance away, Jack also saw Stefan and Saddie use ranged attacks on Euphosine. Master was elsewhere, casting his spells from safety.

Euphosine scoffed at their attempts. She was about to advance again to teach these ants a lesson when a fire lasso came and bound her. She looked back. The fire lasso was from Talia.

Aglea had also freed herself from her frozen condition. She and Talia were now coming at Euphosine again.

Euphosine huffed. The flaming lasso that was coiling her body was frozen until it became solid ice. It then shattered. Euphosine cast a spell that was completed before Talia and Aglea arrived.

A huge face made of ice materialized before the two. This giant ice face blew an icy breath. Talia and Aglea formed magic shields before them, but the gust from the breath was too strong. They were driven back by the icy wind.

“You people are pissing me off!” Euphosine exclaimed. “How dare you all interfere with the quarrel between my sisters and me. Begone!”

She was casting a spell, another eight-rune spell. When it was completed, an endless torrent of ice needles filled the hall.

“Get near me!” Jack shouted. His swords turned into a blur as he slashed every single needle that came near him.

Upon the first impact, Jack understood these needles contained deadly power. If his slashes weren’t powered by mana manipulation, he believed he would suffer damage from each clash.

Even though Jack could block these needles, his slashes covered a limited area. He couldn’t defend everyone. Grace, Spring Crown, and Freddie were still able to defend despite the high difficulty, the others weren’t doing so well.

Kramer, Naomi, Tom, Stefan, and Saddie got battered by the needles. Tom’s eagle claw art let him intercept the needles. However, his damage output was not enough to negate the needle’s power. He didn’t have mana manipulation, so he received damage with each impact.

“Grace! Generosity of Hope!” Jack called.

“I can’t!” Grace replied. “I have already used it in the battle outside.”

The ones who had healing spells tried their best to keep everyone alive, but in the end, Euphosine’s spell was simply too powerful for them. Jack watched helplessly as Naomi, Tom, and Stefan were killed.

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