Rise Of Evil Sword God

Chapter 380 - End Of Training

"This boy is really a demon. How the hell does this boy cultivates?"

"In less than six months. This boy reached Early Sky Profound Realm from Early Earth Profound Realm."


"Don't forget he is also a body cultivation, cultivated Dao Body already."

"He is also a weapon refiner, exceptional on top of that."

Sect Master, Two grand Elders, and Elder Li all come to Fan Xingjuan's courtyard.

They were shocked by the rapid cultivation of Feng Yun, it was no doubt that Feng Yun's cultivation speed was inhuman.

"Hey, old guys, what are you all doing here?" Fan Xingjuan appeared in front of Sect Master and elders and said. She wore a light blue robe that completely covered her body, while a white veil covering her face. Other than Feng Yun, she rarely showed her face to others.

"Haha, Elder Fan, we just came here to congrats Feng Yun." Sect Master laughed and said. Fan Xingjuan has the most violent temperament as well as the second most strong person in the sect nobody wanted to anger her.

"Yeah, yeah, don't make much noise, he is still cultivating." Fan Xingjuan said in an annoying voice.

Sect Master and others nodded and become quiet, after another hour later, Feng Yun finally comes out of the room. When he arrived in the hall, he was surprised to see many people present in the hall.

"Disciple greets Sect Master, Esteems Grand Elders and elders!" Feng Yun bowed and saluted. 

"Haha! Feng Yun, don't be modest! We just congrats you." Sect Master laughed and said.

"Thank you, Sect Master!" Feng Yun respectfully said.

"Sigh! If I knew you would turned this talented, I would definitely fought with over you." Second Grand Elder sighed.

"Grand Elder just over praising me!" Feng Yun politely replied on the surface while he cursed in his mind, 'Fuck, who want to become disciple old?'

"Feng Yun, these are some healing pills for, they might come in handy in the competition." Sect Master gave him twenty ranked sixth healing pill and said.

Feng Yun didn't decline and accept respectfully. 

"Sect Master, how much time left before the grand competition?" Feng Yun asked curiously.

"Around one month. But the registration process for the competition already started, not all cultivators under the age of 25 could participate in this grand competition. Every youngster had to go through some screening precesses and prove his strength worthy enough to participate in the competition. But you have to worry about the registration process, you will get the privilege of being the top disciple of one of five great sects." Sect Master explained. Although Feng Yun didn't know the detail, he could guess somewhat. 

"Every sect has the privilege to recommend thirty disciples who could skip the registering process and directly took part in the competition. That means the five great sects could recommend one hundred fifty disciples in total. I have already put your name on the list." Sect Master said. Feng Yun also nodded, it was much better for him.

"You should have rest and consolidate your realm, I will explain the complete process of the competition in the future when we will leave for the Long Imperial Dynasty." Sect Master said.

After half an hour later, the sect master and others finally left the house of Fan Xingjuan. Only Feng Yun and Fan Xingjuan remained in the house.

"How is your cultivation?" Fan Xingjuan finally speaks to Feng Yun.

"It's good, Profound Fire Crystals are much more beneficial than I thought. I could feel my fire element become stronger than before after absorbing the Profound Fire Crystals." Feng Yun said.

"Hm! That's why Profound Fire Crystals are the dream of many fire element cultivators?" Fan Xingjuan nodded.

"So what should I do now." Feng Yun asked Fan Xingjuan, wanted to know if she has prepared another training for him.

"No, your training is almost complete, as the sect master said now you should take a rest and consolidate your current realm." Fan Xingjuan ponder for a moment and said.

Feng Yun was a little surprised then asked, "Master, that means I can go back to my courtyard."

"Why? You don't like it here. Oh, you might be missing your lovely girls." Fan Xingjuan said while frowning.

"Master, I have never that." Feng Yun wryly smiled.

"I am just kidding. You can go." Fan Xingjuan laughed lightly and said.

"Then, I will be leaving master!" Feng Yun bowed slightly to Fan Xingjuan, ready to go back to his courtyard.

After leaving Fan Xingjuan's house, Feng Yun directly went to the core disciple residences area, coming to his house.

"Senior Brother, you have returned from your training!" Tang Yuan opened the gate, seeing Feng Yun on the door, she was surprised. Feng Yun informed them that he was training, so he might not able to return for a while.

"Yeah!" Feng Yun nodded while entering the house. Feng Yun moved to her taking her in his embrace, he gave her a passionate kiss.

"Welcome back senior brother!" After the kiss ended, Tang Yuan smiled and said. Her posture was similar to a woman who was welcoming her husband.

Feng Yun nodded slightly. Moving inside, Feng Yun sat down on the sofa and said, "Where are the others?"

"They went to the sect mission, should be returned in four days." Tang Yuan said as she moved fast and bring out the tea set from the kitchen.

"Oh! Why didn't you also go with them?" Feng Yun asked curiously.

"I thought someone should be remaining in the house to welcome Senior Brother." Tang Yuan gracefully make the tea for him and said with a sweet smile.

"You don't need to do this. Rather you should focus on your cultivation." Feng Yun said gently.

"I am happy to serve Senior Brother!" Tang Yuan said while giving him a teacup.

Feng Yun took a ship from the spiritual tea, a refreshing feeling appeared in his mind. He can't help but praise her tea brewing skill, they were gotten better than last time. "Great Tea!"

Feng Yun enjoyed the tea slowly. He held tea in his right hand and with his left hand, he gestured her to sit on his lap. Tang Yuan's smiled widened as she hastily accepted his invitation and said down on his lap while siding both legs on his right.

"So tell me about the incidents that happened in the sect during my absence." Feng Yun asked.

"Um! Nothing big happened in the sect in the last few months, just all the core disciples were cultivating crazily because of the grand competition. From time to time, some little commotion appeared due to the break through of the core disciples, nothing more." Tang Yuan leaned on his chest as she started speaking while Feng Yun placed his left hand around his waist.

"Senior Brother, what about you? Can you tell me something about your adventure?" After telling him everything notable, Tang Yuan hesitated for a second and asked.

"Hmm!" Feng Yun nodded as he started telling her about his journey of course with some modification. Tang Yuan was greatly astounded by his story.

"Senior brother, you have changed a little from before." Tang Yuan said while looking at his face.

"How?" Feng Yun curiously asked.

"Senior Brother's eyes clearer than before, there is no desire for me like in the past even I am sitting in your lap. Did senior brother lose interest in this maid? But I can see tenderness and affection in these eyes." Tang Yuan said, she was a keen observer, she could tell some differences. But she didn't know if it was a good thing or bad.

"Haha! It is always there, just suppressed by me. I have learned how to control them." Feng Yun laughed lightly. 

Tang Yuan nodded, "Senior Brother, you want to eat something, I have learned some new dishes. Ah! But we don't have ingredients now, I can go to the city to buy them." She was a spiritual chef, Feng Yun liked her dishes, she thought preparing some dishes for him.

"Forget it, let the others come back first, we will hold a big party together." Feng Yun shook his head.

"Furthermore, we have another important thing to do." Feng Yun added.

"Hmm! What is it?"

"Didn't I tell you, I am suppressing my lustful desires, it's time to let them out. What do you think about this?"

"It's my great pleasure to make love with Senior Brother!" Tang Yuan grinned.

Feng Yun didn't waste much time and started kissing her while his hand roamed over her body. It was true, he could suppressed his desires, but Fan Xingjuan's training caused a big amount of desire filled up inside his heart, now it's time to release it.

"HHhmmm!" Tang Yuan happily accepted his approach and kissed him back in return. Both started removing each other's clothes.

"Today's love session might be more intense, tell me if I go overboard." Feng Yun tenderly looked at her face and said. 


"Senior Brother, don't need to worry, you can freely let out your pent-up desires." Tang Yuan lightly kissed on his lips and said.



A few minutes later, the house filled with Tang Yuan's loud moans while, Feng Yun swiftly pound on her lovely pussy. Her body trembled with pleasure as his big dick was thrusting in and out of her vagina, she held his neck to support herself while her body moved up and down with his strong thrusts.

Their dual cultivation continued for two days, Tang Yuan took many short breaks to rest but still didn't back down.

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