Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 1322 - She… Is It Worth the Trouble?

Chapter 1322 She… Is It Worth the Trouble?

Apotheon Mu looked at Tang Xiu’s back with a sudden change in expression. His slender body abruptly got up and he shouted sharply, “Who exactly are you? How do you know the Golden Lotus Secret Classics?”

Tang Xiu didn’t hurry to turn back nor did he answer his questions and continued instead, “The line in the sixth chapter of the Golden Lotus Secret Classics says: Weaving lines to wind around and strength grows along with the foundation. As the name implies, the Golden Lotus is a combination of layers from which formidable power burst out, yet it might need to be rooted and stable to form twisting lotus petals.”

“Answer me!” Apotheon Mu angrily shouted.

“Don’t tell me you still can’t guess who I am?” asked Tang Xiu.

With that said, he finally turned slowly while his hands continuously conjured seals as a golden lotus woven entirely with golden threads radiated a bright golden light.

Apotheon Mu staggered back a few steps while looking at Tang Xiu’s face in disbelief as his heart trembled. Despite being a dignified Perfected Golden Immortal, he raised his hand to rub his eyes, as though wanting to make sure that his eyes didn’t deceive him.

Watching his extremely shocked face, Tang Xiu calmly said, “Blackwater small town; Immortal Ascension Horizon; Ascension Forlorn Strait; Misty Spring Ocean.”

Apotheon Mu was as though getting struck by lightning, shocked, and paralyzed when Tang Xiu mentioned the four places.

Blackwater small town was the very place he first met Tang Xiu and also the place where they became master and disciple. He was a young man at that time and the first time his fate changed.

Immortal Ascension Horizon was the place where he ascended to become an immortal. Due to some particular reasons, he had to go through hardships and narrowly escaped before he finally broke through to the Immortal Stage. It was the second transformation in his life.

Ascension Forlorn Strait was the region where his true love died and the very place where his heart became like dead ashes. It was the place where the third enormous blow struck his heart—the third reversal of his destiny.

Misty Spring Ocean was the region where he lived in seclusion, living a life like a walking dead, without any passion nor anger. If it wasn’t for his Master’s failure in crossing his tribulation and many members of his sect and people close to him facing persecution, he felt he would have stayed here alone until his last breath.

Tang Xiu slowly turned around and looked at him, lightly asking, “You still haven’t guessed who I am?”

The moment Apotheon Mu saw Tang Xiu’s appearance at the moment, his body shook violently before it flickered and turned into shadows that lunged toward Tang Xiu, kneeling down with two lines of tears running down his face as he wept. “Y-You’re… Master… y-you’re… still… alive?”

Many emotions mixed in Tang Xiu’s heart as he paced a step forward and gently stroked Apotheon Mu’s head, propping him up, and the replying softly, “Yeah, I’m still alive.”


The tears flowed faster on Apotheon Mu’s face and he cried. “I thought your soul had vanished into oblivion after you failed your tribulation, Master. Little Mu has always been missing you!”

Patting his shoulder, Tang Xiu’s fingers gently stroked the back of Apotheon Mu’s head and bitterly said, “I’ve been missing you too. It’s just…”

“Just… just what?” Apotheon Mu was confused.

Tang Xiu adjusted his facial muscles again to restore his original appearance. Immediately after, an intense killing intent painted his face and he said, “They all thought that I failed my tribulation. But in fact, I was besieged and ambushed by my former lover who joined with the former brothers I trusted the most then. If it wasn’t for a wisp of my soul entering another time-lapse that enabled me to eventually retain my consciousness, my soul would’ve really vanished into oblivion.”

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Apotheon Mu was greatly shocked and incredulity filled his eyes.

“You heard it right. Xue Qingcheng, Great Emperor Danqing, and Zither Demon Jiuyao ambushed me at my weakest moment when I was crossing the divinity tribulation.”

With that said, he gently raised his hand and released a wisp of Primal Chaos energy to prop Apotheon Mu up.

“Then Mistress, she…”

“She’s no longer the wife of your Master,” cut Tang Xiu coldly. “Although she was also compelled, even time won’t be able to erase all the things she has done. Mu, if you still regard me as your Master, do not ever have any slightest contact with her anymore.”

Apotheon Mu’s lips wriggled a few times and he nodded bitterly.

He originally thought that his Master’s wife Xue Qingcheng chose to commit suicide since his Master failed his tribulation and vanished. Never did he expect that his Master turned out to not have failed in crossing his tribulation but instead fell due to their persecution.

“No wonder. No wonder those abominable Great Emperor Danqing and Zither Demon Jiuyao keep targeting and harming our people after you went missing. Master, the four Senior and Junior Brothers and Sister are now in grave danger. The Vermillion Bird Holy Sect has withdrawn in the sect’s holy land and nobody dares to come out easily. Further, Apotheosis Immortal Bella Fern Regalia is also injured, and if she fails to find a certain immortal fruit, it’s very likely that she can only last for another century,” said Apotheon Mu bitterly.

Tang Xiu’s expression slightly changed, but he remained silent for a long while before asking slowly, “You mean, Apotheosis Bella took action too?”

“Apotheosis Bella has been fighting against Great Emperor Danqing and Zither Demon Jiuyao for centuries due to her relationship with you.” Apotheon Mu nodded. “Although she has succeeded in advancing to the Supremacy Stage, she was eventually injured gravely by Great Emperor Danqing. I just came back from Immortal Lyceum and then found and ambushed by those 8 Perfected Golden Immortals. But all in all, her situation is similarly grave.”

The guilt Tang Xiu felt increased more and he murmured, “She’s… is it worth it for her doing so?”

Apotheon Mu hesitated for a moment and seriously said, “Master, it’s not like I feel that I have the qualification to speak about your emotional issues due to the issues with your… wife. But, Apotheosis Bella has really sacrificed a lot for you; too much, even. She fought powerful enemies countless for you; even her Sect was annihilated by Zither Demon Jiuyao’s people due to her involvement. The Immortal Lyceum now only has 6 Perfected Golden Immortals left out of the previous 18. Most of them died in battles. And If it wasn’t for her, the defensive protection array of Vermillion Bird Holy Sect would have been broken already by those led by Great Immortal Danqig and Zither Demon Jiuyao then.”

“Sigh, what an ill-fated relationship!”

Tang Xiu clenched his fists tightly and gleaming crystals appeared in his eyes.

“Master, we have to find a way to rescue the four martial disciples.” Apotheon Mu interjected. “They’ve been enduring torture every day and I’m afraid they won’t last long.”

“What’s the situation in Heavenly Mountain at present?” asked Tang Xiu.

“I sent some people to investigate it. Although all of them were killed, they sent me a message before they died,” said Apotheon Mu. “There’s a Supremacy Stage expert at the helm there, the Supreme Elder of Zither Demon Jiuyao, assisted by 12 Perfected Golden Immortals manning the traps, waiting for our people to enter. As for Golden Immortals there, they are just too many to count.”

Tang Xiu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “We will certainly save them, but we’re not yet their match in strength now. I’ve started cultivating again, but the current me can’t even take on a Golden Immortal. You’ve seen the combat power of those around me. Even I can’t make all those 8 Perfected Golden Immortals stay here. Just the strength of our people at the moment, it will be like throwing eggs at a boulder even if we dispatch all of them.”

“Do you have any plans, by chance?” asked Apotheon Mu hurriedly.

Tang Xiu took a deep breath and said, “The news that I’m still alive, aside from you, is only known by Kitty when I ran into her. I didn’t even tell Auntie Star Tears about my identity until the moment I rescued you.”

Star Tears?

Apotheon Mu suddenly recalled the previous female Perfected Golden Immortal who asked him about his injury. At that time, he didn’t pay attention to her at all. Now that he thought about it, she turned out to be Martial Aunt Star Tears who had changed her appearance.

“Master, I think you can believe Apotheosis Bella Fern Regalia on this matter.”

Apotheon Mu remained silent for a long time before saying decisively.

Tang Xiu nodded in approval without a word. Then, he said, “I didn’t have a plan to tell her about this, but now I changed my mind. If I want to gain a foothold in the Immortal World again and recruit troops to expand my power, having powerhouses to assume command is a must. My father and the rest are holding fast and staying at the Vermillion Bird Holy Sect, there’s no way to get them outside to help us. Therefore, Apotheosis Bella is the only choice we have.”

“Would you like me to take you there to see her?” asked Apotheon Mu hurriedly.

“No.” Tang Xiu shook his head. “I can’t see her for the time being. Anyway, tell me what kind of immortal fruit she needs. I’ll find a way to find it for her.”

“It’s the Holy Dragon Fruit,” answered Apotheon Mu.

Tang Xiu was taken aback and stared blankly for a moment. Then, he took out the Holy Dragon Fruit from his interspatial ring and said in a deep voice, “It’s quite a coincidence that I happen to have this fruit in my possession. You should immediately go and give it to her. Tell her to recuperate as soon as possible and strive to get healed completely within 6 months. We’ll head to Heavenly Mountain 6 months later.”

Apotheon Mu nodded. “Considering the strength of Martial Brothers and Sister, they’ll be able to persevere for another 6 months. Moreover, the enemy still needs them as bait, so it’s impossible to kill them so quickly. By the way, Master, do you have anything else you’d like to convey to her?”

Tang Xiu was silent for a moment and then slowly said, “Emergency times require extreme measures. When you meet Apotheosis Bella, tell her that I need Crystal Essences. The more the better. I have an urgent need.”

Apotheon Mu took another ring from his interspatial ring and handed it to Tang Xiu. “All my Immortal Crystals and Crystal Essences are in here, Master—a total of 2,000 Crystal Essences. Please take them for use.”

Tang Xiu didn’t hesitate to take them away and then said, “Before you go meet Apotheosis Bella, there’s one other thing you need to do. Although the Misty Spring Ocean is within the Immortal Lyceum’s sphere of influence, this region is rather remote and I need this territory as a foothold for the Great Tang Empire. Therefore, I need you to clean up all the untrustworthy people and forces from the Misty Spring Ocean’s sphere of influence.”

Apotheon Mu nodded and said, “Although I usually don’t pay much attention to the issues occurring in the Misty Spring Ocean, I can still accomplish your request with ease. I promise you that the entire Misty Spring Islands will be cleaned up thoroughly within a month.”

“I’ll give you a list. Find me the herbs in the list while in passing.” Tang Xiu said, “I’ll give you half a month, and all the 200,000-plus members of the Great Tang Empire will obey your command. After you’re done with it, the two Perfected Golden Immortals, Zenith Venerable and Seaway Monarch will accompany you to the Immortal Lyceum.”

“Understood!” Apotheon Mu nodded respectfully.

After thinking for a while, Tang Xiu handed the Heavenly Abode artifact to Gu Yan’er and said, “Yan’er, greet and pay respects to your Senior Brother, Apotheon Mu.”

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