Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 962 - Legendary Necromancer

Chapter 962 – Legendary Necromancer

System: Congratulations! You have accepted the Epic ranked Main Storyline Quest “Evil God’s Birth.”

Quest content: Exterminate the Evil God’s believers in the Star-Moon Kingdom. If you fail to exterminate the Evil God’s believers before they summon the Evil God, Star-Moon Kingdom will fall into ruin.

As the system was notification repeated three times, Shi Feng was momentarily stunned.

He had only been the messenger, yet he had triggered an Epic ranked Main Storyline Quest in Star-Moon Kingdom. This was not good news for Zero Wing.

Shortly after the system notifications, the system announcements followed.

Star-Moon Kingdom System Announcement: New expansion pack, “Disaster of the Evil God,” has been activated.

Star-Moon Kingdom System Announcement: Ruins of the Evil God’s Temple has been discovered in the Undead Gorge. Asura Mode Regional Dungeon, the Undead Gorge, has been activated. Players Level 35 and above may enter the Dungeon.

The system announcement also repeated three times, creating a stir in Star-Moon Kingdom.

“Awesome! Who triggered the new expansion pack?”

“An Asura Mode Regional Dungeon? The loot will be amazing!”

“It’s actually an Asura Mode Regional Dungeon. I bet the Dungeon’s monsters will drop Magic Crystals. I won’t have to continue fighting for kills in the Stoneclaw Mountains.”

The majority of the kingdom’s players were incredibly interested in the new Regional Dungeon.

Originally, the only Regional Dungeon that offered Magic Crystals was the Stoneclaw Mountains. However, it had become a haunt for Star-Moon Kingdom’s various large Guilds. Even though the area provided abundant resources, ordinary players’ share was very small. Moreover, the competition for those resources grew with each day.

The new Asura Mode Regional Dungeon’s appearance was definitely a cause to celebrate for the majority of Star-Moon Kingdom’s players. At the very least, there was now another area in which they could obtain Magic Crystals.

Moreover, the Undead Gorge was much closer to Star-Moon City than the Stoneclaw Mountains. Only a single map separated the Gorge and the capital. The only problem was that the monsters in said map were somewhat high-leveled, all above Level 50. If one crossed the map without being strong enough, the risk of death would be quite high. However, this could also help disqualify some players, reducing the competition in the Regional Dungeon.

The only downside was equipment repairs. Unlike in the Stoneclaw Mountains, none of the Undead Gorge’s adjacent maps had a town. It would take four hours to run there from the nearest teleportation point.

While this was a huge problem for independent players, the various large Guilds found this acceptable. At the very least, they wouldn’t have to pay Zero Wing with Magic Crystals if they grinded in the Undead Gorge. Moreover, once their Guild members obtained Mounts, they could save time when traveling.

For a time, Star-Moon Kingdom’s various large Guilds began to prepare to garrison troops in the Undead Gorge.

A new Regional Dungeon hinted that there would be undiscovered resources. If they entered the Undead Gorge immediately, they could obtain more than their competition.

“Young adventurer, I would like you to help me with something,” Hartfield sternly told Shi Feng. “Now that the Evil God’s believers have appeared, I suspect that Byrne, the Legendary Necromancer from fifteen years ago, is up to something new. I want you to locate him for me. If Byrne is trying to hold a summoning ritual, he will need to slaughter many to gather enough power to summon the Evil God’s doppelganger. I have a Tracking Crystal that has recorded the Evil God’s power. It will help you search for the Evil God’s power within an area. If Byrne is absorbing the power of the area’s creatures, the Tracking Crystal will detect him. Once you discover their nest, all you need to do is report back.

“However, be careful in your search. Byrne is a Legendary Necromancer, and with the aid of the Evil God’s power, he can summon extremely powerful monsters. Summoning the Evil God’s doppelganger will require a lot of power, so he will have certainly nurtured many powerful monsters to help him gather what he needs. If you want to deal with these monsters, you should head to the remains of the Evil God’s Temple in the Undead Gorge. You might find some method of dealing with them.”

Once Hartfied finished speaking, he passed Shi Feng a blue crystal block.

[Tracking Crystal]

When activated, will scan 5,000 yards in every direction for the Evil God’s power. Each use consumes one Magic Crystal.

Cooldown: 30 minutes

What an inconvenient item. Shi Feng said nothing as he stared at the crystal block in his hand.

Fortunately, it would require time to gather the necessary power to summon the Evil God. The one-horned monsters would continue to massacre everything in their path. He would, soon or later, find them; then, he only needed to follow them back to their nest.

Following which, Shi Feng left the Grand Duke’s mansion with the Tracking Crystal in hand. He notified Aqua Rose to send some men to search the maps near Stone Forest Town for clues about the one-horned monsters. After completing that task, he teleported to Blackwing City.

Meanwhile, inside Ouroboros’s Guild Residence in Star-Moon Kingdom, a meeting was being held. Usually, only the Guild’s upper echelons were invited to such meetings. This meeting, however, included three outsiders.

“Guild Leader Snow, there are many benefits to becoming one of the Blackwater Corporation’s subordinate Guilds. Won’t you consider it?” the gloomy, short-haired youth, who headed the group of outsiders, asked, smiling at Gentle Snow.

“Many benefits?” Zhao Yueru, repeated from beside Gentle Snow, anger tingeing her words. “You’re asking for management of Ouroboros and 90% of its shares, yet you’re offering us less than one-tenth of the market price. These are your so-called benefits?”

“Oh, don’t put it like that. With Blackwater Corporation’s fame and influence, I am sure that you know how much our management will benefit Ouroboros. The Guild will become immensely strong,” the short-haired youth said, chuckling. “Joining the Blackwater Corporation now is your best choice. Otherwise, you’ll run into a dead-end in the future. You won’t get anything at all.”

“Are you threatening me?” Gentle Snow frowned.

“It is not a threat. I am simply offering a suggestion. I doubt that your investors will want to make an enemy of Blackwater,” the youth said. He then turned to Ouroboros’s Elders, saying, “Your Guild Elders are aware of this. Did they not tell you yet?”

“What is going on?” Gentle Snow shifted her gaze towards the several Guild Elders beside her. Each Elder represented one of Ouroboros’s investors. Their words were the investors’ will.

“Our companies have already reached a consensus and decided to join the Blackwater Corporation. Snow, please don’t blame us. We don’t have a choice. Blackwater has been putting pressure on our companies as of late, so our profits are in jeopardy. If this continues, our companies may go bankrupt. We had to compromise,” an Elder explained softly.

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