Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 3183 - Chapter 257 - Tier 4 Promotion

Chapter 257 – Tier 4 Promotion

After a short silence in the lobby, everyone turned to look at Shi Feng, who had just walked out of the mental space, as if they were looking at a monster.

“A special mental strength expert?! How did a special mental strength expert get within the top 100?! This mental space is definitely broken! I’m a 2-star mental strength master at 35, yet I can’t even get within the top 1,000! No matter how you look at it, he’s already over 30, so how can he get within the top 100 even though he’s only a special mental strength expert?!”

“It should be because of his mental control receiving an S-rank rating. There hasn’t been anyone with S-rank mental control appearing in Star Lake City for the past ten years. If I remember correctly, the last person to get an S-rank evaluation for their mental control is the Star Lake Legion’s current First Vice Commander. Is Star Lake City going to see the birth of another anomaly?”

“I don’t think you can consider this person an anomaly yet. When that Vice Commander joined the Star Lake Legion, he came in 43rd in his selection, and it’s common knowledge that everyone who manages to rank within the top 50 of the Star Lake Legion’s recruitment selection will always have a Potential Rating of 95 or greater. Moreover, these people all have a high chance of becoming one-star mental strength grandmasters before the age of 35. In addition, aside from having an S-rank Mental Control Rating, that anomaly also concluded his selection with a Potential Rating of 97 and an S-rank Mental Strength Rating. Afterward, he became a one-star mental strength grandmaster at 27. Now that he is 31, he has even become a two-star mental strength grandmaster already. The gap between these two people is utterly massive.”


Feelings of madness, admiration, and jealousy filled the people in the lobby when they thought about Shi Feng’s test result. However, despite everyone’s feelings, nobody dared to behave disrespectfully toward Shi Feng.

The Star Lake Legion was the cumulation of Star Lake City’s apex combatants. It was also backed by the city itself. So, even ordinary official members of the legion would be recruitment targets for the various hegemonic powers of God’s Domain and ordinary corporations in Star Lake City.

In addition, official members had the qualifications to purchase a plot of land and own it until they passed away. With this land, they could open up a shop or build a home to live in without having to pay an exorbitant rent to Star Lake City. In addition, they could even invite up to ten people to become permanent residents of Star Lake City, which meant that they could pay their monthly Contribution Point fee in Star Coins instead.

It should be known that even the Greater World’s various corporations couldn’t afford to give all their members permanent residence status in a city. The Greater World had existed for a very long time already, and many corporations and powerful families with long histories had gigantic family trees. To make matters worse, people living in the Greater World could easily live up to 500 years old if nothing unexpected occurred.

Because of this, many youths belonging to the Greater World’s various corporations and powerful families sought to join the various cities’ city legions. Meanwhile, if Shi Feng managed to join the Star Lake Legion, he’d have plenty of opportunities to get acquainted with these youths with powerful backgrounds. So, it’d be foolish to offend Shi Feng simply because he was only a special mental strength expert right now.


He got into the top 100 on his first try?

Breeze Wine was at a loss for words when he saw Shi Feng’s test result. He had worked hard in the Greater World for several years, participated in multiple selections, and challenged the mental space over 50 times. Even then, if he didn’t receive the Green God Corporation’s financial support, he would have never managed to become an official member of the Star Lake Legion.

In contrast, Shi Feng had managed to rank within the top 100 of the selection on his first day of arriving in the Greater World. Moreover, he had done so without the support of any corporation. So long as he managed to ascend to a slightly greater height on the mental staircase within the next month, he was practically certain to become an official member of the Star Lake Legion…

Moreover, the top 100 rookies of every selection could typically become a team leader in the Star Lake Legion within three years. In addition, so long as Shi Feng managed to become a one-star mental strength grandmaster before the age of 50, even if he chose to leave the Star Lake Legion afterward, he could still receive financial support from Star Lake City and work for any of the institutions directly affiliated with Star Lake City. He could easily live up to six or seven hundred years old at that time. He might even receive marriage proposals from the city’s influential families and corporations…

This was because a genius of Shi Feng’s caliber had a very high chance of becoming a three-star mental strength grandmaster within their lifetime. If he managed to accomplish this feat, he would gain the opportunity to pioneer a new city and become the lord of a city in the Greater World.

“It seems you made the right decision to wait, Commander Jade,” Breeze Wine said as he looked at Purple Jade with a smile.

The position of team leader in the Star Lake Legion was significantly more valuable than the position of an official member. If Purple Jade went under Shi Feng’s wing, she could earn a significantly greater amount of Contribution Points and Star Coins than the average legion member when completing quests for the city legion. Meanwhile, these points and coins would be crucial in purchasing the exorbitantly priced potions and resources that aided in mental strength development.


Now that Prosciutto and the others were nowhere to be seen and only Purple Jade remained, so long as Shi Feng wasn’t a fool, he’d be able to tell what had happened.

At this time, Breeze Wine could already imagine the colorful expressions Prosciutto and the others would make when they learned about Shi Feng’s ranking.

“You’re thinking too highly of me, Commander Wine,” Purple Jade said with a bitter smile. Contrary to what Breeze Wine thought, she didn’t choose to stay behind because she was confident in Shi Feng’s strength. Instead, she simply thought about understanding Shi Feng’s strength. Only, she never expected Shi Feng to be this powerful.

After Shi Feng was assigned a room on the 490th floor, he went upstairs together with Breeze Wine and Purple Jade. Breeze Wine had also gone out of his way to share some details regarding Star Lake City and the Star Lake Legion with Shi Feng and Breeze Wine.

Shortly after Shi Feng’s group of three left the lobby, the receptionist responsible for manning the test hall’s front desk pulled up a report containing Shi Feng’s personal information. The report was incredibly detailed, and it even had some of Shi Feng’s battle videos from his early years in Shadow.

Shi Feng, is it? When the receptionist finished looking through Shi Feng’s information, a smile appeared on her face. Then, she looked toward the video recording of Shi Feng’s performance in the mental space and thought to herself, What an interesting newcomer we have this year. It’s as if he has long since known the attack patterns of the mental blades. It seems my visit to the Association today wasn’t pointless after all.

As soon as the receptionist closed the recording of Shi Feng’s test, her quantum watch suddenly lit up, indicating that someone was calling her. When she answered the call, the hologram of a dignified young man wearing the Star Lake Legion’s Vice Commander Emblem appeared above the quantum watch.

“Your inauguration ceremony is about to begin, Commander Red Frost. Why haven’t you come over yet? Do you know how ugly the City Lord’s face has become already?” the young man grumbled.

“I know, I know. Stop rushing me,” the receptionist said as she rolled her eyes at the young man. “I’ll head over there now.”


Inside a high-class room on the God’s Domain Association’s 490th floor, Shi Feng laid into the virtual gaming cabin that came with the room and prepared to log into God’s Domain.

Unlike the virtual gaming cabin he used on Earth, this one was made using significantly more advanced technology. Not only did it allow its user to experience God’s Domain with near-100% fidelity, but it also allowed the user to maintain roughly the same combat training effect as in God’s Domain. Players who used this cabin would essentially be training their physical bodies in the real world when doing combat in God’s Domain. Moreover, the cabin even came with two large canisters of Life Potions.

Shi Feng doubted that even a conglomerate like the Green God Corporation would be willing to provide such excellent provisions to its members. Yet, the God’s Domain Association had equipped every room on the 400th floor and above with such a virtual gaming cabin…

If he combined the effects of this virtual gaming cabin with the Greater World’s significantly stronger gravity, his brain activity and physical fitness would automatically improve by themselves, even if he didn’t want them to.

After Shi Feng logged into God’s Domain, he took out the Legendary Legacy Scroll and chanted the incantation to activate it without hesitation. As soon as he was finished chanting, the dark-purple scroll floated into the air and unfurled itself. Then, ancient divine runes quickly flowed out of the scroll and covered the entire office.

Originally, Shi Feng had thought of waiting a little longer before challenging his Tier 4 promotion. After all, many of Zero Wing’s main force members still needed help with leveling up. At the very least, he should wait until Zero Wing’s main force members had reached Level 115 on average before he left for his Tier 4 promotion.

However, if he wanted to maintain his position within the top 100 of the Star Lake Legion’s selection, he had no choice but to challenge his Tier 4 promotion immediately.

There were two reasons for this.

Firstly, players who had successfully gotten promoted to Tier 4 would receive a boost in their Concentration, also known as mental strength in the real world. This boost in Concentration was essential for Shi Feng to maintain his position top 100 since the Star Lake City selection this time was a competition between the geniuses of hundreds of towns and cities.


Secondly, only Tier 4 players in God’s Domain could become official members of the Greater World’s city legions. If he remained at Tier 3, even if he joined the Star Lake Legion as one of the top 100 challengers, he’d only be given the position of a reserve member, and the benefits offered to official members would be out of his reach.

Shortly after Shi Feng activated the Legendary Legacy Scroll, a space-time passage surrounded by black lightning arcs appeared in the middle of his office.

The space-time passage’s size changed constantly. It expanded to a radius of over one meter sometimes and shrunk to a radius of only a few dozen centimeters at other times. The portal was incredibly unstable, and the powerful aura that radiated out of the passage only made it even more difficult for Shi Feng to act.

So, this is a Legacy Land related to the Ancient Abyssal God? Shi Feng was astonished as he looked at this space-time passage.

Just the aura leaking out of the passage was already enough to intimidate him into inaction. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what kind of fearsome opponents awaited him inside the Legacy Land.

However, Shi Feng didn’t put too much thought into the matter. After the space-time passage stabilized to a certain extent, he charged into it without hesitation.

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