Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Chapter 3167 - Chapter 241 - Going Online

Chapter 241 – Going Online

Five million Star Coins are enough to cause the Green God Corporation to make such a huge move? Su Qianliu couldn’t help but blink her eyes in surprise when she heard Xia Qingying’s words.

The Green God Corporation was the number one corporation in the world. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the Green God Corporation’s yearly revenue exceeded even the revenue of every other corporation in the world added together. The amount of wealth the Green God Corporation possessed was simply unimaginable.

A large part of why the Green God Corporation could generate so much revenue was because it was responsible for constructing and operating the several dozen Upper Zones around the world.

The various Upper Zones possessed technological and living standards far superior to the rest of the world. Because of these superior standards, people living in the Upper Zones tended to have an average life expectancy of around 180 years. Moreover, they could even retain their youth up to 60 years old or above.


Due to these reasons, countless wealthy people were willing to pay hundreds of millions or more just to live in an Upper Zone. Although the Green God Corporation would only give out qualifications to live in the Upper Zones to several thousand people each year, that was already more than enough to let the corporation generate astronomical amounts of wealth.

Logically, with so much wealth in its possession, there shouldn’t be anything that could tempt the Green God Corporation to take action. Yet, now, the Green God Corporation had sent one of its Vice Presidents to visit a small Guild like Zero Wing just to purchase the five million Star Coins in Zero Wing’s possession. This situation both surprised and confused Su Qianliu.

According to Flanders, five million Star Coins were only enough to exchange one hundred Life Potions. Meanwhile, a sum of one hundred Life Potions was nothing to the Green God Corporation. After all, every bottle of S-rank Nutrient Fluid and Life Potion in their world came from the Green God Corporation. There was no way one hundred Life Potions could tempt the Green God Corporation into action.

“Deal. Zero Wing will buy the Greater World’s entry slot,” Shi Feng answered Xia Qingying without hesitation.

“Guild Leader?” Blackie couldn’t help but look at Shi Feng in confusion. According to what he learned from Flanders, he knew that people from many parallel worlds in existence could head to a single world known as the Greater World. More specifically, every parallel world would eventually be integrated into the Greater World. Hence, he knew that if Zero Wing could enter the Greater World ahead of other powers, Zero Wing could secure itself a head start in the Greater World.

However, although he understood the importance of getting a head start, trading away one hundred Life Potions for just one slot was simply too much for Zero Wing.

Zero Wing was very tight on money right now. It was especially so after the new expansion pack’s announcement. Just the announcement of the new expansion pack had already caused the various powers to increase the benefits they offered to their core members, afraid that other powers would poach their core members. Once the new expansion pack took effect, competition in the Miniature Ancient World would become even more intense. At that time, Zero Wing’s Credit expenditure would definitely skyrocket.


“This isn’t a loss for Zero Wing,” Shi Feng said to Blackie quietly. “You can even say that we’ve profited. If other superpowers receive this opportunity, the corporations behind them will agree to the offer even if they have to sell their assets. We naturally cannot miss this opportunity.”

The Greater World was a gathering place of the many parallel worlds. Although people from the various parallel worlds would eventually have to live in the Greater World no matter what, the order of one’s entry into the Greater World would significantly impact one’s life in the Greater World. After all, the sooner one entered and learned about the Greater World, the sooner one could prepare for the eventual integration.

Of course, Shi Feng didn’t need to learn about the Greater World since he had long since learned about it in his previous life. The only reason he was trying to enter the Greater World sooner was so that he could prepare for Zero Wing’s future development in the Greater World.

As for the price of five million Star Coins for one entry slot into the Greater World, it was definitely an offer that favored Zero Wing massively. Now that their God’s Domain had yet to become fully open, entry slots for the Greater World in the real world would be extremely limited. If not for the Green God Corporation urgently needing Star Coins, there was no way Zero Wing would get the chance to buy an entry slot into the Greater World for just five million Star Coins.

“You are a very straightforward person indeed, Guild Leader Black Flame,” Xia Qingying said as she looked at Shi Feng with a faint smile. “The passage to the Greater World will stabilize in seven days. Someone from the Green God Corporation will come to pick you up at that time. If you don’t have any other problems, we will be taking our leave.”


After saying so, Xia Qingying left the reception room with her entourage, her behavior making it seem as if she wasn’t interested in Zero Wing in the slightest.

“Miss Xia, there are only ten entry slots for the Greater World, and the various corporations have spent countless resources to exchange for them. If these corporations learn that Zero Wing only spent five million Star Coins to buy a slot, they’ll most likely have opinions about it,” Breeze Wine said worriedly. “If they refuse to cooperate after entering the Greater World, it’ll create a lot of problems for my side of the operation.”

“Opinions?” Xia Qingying’s mouth curled slightly when she heard Breeze Wine’s concerns. “They should be thankful that the Green God Corporation is willing to even sell them a slot. Do they think we are lacking that little bit of resources? If not for the President hoping for other corporations to have some presence in the Greater World, they wouldn’t receive a single slot. If any of them dare to refuse to cooperate with you after going over to the other side, I will show them the harshness of the Greater World!”

Breeze Wine was relieved when he heard Xia Qingying’s assurance. If he only had himself to rely on, there’d be nothing he could do if the representatives of those several corporations refused to obey his commands. After all, he had just barely managed to establish a foothold for himself in the Greater World. He had no authority to speak of in the Greater World.

However, it was a different story for the Green God Corporation.

The Green God Corporation had already entered the Greater World and achieved a certain degree of development there many years ago, let alone now. Even after the several corporations’ representatives had entered the Greater World, so long as the Green God Corporation wanted to, it could end these people’s careers easily.


Although Xia Qingying’s sudden visit had caused a huge uproar in Jin Hai City, everyone’s attention gradually shifted away from the matter as the arrival of the Myriad Worlds’ Descent expansion pack neared.

This was because the new expansion’s impact on the world was growing bigger and bigger throughout the two-day update. Even players on the main continent were constantly talking about the expansion pack.

Among the topics discussed, the topic that came up most frequently involved the actions taken by the various corporations worldwide.

To ensure they could secure themselves a place in the Miniature Ancient World, the various corporations were poaching talents left and right with lucrative offers. Some corporations even offered independent Tier 5 experts the chance to live in the Upper Zones.

The Upper Zones were places that countless people sought to live in. Just the benefit of retaining one’s youth up to 60 years old and living up to 180 years old on average was more than enough to attract anyone.

It should be known that the living standards of modern people were already very high. It had also become a norm for people to conduct physical training on a daily basis. However, even after factoring in the advancements made in the fields of nutrition and medicine, the average person’s life expectancy was only 100 years, and the life expectancy of wealthy people was 120 years. That was a far cry compared to the Upper Zones’ average life expectancy of 180 years. Not to mention, people living in the Upper Zones could retain their youth up to 60 years old and only start to grow old after reaching 100 years old.

Moreover, the Upper Zones’ living standards were continuously improving with time. Hence, the sooner one moved into an Upper Zone, the better their life would become in the future.

Unfortunately, the Upper Zones only accepted several thousand new residents each year. One couldn’t necessarily acquire a slot even if one was willing to pay a billion Credits. Even corporations with many business dealings with the Green God Corporation could only get their hands on very few entry slots each year, so few that they didn’t even have enough to use for their own families.


Yet, now, corporations were using these slots to recruit players. Through this point, one could imagine just how valuable the Miniature Ancient World was.

For a time, many hidden experts and young talents operating on the main continent couldn’t help but get the urge to enter the Miniature Ancient World. According to a survey conducted by the God’s Domain Association, at least a million experts with official membership in the God’s Domain Association were prepared to enter the Miniature Ancient World. Among them, many were experts in the Professional League’s A-League and B-League.

Nighttime, Qingzhu Villa District:

I can finally go online after two days of waiting.

When Shi Feng heard the update completion notification sound coming from his virtual gaming cabin, he took a deep breath and got into the gaming cabin. Then, he chose to log into God’s Domain.

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