Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 546: A Sin That Is Too Much To Bear

Chapter 546: A Sin That Is Too Much To Bear

Chiffon was currently seated on William’s lap, with her head resting on his shoulder. 

Ever since they had returned to William’s room in the Boy’s Dormitory, Chiffon refused to leave his side. The Half-Elf wanted to ask her some questions regarding the six men, but decided to put it on hold for the time being.

Chiffon was in no condition to answer any questions, so William decided to just stay by her side until her fears subsided. The little girl’s body would shudder from time to time, even though she was enclosed in William’s protective embrace.

Clearly, she had suffered some kind of trauma at the hands of the six mercenaries that were commissioned to make her life miserable.

“Don’t worry,” William coaxed the trembling girl in his embrace. “I will not let them hurt you again. I promise.”

Chiffon gripped William’s robe as she tried her best to calm her heart that seemed to be on the verge of bursting. The past month had been the happiest month that she had spent in the Academy. She had been so happy that she had forgotten why she was sent to the Kraetor Empire, and why those mercenaries would visit her twice a month.

“Big Brother, I’m scared,” Chiffon said softly. “I’m scared that they will take me away. I don’t want to go.”

“Rest assured, As long as I’m around they will not be able to take you anywhere.” William promised. 


“Yes. So, stop crying.”

Chiffon sighed as she leaned her body on her protector. For some reason, her heart was telling her that William would indeed keep his promise. Perhaps due to the feeling of relief, and William’s assurance, the little girl closed her eyes, and fell asleep in his arms.

William stayed still until Chiffon’s breathing became steady. After making sure that the girl was in deep sleep, he carried her to the bed, so that she would be able to rest properly. After settling her down, the Half-Elf was about to go when a small hand grabbed his arm.

Chiffon was still asleep, but her body moved unconsciously to prevent William from leaving her. The Half-Elf glanced at the hand on his arm, and the sleeping girl on the bed before sighing internally. Her breathing had become unsteady and he knew that she might wake again if he took another step away from her.

“B1, B2, fly around the Academy and gather some information. It doesn’t matter what kind of information it is, even random things are fine too,” William ordered. “When you return, I’ll give both of you one Centennial Core each.”

A small portal appeared above William’s head and one Red and one Blue Bird appeared inside his room. 

The Half-Elf waved his hand and the window in his room sprang open. The two noisy birds left the room without uttering a single word because they noticed that Chiffon was sleeping. Although the Angray Birds were all vulgar birds, they were surprisingly considerate to the people whom they deemed to be their friends.

With another wave of his hand, William closed the window and laid beside Chiffon. He hugged the little girl to assure her that he’s not going anywhere. The hand that held William’s arm relaxed, and Chiffon’s breathing once again became steady.

William brushed away the strand of hairs that were blocking her adorable face, and looked at it closely. 

‘The Sin of Gluttony might be too much for you to bear,’ William thought as he hugged Chiffon. ‘But, don’t worry. I will make sure that you won’t go hungry again.’

Yes. Using the power of the Divinity that she received from the Goddess Lily, William was confident that he could prevent Chiffon’s sin from taking over her rationality. 

Princess Sidonie’s Sin of Lust was capable of charming anyone around her, making her a very dangerous being.

Chiffon held the Sin of Gluttony. William didn’t know the extent of this Sin’s power. However, after seeing Jekyll devour the Elves in the war just by opening his mouth and sucking them all in, the Half-Elf guessed that Chiffon’s Gluttony works the same way.

William wasn’t aware that there was a time when Chiffon’s power went out of control in the Demon Continent. Back then, she was in a gathering of High-Level Demons that oversaw the different territories of the Demon Realm.

Chiffon’s father had starved her for a month, in order to use her as a means to make the other Demons submit by force. However, he didn’t expect that the little girl’s power had far surpassed his expectations.

Back then, Chiffon had gone crazy due to hunger and started to devour everything around her. Houses, demons, monsters, even the rocks and dirt had not been spared.

She had become a small black hole that greedily sucked in everything around her. Because of this, all the High-Ranking Demons tried to stop her by bombarding her with powerful spells. Unfortunately, these spells were also devoured by her, leaving her father and the High-Ranking Demons helpless.

Killing one of the Seven Deadly Sins was taboo. Anyone who dared to do that would have their entire bloodline suffer eternal punishment under the hands of the God, or Goddess, to whom the Original Sin belonged.

This was why Chiffon’s father, and the High-Ranking Demons, could only attempt to knock her unconscious to stop the destruction that she was causing.

Chiffon’s rampage ended after a day had passed. The little girl fainted after sating her hunger. 

After she collapsed, the High-Ranking Demons all agreed to seal her because she was far too dangerous. However, Chiffon’s father proposed a different idea.

“Let’s send her to the Central Continent and let the Humans deal with her,” Chiffon’s father proposed. “It will be an effective way to weaken their forces. If they tried to kill her then their lands would be cursed and that would only be to our advantage.”

His proposal was well received by the High-Ranking Demons and all of them voted for Chiffon’s exile. Chiffon’s father then sent her to the Kraetor Empire because he knew that Emperor Leonidas would not be able to turn her away.

However, the Human Emperor wasn’t a fool either. In return for taking Chiffon custody, he extorted Chiffon’s father for precious resources that could only be gained from the Demon Continent.

Both sides had settled on a compromise, and Chiffon was sent to the Kraetor Empire. The High-Ranking Demons would occasionally send mercenaries to check Chiffon’s condition in order to see if she was nearing her limit. 

Emperor Leonidas was not aware of the danger that Chiffon posed to his Empire, and tried to help the girl in his own way. 

Albert, William’s Alchemist Master, was in charge of supplying Chiffon with Food Pills. However, it didn’t take long for them to realize that the Food Pills’ effect gradually lost its power as time went by.

Right now, a pill was only enough to stave off Chiffon’s hunger for half an hour. Although they could keep on making pills for her, the nobles of the Demon Continent had sent supervisors to check her condition.

After they found out that Chiffon’s hunger was being kept at bay using pills, they sent a petition to the Kraetor Empire and Chiffon’s father and threatened to bring her back to the Demon Continent. 

Knowing that what awaited the girl–if she were to return–was suffering, Emperor Leonidas decided to cease all support to the girl and allowed her to fend for herself. 

Of course, Albert would sneak a few pills every now and then, so that she could eat them when the hunger became too unbearable. However, due to the heavy monitoring that was being done on the girl, he couldn’t help her much.


“The boy beat them up?” Emperor Leonidas asked with a smile. “Did he beat them good?”

“Your Majesty, this is no laughing matter,” Gilbert said. “What should we do with the Demon Mercenaries? If they return to the Demon Continent then news of this will spread and they might even send a punitive expedition.”

Emperor Leonidas pondered for a while before giving his decree. 

“After they had recovered from their injuries, set them free,” Emperor Leonidas ordered. “I doubt they will be stupid enough to find trouble for Chiffon after the suffering that they have received from William.”

“But, what about the Chiffon’s father?” Gilbert inquired.

A devilish smile appeared on Emperor Leonidas’ face as he told Gilbert the answer.

“Tell them that the one that beat up the men he sent was the son of the Dungeon Conqueror and the Saintess of the Elves,” Emperor Leonidas replied. “I’m sure that once he gets this news, he will try his best to capture the boy.”

“Will we let him catch the boy?”

“Catch him? Well the possibility exists, but are you forgetting something important?”

Gilbert frowned, “Something important? Ah!”

The Headmaster of the Academy remembered the Auras that he had felt when William fearlessly confronted Emperor Leonidas.

“That boy isn’t even afraid of me,” Emperor Leonidas said. “Since that is the case, why would he be afraid of Chiffon’s father? I hope that sorry excuse of a father gets his just desserts. Losing an arm against the Dungeon Conqueror back then was not enough for his arrogance.”

Emperor Leonidas would love to see the face of Chiffon’s father after he realized that he had f*cked up. What he didn’t know was that the Half-Elf was only bluffing back then. 

William couldn’t ask for the help of the Myriad Undeads in the Undying Lands, unless he was about to conduct a massacre that would number in the hundreds of thousands. 

Malacai was not running a charity. 

There were only a little more than a year before he would be free from his bindings. When that happens, he would once again set foot in the lands of Hestia. A land that he had not seen for thousands of years.

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