Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 1121 Making A Fallen Angel Fall [Part 2]

Chapter 1121 Making A Fallen Angel Fall [Part 2]

(Disclaimer: If you are not comfortable with rape feel free to skip this part. I don't want to hear any complaints because you chose to read something you didn't like to read out of curiosity.)

Five minutes had passed after William had started to feed on Temperance's blood. A faint trace of her Divinity swirled inside William's body as he drank her blood leisurely. After having his fill, he pulled back without closing the wound.

He watched as her warm blood streamed out from the two puncture wounds that he had created with a satisfied smile.

The Half-Elf then raised his head to see that the ball gag that was on her mouth was dripping with her saliva. Temperance's eyes were unfocused as her body twitched from time to time.

William raised his hand and removed the choker from her mouth. To his surprise, the brown-haired beauty seemed to regain her wits at the same time and panted for breath.

He smiled with amusement as her chest rose up and down due to her heavy breathing. The Half-Elf then licked and kissed the two wounds on her right breast, healing them completely.

Bloodstains could still be seen over her white, angelic body, which was proof that William didn't have any intention of removing them.

"You're the worst," Temperance said after she regained her composure. "You'll pay for this."

Although she tried to force a disgusted look on her face, she was still suffering from the afterglow of the pleasurable feeling that was still wracking her body.

William just smiled as he placed his hand on the back of her head, and pulled her close to him. He then pressed his lips over hers, but Temperance had her own plans and bit William's lip, drawing blood.

Instead of getting angry, the Half-Elf was unfazed and continued to kiss her, allowing his blood to enter her mouth.

As if angered by William's indifference, Temperance bit hard on William's tongue, the moment it invaded her mouth. She had intended to cut it off completely, to make the Half-Elf suffer and get her revenge at the same time.

Just as she expected, her teeth drew blood, but it was a shallow cut. It was not enough to sever William's tongue, but it allowed his blood to pour directly inside her mouth, while the Half-Elf intertwined his tongue with hers.

Temperance continued to vehemently refuse to accept his tongue in her mouth and tried to bite William's tongue off with all of her might again, but it was useless. To her surprise, William bit her lips, and drew her blood from it.

Just as she was thinking about what to do next, the familiar pleasurable feeling assaulted her senses, making her mind blank. During that brief moment of lull in her state of mind, William used his tongue to make the brown-haired beauty stick out her tongue.

When her pink tongue was lured out of her seductive lips, the Half-Elf bit on it lightly, drawing blood. He then kissed her deeply, entwining his tongue over hers, sending the pleasure deep inside her brain, breaking all forms of resistance.

Ephemera who was feeling the same feeling as her friend became limp, as the pleasure assaulted her as well. She was barely hanging on to her sanity, but William's relentless, and passionate kiss had brought both ladies to their breaking point.

As if sensing that both girls were at their limits, William reluctantly pulled back, giving them some time to catch their breaths.

"Tell me your True Name." William was like a devil that whispered in Temperance's ear while the lady was still not in her right state of mind. However, as if clinging on to her survival instinct, the brown-haired beauty forcefully bit her lip to prevent herself from saying anything.

She knew that if the Half-Elf learned her True Name, she might not be able to regain her freedom ever again.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," William whispered as his hand moved down to the entrance of her maidenhood and slowly inserted his middle finger inside it. He then moved his finger in and out of her slit, which created wet and indecent sounds, which reached her unstable mind.

A sigh of pleasure escaped Temperance's lips, and William took this opportunity to kiss her once again, and pry her lips open. His tongue then played with hers, as the thoughts that were starting to form inside her head was dispersed by the pleasure that she was feeling.

Although she sobered up, she was still put in a daze by William's tender, and passionate kisses that made her earlier disgust and hate for him go away.

As William pulled back his head, to allow her to get a breather, Temperance reached out to him and wrapped her arms around his head. The chains that bound her disappeared, as she pressed her soft lips over William's, taking the initiative to kiss him of her own accord.

Ephemera's tongue lolled outside her lips as her brain turned to mush from the incredible sensations that she had experienced.

She had already fainted, but Temperance's feelings were still being transferred to her, making her body twitch from time to time.

After a few minutes of kissing, Temperance pulled back and looked at William with a complicated look on her face. She knew that she had been freed from her shackles, and yet, her body was burning up, and aching for William's touch.

Although she tried to deny it, her heart, that had not known love, was wildly beating inside her chest. She knew that she was not in love with William, and was simply her body's reaction to the pleasure that it had experienced, but she was at her limit.

"You're evil," Temperance said as tears streamed down the side of her face. She then kissed William like the inexperienced lady that she was Freeᴡebnovel.cᴏm.

The black-haired teenager accepted her soft pecks, and opened his lips to allow her to take the initiative to intertwine her tongue with his own.

Right now, Temperance's body had been totally conquered by William's Incubus Powers, which had raised her sensitivity to the limit, making her crave his touch and affection.

Although the brown-haired beauty knew that she could easily break free from William's hold if she used her Divinity, she chose not to. This was the first time in her life that she felt so good, and decided to explore these feelings a bit.

She thought that she could break free from William's hold anytime with her Divinity, so she allowed herself to indulge his soft and enticing lips, and his embrace, that made her feel safe and warm.

'Is this what his wives feel whenever he embraces them?' Temperance thought as she ignored the warnings inside her head as she allowed William to puncture her tongue once again to drink her blood, and make her thoughts turn to mush.

"I can make you feel better," William said after their kiss ended. "Do you want it?"

"... Yes," Temperance answered in a daze.

"Then, raise your hips," William ordered.

Temperance obeyed as she raised her hips, while William used his hand to rub his member at the entrance of her maidenhood.

"Do you want this?" William asked. "Do you want this inside you?"

Temperance's body shuddered the moment William's member lightly pried open the soft petals of her entrance, teasing her with a promise of pleasure that would make her feel complete.

"... I want," Temperance said as the warning signs inside her head intensified. "Make me feel good."

William pulled the back of her head and kissed her lips, dispersing the thoughts that were starting to form inside her, making her unable to think properly.

"Lower your hips," William ordered. "And I will give you happiness."

Temperance obeyed and lowered her hips, at the same time that Ephemera regained her consciousness.

Just as the purple-haired beauty was about to shout, and warn her friend, William silenced her with a spell, preventing her from making any sound.

The moment that William's shaft broke past the membrane that protected her chastity, a painful, yet pleasurable feeling washed over Temperance's body.

Ephemera could only cry out in pain as her friend was deflowered in front of her. Since their senses were linked, she also felt as if her own chastity had been taken away from her.

Tears streamed down the sides of her face as William raised her friend's buttocks, slowly moving it up and down. It was as if he was relishing the taste of being able to strip away the virtuous lady's innocence, making her a woman in front of her helpless friend.

After seeing the trace of blood on William's manhood, which was proof that he had successfully taken her friend's innocence, Ephemera stopped resisting.

She no longer cared and simply endured the feeling of being conquered, as the black-haired teenager pushed his manhood deep inside her friend's body, until her own womb descended into sweet surrender.

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