Reincarnated As a Fox With System

Chapter 140 140: Fox Ancestral Pool!

Tang Li Xue, Yaya, and the other three foxes stunned in awe when they stepped into the space gate and entered the Foxes Home for real this time.

They were stood in the middle of the giant stone ring and there were several tens of other giant stone rings inside this gigantic bright room.

Tang Li Xue peeked at the other group of four people who wore the black cape with a hood that stood at the other giant stone ring beside them.

The leader of that group raised the white jade badge and the space in front of them split into two.

They walked leisurely toward the space gate and their figures vanished after they stepped out from the space gate then the space on the top of their giant stone ring restored back to normal.

'Woah!!! So these giant stone rings are like the space portal to enter and exit the Foxes Home?! Cool!' Tang Li Xue widened her eyes in surprise.

Mei Lan jumped down from the giant stone ring and heading toward the gigantic room's exit.

 Tang Li Xue and the other did not dare to be slow so they immediately jumped down from the giant stone ring too and quickly followed behind Mei Lan.

When Tang Li Xue and the other stepped out from the gigantic room, they once again dumbfounded at the scene in front of them.

There was a long open corridor full of people and foxes walking around in front of them but that was not what they were shocked about. 

Tang Li Xue felt a bit familiar with the scene in front of her since she had already seen it a few times in hospital TV.

It was just like the most reputable university in her previous world!

But all the majestic luxurious buildings here and the advance architecture made this Foxes Home far superior in every way even compared to the most reputable university in her previous world.

Even all the majestic buildings in the Asura Demon Sect were not as shocking and luxurious as this Foxes Home.

'What the hell! This Foxes Home is too awesome! Even Hogwa*ds is no more than a shabby old school compared to this!'

Tang Li Xue's mouth twitched when she remembered the Foxes Home in that Bridge of Sincerity's illusion.

'What a liar bridge?! At least make the Foxes Home in your illusion more identical to this!'

Tang Li Xue peeked at the green tiles below her feet and found it a bit cold when she touched it. She had a feeling that even all these green tiles with flowing patterns were not made from the ordinary material.

'Just how rich this Foxes Home really is?! Even all of these tiles are not ordinary at all! I wonder how much money I can get if I bring these tiles to the human city and sell it?!'

Mei Lan giggled softly when she noticed the dumbfounded expression on the Tang Li Xue and the other faces.

"Come on, follow me! We will never arrive at our destination place if you all keep dazing around like this! You can continue to daydreaming after you all finished your registration." Mei Lan waved her palm and continue walking while kept smiling.

Tang Li Xue frowned a bit when she realized that more than half of the population here were humans but after observing them closely, Tang Li Xue realized all of these humans have a furry fox tail behind them and a pair of fox ears on the top of their head.

'Are they all already reached Spirit Beast level? It should be impossible, right? How could Spirit Beast level this easy to be reached?!' 

After more than ten minutes of walking, Tang Li Xue's group arrived at the Cathedral-like majestic building.

Tang Li Xue would not even feel strange if they met some priests or clerics here.

Mei Lan brought Tang Li Xue and the other foxes toward the reception desk after entering the Cathedral-like giant building.

"Teacher Lan, it's been a while. Are they your new students this year?" The voluptuous blonde beauty with a pair of yellow fox ears on her head greeted Mei Lan.

"Rong Jie! So today is your shift! Yes, all of these cuties are my new students this year. Can you help me to register them?" Mei Lan excitedly ran to the blonde beauty while taking off her fox mask.

This was the first time Tang Li Xue and the other saw Mei Lan's true appearance in reality and they were stunned again.

Actually, Tang Li Xue already saw Mei Lan's true face in the illusion made by the Bridge of Sincerity but Mei Lan's true appearance in front of her right now was differ greatly from the one in the illusion!

Mei Lan's face was so beautiful that she looked like a painting. Her skin was white like snow while her soft smooth black hair hung down about her slender waist. Furthermore, as she stood with a gentle smile on her face under the light of this majestic building, she seemed exceptionally beautiful and moving.

Tang Li Xue really wanted to curse all the illusions she saw before, everything she saw there was actually a fake!

Even Instructor Lan's appearance there was completely a fake!

'Liar! This is not my Instructor Lan I know! Give me back my Instructor Lan!'

The blonde beauty threw the bronze badge toward Tang Li Xue and the other. Each fox got one bronze badge.

Tang Li Xue and the other caught the bronze badge and examined it for a while.

The engraving in bronze badge looked identical with Examiner Mei Lan's white jade badge before, only the material was different.

"You can think of what name you want when you are all holding this badge and your name will be automatically carved onto that badge. Be careful, you can only decide your name now and you cannot change it again later! So think carefully!" The blonde beauty's expression turned serious and warned all of them with a stern tone.

Tang Li Xue did not hesitate and held the bronze badge tightly while thinking her own name.

'Tang Li Xue' words instantly engraved on the top of the bronze badge.

The blonde beauty took a look at Tang Li Xue's name on her bronze badge and wrote it down on the gigantic black stone monument behind her.

Tang Li Xue glanced at the gigantic black stone monument in front of her and found that there were countless names written on it.

Most of the names written on it shone in gold light but some of them shone in dim blue light.

"The golden name here means you are alive and healthy. If it turned into a red light name, it means you are critically injured and need help. These dim blue light names mean they already died." The blonde beauty noticed Tang Li Xue's curious gaze and explained casually.

Tang Li Xue and the other shuddered slightly when she heard the blonde beauty's explanation.

"Why? Are you all scared? When all of you are going on your mission later, you will definitely face some risks so you always have to be careful!" Mei Lan giggled while warned them softly.

Tang Li Xue poked at Mei Lan's white dress with her paw and pointed at Yaya with a confused look.

Mei Lan understood what Tang Li Xue meant and explained: "Your little fairy doesn't need to be registered because she is counted as your pet. So you should always keep your eyes on her since if she causes some troubles, the responsibility will fall into your shoulders."

Tang Li Xue nodded in understanding while Yaya looked at Tang Li Xue and patted her own chest as if saying 'Yaya will never make trouble! Yaya is a good and obedient kid!'

Tang Li Xue smiled and patted Yaya's head gently.

After the blonde beauty wrote all of their names onto the gigantic black stone monument, she escorted Mei Lan and Tang Li Xue's group deeper into the cathedral-like building.

Tang Li Xue immediately realized that this cathedral-like building was actually not a church that its job was to look after the dead fox bodies and pray to calm their souls.

All the staffs in this cathedral-like building have jobs to assigning missions to the foxes that came here.

In fact, all the foxes came here not to register like Tang Li Xue's group but to choose a suitable mission for them and take it. That was why this cathedral-like building was so crowded.

"I almost forgot to remind you all. You all should always wear your bronze badge on your neck! You will know why later." The blonde beauty warned them halfheartedly with a lazy tone.

Tang Li Xue and the other obeyed the blonde beauty's warning and wore their bronze badge on their neck.

Not long after that, the blonde beauty, Mei Lan, and Tang Li Xue's group arrived at the big courtyard with an underground cave in front of them. 

"This place is called Fox Ancestral Pool. Every new student must undergo their baptism in this pool before they can officially join our home." Mei Lan smiled gently and explained with her sweet voice.

"You all can enter this cave one by one. There is a natural pool in this underground cave and you can take a bath in that pool. That pool will grant you an incomplete divine ability! With that incomplete divine ability, you can... sigh, forget it... you will know it soon after you take a bath." The blonde beauty continued Mei Lan's explanation halfheartedly again and yawned after that.

At first, Tang Li Xue and the other were so happy that they could get a new divine ability even if it was an incomplete one but their enthusiasm immediately cooled down when they saw the blonde beauty's lazy attitude.

'Fortunately, this lazy blonde is not our instructor or our future will definitely bleak!' Tang Li Xue thought while clicked her tongue.

Mei Lan chuckled while shook her head a bit at the blonde beauty when she saw the blonde beauty's lazy attitude.

Everyone in this Foxes Home already knew about this Rong Jie's improper lazy attitude but no one dared to point that out since Rong Jie was one of the top ten experts in this Foxes Home.

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