Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 942 - 942: Successful Date

Chapter 942 - 942: Successful Date

"You have really prepared this date thoroughly." Long Hui commented.

"Of course. I want? the best for our date." Yu Qi lifted her glass that contained red wine.

She ordered the 2009 Chateau Lafite Rothschild 'Carruades de Lafite' as the drink for their candlelight dinner. She knew that Long Hui would not be angry at her if she drink some tonight.

"Brother Hui, cheers." Yu Qi said.

Long Hui chuckled. He also lifted up his glass and tasted some.. Seeing his beloved Qi Qi seemed to enjoy drinking the red wine, he looked and said something.

"Don't drink too much. Eat dinner first." Long Hui said.

"Okay...." Yu Qi smiled.

Then, they started to eat the meal. It was indeed delicious. No wonder many customers came to this restaurant. After finishing the main course, they called the waiter to serve them the dessert.

The dessert came onto the table. Like other women, Yu Qi also like to eat dessert. When she saw Long Hui did not eat the dessert, she took a spoon of the dessert and wanted to feed Long Hui.

"Eat." Yu Qi acted like a domineering CEO who forced someone to eat.

"Are you sure you want me to eat it?" Long Hui narrowed his eyes.

Yu Qi gulped. 'That look is like a predator is eyeing his prey. Am I stepping into the trap? Well, not like I will get released from that trap. Let's go on!'

"Eat." Yu Qi moved the spoon again signalling Long Hui to eat.

"Sure." Long Hui opened his mouth to eat the dessert.

Once the dessert touched her bud tongue, the sweet flavour separated along his mouth. Well, not like he hate the flavour, but still the sweet taste was sickening.

"I know you dislike the sweet thing. I just want to prank you." Yu Qi laughed when seeing Long Hui's reaction. Then she added. "Don't worry. When we are in the space, I will make some dessert that will not so sweet for you."

"Even so, I will never let you go for tonight." Long Hui made a naughty remark.

Yu Qi coughed. 'This man... But somehow he looks fabulous tonight. I want to push him down.' Even she was shocked with her thoughts. When she was thinking about him, it was automatically turned to that direction.

Yu Qi clicked the button to call the waiter. The waiter came and asked what Yu Qi needed.

"Turn on the music. I want to dance with my partner." Yu Qi requested.

Not long after that, the music was on. Yu Qi stood up and went to Long Hui. She handed out her hand.

"May I have a dance with you?" Yu Qi asked with a smile.

"Sure, it is my pleasure." Long Hui reached out Yu Qi's hand.

So, they were dancing accompanied by the music and the night sky.

"Is it necessary for us to dance?" Long Hui asked while dancing.

"After eating, we need to exercise." Yu Qi said.

"Oh, really?" Long Hui's eyebrows lifted. Then, he leaned over to Yu Qi's ear and whispered something. "We can exercise later on the bed..." He kissed Yu Qi's ear too.

It was the sensitive place for Yu Qi. Her ears turned red. She hid her face on Long Hui's chest. She heard that Long Hui was laughing.

Even so, they were dancing until the music came to complete stop. They sat again. Yu Qi drank the red wine again. She was feeling happy today.

"Do you like today's date?" Yu Qi asked Long Hui.

"Yeah." Long Hui nodded. Of course he liked it. Doing something with his beloved Qi Qi was very good.

"Even something out of nowhere disturbs us, but I can say that today's date is a complete success since you like it." Yu Qi smiled in satisfaction.

Long Hui was just smiling. He liked it not because of the plan but because of her.

"The date is not over yet. It will be continued when? we are back to our hotel room." With the look in Long Hui's eyes, he openly seduced Yu Qi.


Yu Qi woke up from her sleep. She felt her back was touching something. And there was a hand around her waist. She then remembered that she had spent her night with Long Hui.

Of course, after the candle light dinner, as soon as they entered her room in her space, Long Hui quickly made his attack. As Long Hui said before, they did a lot of exercises.

After a few rounds, she fainted. She looked down at her body. She was wearing a pajama, meaning Long Hui already cleaned her up. He always did it after she fainted.

She was feeling a little bit embarrassing when she thought Long Hui was cleaning her body even though they were already together for many times.

She turned around and facing Long Hui. Long Hui's eyebrows were frowning when Yu Qi moved just now. She caressed the eyebrows until they turned normal again.

She was staring at Long Hui for the next 15 minutes until Long Hui woke up. Feeling embarrassed when she thought Long Hui might catch her staring at him, she closed her eyes.

Then she heard the chuckle sound. Of course, it came from Long Hui.

"Why don't you continue staring at me? I don't mind." Long Hui said after chuckling.

Yu Qi slowly opened her eyes. "How did you know?"

"How can I not know since your hot glaze staring straight at me?" Long Hui touched Yu Qi's nose. "Have you forgotten that I am a soldier? I am sensitive to my surrounding."

"Okay... okay... Let's get up." Yu Qi threw the embarrassing moment aside and suggested them to get up.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

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