Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 380 - 380: Yu Qis Past Life (Part 7)

Chapter 380 - 380: Yu Qi's Past Life (Part 7)

"So, I want my granddaughter to come back and live with me." Grandpa Mu dropped another bomb on the Wang Couple.

Madam Wang felt lost because Yu Qi's current salary was very high. With that money, the expense of the house was affordable and she had money balance in her pocket. So, losing that source of money was very hard for her.

"Sir Mu, we really love our daughter. I think..." Madam Wang did not even finish the sentence.

Grandpa Mu interrupted her talk. "Oh, really?" Grandpa Mu narrowed his eyes.

When that happened, Mr Wang and Madam Wang could feel the pressure. The pressure was very great. The Wang couple clenched their fist and were held back by the pressure from Grandpa Mu.

"Humph!" Grandpa Mu gave a cold look to the Wang Couple.

Grandpa Mu already asked his people to investigate how was his granddaughter treated in this family. Yeah, his granddaughter was very loved in a certain way. They used her granddaughter to make money for the family. They had been treating his granddaughter very bad even when she was at a young age.

"I want my granddaughter at my side whether you accept or not. If you will accept this matter nicely, I will give compensation for it. Otherwise, we can see in court." Grandpa Mu needed to scare this couple as it seemed that they did not want to give his granddaughter.

Hearing the word 'court', the Wang Couple shivered. For them, the word 'court' meant, jail. No, they did not want to go to jail.

"Yeah, Yu Qi should go to her real family." Mr Wang quickly said.

"That's right. She should know her real family." Madam Wang added.

"Good." Grandpa Mu nodded.

Then Grandpa Mu turned to his assistant. The assistant stepped forward bringing a bag and one doc.u.ment. He placed them in front of the Wang Couple. He opened the bag. The money was neatly arranged in the bag.

"Here is 30 million for the compensation since you have taken care of my granddaughter." Grandpa Mu said.

Madam Wang lifted up her eyes. '30 million.' It was the first time she had seen this amount of money. With this money, she could buy many things.

Mr Wang was also very happy after seeing the money. With this money, he could go to gamble without worrying about money.

Grandpa Mu smirked when he looked at the reaction of the two people. Simply greedy.

"However, you need to sign this contract saying you will not have any contact with my granddaughter in the future. Also, you can not acknowledge her as your daughter in the future." Grandpa Mu pointed out the contract.

The Wang Couple did not need to think longer. Yu Qi was no longer an important thing for them. The important thing to them was the money in front of them now.

"Yes. We will not disturb Yu Qi in the future." Mr Wang said while smiling.

"Then, sign this." Grandpa Mu said.

Wang Couple quickly signed the contract. Seeing that the contract was already signed by the two of them, Grandpa Mu stood and took the contract. He no longer needed to face this couple.

"The money is yours." Grandpa Mu left with his assistant and bodyguards.

Right after Grandpa Mu left, the Wang Couple screamed in excitement loudly. They were very happy about getting a lot of money.

"That little bitch does have her own use. We get the money because of her." Madam Wang said.

"Yeah." Mr Wang agreed.

Not long after that, their daughters and son came home. They saw their parents were in a good mood.

"Mum, the Dad, has there something happened today?" Wang Fu Ya asked.

"Yes. We get a lot of money. 30 million." Madam Wang said excitedly.

"Huh? Who has given you so much amount of money?" Wang Fu Ya was very shocked.

"That little bitch's real family." Mr Wang said.

"What? She has found her real family?" Wang Ha Na joined the conversation.

"Yeah. An old man name Sir Mu came and claimed her as his granddaughter. As for the compensation of taking care of his granddaughter, he gave this money to us." Mr Wang explained.

Wang Fu Ya was thinking about a different matter. The brain started to think about a plan.

"Mum, Dad, how about I claim myself as his granddaughter? Saying Yu Qi is your real daughter. With that, we can continue getting the money from her family." Wang Fu Ya said to her family.

She wanted to become rich. She wanted to have a life in which she would not get worried about money.

"I think it's not going to work." Mr Wang shook his head.

"Why?" Wang Fu Ya did not want to give up.

"Because she has already taken a DNA test with that Sir Mu. It is confirmed that she is his real granddaughter." Madam Wang explained.

"And we can not go and find her after this." Mr Wang added.


"Because we have already signed the agreement saying that after we accepted this money, we can not acknowledge her as our family member." Mr Wang said.

"What? Mum, Dad, why are you so stupid?" Wang Fu Ya screamed.

"Fu Ya, why are you getting rude?" Mr Wang became angry after hearing his daughter calling them 'stupid'.

"Mum, Dad, why have you signed that agreement? If you have not signed that agreement, we can probably get more than this 30 million?" Wang Fu Ya was very angry with her stupid parents.

"But, if we have not signed that agreement, Sir Mu said that they will bring this matter to the court." Mr Wang did not want to bring this matter to the court.

Wang Fu Ya bit her lips. If she was in her parent's place, she might have done the same thing. If she insisted to bring this matter in the court, she would have to pay attorney fee and another hidden fee. She would probably lose more money.

*** This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If it is not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, then it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. For those who read my novel on another website beside w e b n o v e l .c o m, can you consider to read it on the original website? As your support to me.Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

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