Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1289: Went to Get The Stone Supply

Chapter 1289: Went to Get The Stone Supply

Because HuiQi Jade Store would open another branch in another city, Yu Qi decided to go to get another jade supply. She had heard another city that could supply jade which Cotiang City.

It would take 4 hours of driving if she wanted to go there. So, she decided to take a flight that only took 45 minutes. It would save her time.

Long Hui wanted to tag along. He did not have any important tasks at the moment.

Yu Qi was delighted to have Long Hui accompany her. It could be considered as a date.

So, earlier in the morning, they went to the airport. Long Hui told Yu Qi to stay at the waiting lounge when he went to settle the permit for their private jet to take off.

Even though it was morning, there were already people in the waiting lounge, probably waiting for their flight. Yu Qi took a seat and waited.

While Yu Qi was waiting and reading the research document that is sent to her email, a group of white people came toward her. They stopped in front of her. Yu Qi looked up in confusion.

"Hey, girl, are you alone? Want to hang out with me?" One of them spoke English to Yu Qi.

"Thomas, do you think she would understand you? She is a local person. She probably could not speak English." Charles, one of them said to Thomas while laughing.

"Yeah, usually local people don't speak English. That is why we study their language to have a holiday here." Mark added.

"Excuse me, I don't know which century you refer to. Our people can speak and understand simple English. Can you try not to assume our local people stupid?" Yu Qi directly replied in their accent.

The group of white people seemed to be shocked when Yu Qi spoke to them in their accents. They were from the UK.

"You have been to our country?" Thomas asked.

"No. Can you please leave me alone? I am waiting for someone." Yu Qi said.

"Just ditch that person. Let's hang out together. I am sure we will be happy if you can be our tour guide." Charles looked up and down, lewdly at Yu Qi.

Yu Qi frowned. "No."

"We are your foreign friends. You should take care of us." Charles added.

"If you are my friend, I will consider it. But you are not. So, please leave me alone." Yu Qi rejected again.

"Don't be so cold." Charles was about to grab Yu Qi's hand but someone grabbed his hand first.

"Who?" Charles turned around and saw another local person.

It was a man. However, this man looked at Charles as if he was about to kill him. Charles quickly got away from the man's grip.

"Who are you?" Charles asked.

While still looking with the same expression at Charles, Long Hui answered. "None of your business." He then turned at Yu Qi. "Are you okay?"

Yu Qi nodded.

"We talk to this girl first. First come first serve." Charles did not want to give up.

"That's enough. Let's go." Thomas did not want to cause any problem here. They just wanted to enjoy their vacation.

"First come first serve? Do you think you are in the restaurant?" Yu Qi snapped.

Yu Qi's body gave off a murderous aura. The white men stepped back.

"Qi Qi... our private jet is ready to take off. Let's go." Long Hui said calming down Yu Qi at that moment.

"This is my fiancee, for your information." Long Hui said to the men.

When the white men heard that, they felt stupid. First come first serve? Bullshit.

Without waiting any respond from the white men, Long Hui and Yu Qi walked away.

"Why do you need to say something like that?" Mark looked at Charles.

"Well, I just.." Charles did not know what to say.

"I know you can't take your eyes when seeing a beautiful woman. But we are at the foreign country. You should hold yourself." Mark added.

"But seriously, that man is intimidated. He looked like a killer in the movie." Thomas said.

"Enough about that. Let's go. We need to catch our flight. It is almost time." Mark said.

They were at the waiting lounge to wait for their flight. They were transit here.

When they were about to enter the flight, we could see the earlier couple. They could see the couple being escorted to another route. Then they watched them entering a private jet.

Now, they knew that the couple were not a normal person. The couple were probably rich people or someone who had status in government because not many people could own the private jet like that.

"Do you think I will be safe having my holiday here?" Charles asked in nervous.

"I think they would not care about us." Mark said.

It was the same as Mark said. Yu Qi and Long Hui did not have time to care about them.

"Qi Qi, you should sleep first. You return home late yesterday." Long Hui said.

He asked for a blanket from the flight attendant.

The reason why she returned home late because she had an emergency surgery. The surgery completed on 2 a.m.

"I will wake you up when we arrive." Long Hui put the blanket on Yu Qi. "Or do you prefer sleep on the bed?"

"No. It is fine. Remember to wake me, okay?" Yu Qi rejected the idea.

"Okay... sleep well, my love."

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