Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1278: Push The Blame To Other

Chapter 1278: Push The Blame To Other

Wu Xiulong, husband and father of Wu Yao and Wu Meng Qiu went to see Mr. An and Mrs. An several times to discuss Wu Meng Qiu. He even dragged Wu Meng Qiu to visit An Yiming in the hospital but Mr. and Mrs. An did not let them see An Yiming. An Yiming also did not want to see them either.

Wu Xiulong was furious when knowing about this matter from his wife. Not like Wu Meng Qiu did not know about their situation. Wu Xiulong depended on An Family mostly for their business.

If this matter did not settle properly, the chance of their business would be ruined was high. However, An Family did not care about them anymore.

Wu Xiulong asked his wife to have a slow talk with his sister, Mrs. An Yanyu but even his wife had been ignored by her sister.

Then, they got a letter from the lawyer. It stated that An Family suing Wu Meng Qiu for her action. Wu Meng Qiu was greatly shocked when receiving the letter. She thought that her uncle and aunt would not do such a thing as suing her but the reality hit her hard.

"Husband, what should we do now? We can not let Meng Qiu go through this." Wu Yao looked at her husband.

"Dad, please save me. I don't want to be in jail." Wu Meng Qiu cried.

"Help you? How? They even have enough evidence about this case. You are so stupid. Why do you use your personal bank account?" Wu Xiulong glared sharply at his stupid daughter.

Wu Meng Qiu shrinks as her father was being angry at her.

Yeah, she gave her personal bank account when receiving the money from selling An Yiming. At that moment, she did not think properly. She was just thinking about the money that she was going to receive. That was all.

"Right now, you ruined yourself and my business. Why do I have a stupid daughter like you?" Wu Xiulong slapped the table.

Wu Meng Qiu hid behind her mother. She was scared of his father right now.

After a while, Wu Xiulong started to speak again. "You better admit to your crime."

"What? No way she is going to admit it. She is going to jail if she admits to the crime." Wu Yao protested.

"So, you want us to be destroyed altogether?" Wu Xiulong shouted angrily.

"That is not what I meant." Wu Yao said.

"It is better if Meng Qiu admits it. After that, I can beg for their forgiveness and mercy to not stop doing business with us." Wu Xiulong explained.

"But... Meng Qiu is going to jail then." Wu Yao still thought that the idea was not good at all. Which mother wanted her child to get locked up in jail? Not to mention, her only child that she carried for 10 months in her belly.

"We can plead to the court to give the minimum sentences to Meng Qiu." Wu Xiulong said.

"But..." Wu Yao wanted to protest again.

"Enough. It is because of you. You spoil your daughter too much until she could not think straight which leads to this kind of situation. If you think you can change this situation, I will follow. If not, just follow my order. This discussion is finished." Wu Xiulong did not want to talk anymore.

He was tired after all. He had a lot of things to settle. He wanted to rest a little bit.

"Mum... what is going happen to me? Am I need to follow dad's order to admit to everything? I don't want to go to jail." Wu Meng Qiu cried.

"I know... I know... I also don't want you to go to jail, honey. Let mum think of something okay. We will have time to think of something." Wu Yao calmed down her daughter and also herself.

Then, Wu Yao remembered the friend that Wu Yao mentioned.

"Meng Qiu, how's about Linlin? Did she get the letter from the lawyer too?" Wu Yao remembered his daughter's friend, Ming Linlin.

"Yeah. She gets it. She also freaks out about this." Wu Yao met Mei Linlin yesterday and talked about this.

Mei Linlin's father slapped her when reading the letter from the lawyer.

"Great." Wu Yao suddenly said.

"What is great about that, Mum?" Wu Meng Qiu was confused by her mother's sudden words.

"You should push all the blame to her." Wu Yao's eyes narrowed.

"What?" Wu Meng Qiu was appalled.

"You should say that you are forced to do something like that by her. Otherwise, she is going to do something to you." Wu Yao explained her scheme to her daughter.

"But is that going to work? The money is transferred to my account though." Wu Meng Qiu did not have any confidence in that idea.

"Don't worry about that. Just push all the blame to her." Wu Yao said.

"Okay, mum. I will do it. I don't want to go to jail." Wu Meng Qiu said.

Wu Meng Qiu hugged her mother. Wu Yao rubbed her daughter's head.

"Meanwhile, Mum will try to speak with your Aunt Yanyu if she and Yiming can forgive you. If that happens, it would be great." Wu Yao said.

"Hmm... I will also try to call Yiming." Wu Meng Qiu also thought the same.

However, neither of them knew that they had been blocked by Mrs. An Yanyu and An Yiming.

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