Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1244: Newbie?

Chapter 1244: Newbie?

Song Su Jin asked Yu Qi whether she was busy or not on the weekend. Yu Qi did not have anything to do with telling Song Su Jin that she was free.

Song Su Jin was happy to see that. She invited Yu Qi to come to her new shooting set. She had a new movie to act in. The new set was in FINN City. It was in the forest.

Song Su Jin acted as the second female lead in this movie. This movie was about a fantasy love between a fairy and a demon.

The director wanted a realistic feeling. So, he wanted to shoot in the forest instead in the studio. When Yu Qi arrived at them, Song Su Jin was hanging on the wire. She was currently doing her scene.

Song Su Jin's assistant saw Yu Qi. He knew Yu Qi. He called Yu Qi to have a seat at Song Su Jin's chair first. He then disappeared leaving Yu Qi alone. So, Yu Qi watched Song Su Jin doing her act.

Then, someone came to her and demanded her to go and get mineral water for her artist.

"What?" Yu Qi looked at the woman up and down.

"I tell you to go and get Sister Wanli a bottle of mineral water. Sister Wanli did not drink the one that the crew prepared for her." The woman said.

"So, why are you asking me to do that?" Yu Qi lifted her eyebrow.

"Why do you ask that? Everyone has their own work. Only you are free. So, it is natural for you to do this job. Go. Go. Quickly. Our Sister Wanli is thirsty." The woman said.

"I am sorry...." Yu Qi said.

"It's okay. Just go..." The woman thought Yu Qi was apologized for not following her order at the first place.

"I am not going. Why the heck do I need to go and obey your order?" Yu Qi leaned over and crossed her legs like a badass.

The woman was shocked to hear Yu Qi's rejection. She became so angry.

"You! Don't you know who our Sister Wanli is?" The woman said.

"No. And don't care. Are you satisfied? If you have done, you can leave now." Yu Qi waves her hand.

The woman glared at Yu Qi. She seemed to want to eat Yu Qi alive before leaving the place. Yu Qi enjoyed the feeling before another trouble came in her direction.

"Are you the one who refused to get mineral water for me?" An arrogant beautiful woman came and asked Yu Qi the question.

Yu Qi took a look at the woman. The previous woman was also here, hiding behind the arrogant beautiful woman.

"I don't see

there is a reason for me to do so." Yu Qi said.

"The newbie is very arrogant these days. They did not even show any respect to their senior." The arrogant beautiful woman narrowed her eyes looking at Yu Qi.

Yu Qi caught the words that the arrogant beautiful woman used. 'Newbie, Senior... Does she think I am a newbie in the entertainment industry? It seems so.'

"Newbie? Who are you talking about, huh?" Yu Qi asked.

"Of course, Our Sister Wanli refers it for you. What? Do you want to say you are more popular than our Sister Wanli here?" The woman who hid behind the arrogant beautiful woman said.

The arrogant beautiful woman flipped her long hair arrogantly.

"I am sorry to disappoint you but I don't know you." Yu Qi said.

Well, she was telling the truth. She did not pay much attention to the entertainment industry. So, she did not know much about this arrogant beautiful woman.

"How dare you say you don't know our Sister Wanli?" The woman pointed her finger at Yu Qi.

"I don't like people pointing their fingers at me. If you don't want your finger to be broken, please keep that in mind." Yu Qi narrowed her eyes.

The woman felt scared when hearing the sentence, and quickly moved her finger away.

"What is going on here?"

They heard Song Su Jin's voice.

"Oh, Su Jin, I just teach a newbie how to behave in front of their senior. But this one is very rude." The arrogant beautiful woman said to Song Su Jin.

"Newbie? Where is she?" Song Su Jin looked around and found no one.

"What? She is here." The arrogant beautiful woman looked at Yu Qi.

"I think there is a misunderstanding here." Song Su Jin said.

"Misunderstanding? What?" The arrogant beautiful woman asked.

"This is not a newbie. She is my friend. I invite her here to take a look at the shooting scene." Song Su Jin introduced Yu Qi to the arrogant beautiful woman.

"What? She is not a newbie?" The arrogant beautiful woman was shocked. She then turned and looked at the woman. "You tell me this is a newbie."

"I... I... I don't know. I... am sorry." The woman was also shocked to hear that Yu QI was not a newbie that she could bully.

"So, if I am a newbie, I need to follow your order, then?" Yu Qi expressed her thought.

"Follow her order? What?" Song Su Jin did not understand.

"That woman suddenly comes to me and demanded I go and get a bottle of mineral water for this woman here just because she thought I am a newbie and need to respect the senior." Yu Qi explained.𝐟𝓇e𝐞𝚠𝚎𝒃n𝒐ѵe𝒍.com

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