Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1234: His Weapon

Chapter 1234: His Weapon

The next fight was between Long Hui and Qiu Wang. Both of them bowed to each other before starting the match.

Qiu Wang quickly wielded his sword and waited for Long Hui to take out his weapon. Long Hui took out his weapon. A dagger.

The audience were surprised to see the weapon. Even though Qiu Wang's sword was a normal one, but it was still better than Long Hui's dagger.

They thought Long Hui was playing around for him to take out such a weak looking weapon.

"I don't think he will win using that dagger."

"Are you stupid? Do you already forget how Bucong Shuye lost to this man and that dagger can change its shape?"

Someone reminded the epic fight that happened not long time ago. Hearing that, people nodded several times. How could they forget about that?

"Yeah. I won't forget that."

"That fight is very good."

Yu Qi smiled as she heard that. That dagger was from her space. It was true that the dagger could change its shape but it was not magical weapon.

It was just some mechanics trick. One of the previous owners of this space was probably some maniac creator. He created a dagger that could change its shape using some mechanisms and put inside the dagger.

When someone clicked on the button at the centre of the dagger, it would automatically change the shape.

Long Hui was looking for some weapon for him to use. Yu Qi told him to choose one from the weapon room. So, Long Hui went to choose one for him.

Upon looking at the weapons, Long Hui saw this dagger. He thought it was good for secret weapon. So, he picked up the dagger and tested it.

Then Yu Qi asked him whether he found something one. Long Hui showed the dagger. At that moment, he accidentally clicked on the button.

The dagger changed its shape into a sword. Both of them were very very very surprised. They were looking at each other, stunned about this.

Long Hui felt it was a perfect weapon for him. Since then, he kept it with him.

Back to the fight, Qiu Wang swallowed his saliva. He was so nervous. However, he could not run from this. Making up his mind, he was the one to make the first move.

Long Hui avoided the attack one inch from his face. He felt that Qiu Wang became stronger but he also became stronger after joining this martial art competition.

Long Hui replied to Qiu Wang by attacking Qiu Wang multiple times. Qiu Wang managed to avoid some of the attacks but nit all of them.

Blood appeared on Qiu Wang's clothes meaning Long Hui's attacks did hurt Qiu Wang. Qiu Wang gritted his teeth holding back the pain.

Qiu Wang concentrated some energy to his sword. He was using the same technique that he used to fight with Yu Qi before.

Yu Qi was slightly worried about this. Long Hui was a normal human, not a cultivator. He did not have any reiki inside his body. So, she was a little scared about this.

Qiu Wang rushed to Long Hui and attacked Long Hui. Long Hui quickly changed the dagger to the sword and defended himself.

Yu Qi was surprised to see the sword managed to defend the attack from a reiki sword. It seemed the dagger aka the sword was very interesting.

Long Hui distanced himself for a moment. And began to attack Qiu Wang mercilessly. He combined several style on his attacks. Everyone who a sword user was shocked to watch this. They thought that this man was an abnormal like his fiance earlier.

Long Hui increased his speed. The speed that Qiu Wang could not manage. So, he had been stabbed multiple times by Long Hui.

The pain increased. Because of the pain, his movement decreased. At this time, he knew that he would not able to win this match.

"I surrender!" Qiu Wang shouted.

Long Hui was about to stab Qiu Wang's shoulder, stopped one cm from the shoulder. The wind blew passing Qiu Wang's face. It made Qiu Wang knew that the pressure from the attack was very very very strong.

The healers rushed to Qiu Wang's side. Because it was the final round, the finalists would be treated for free. So, Qiu Wang would not have to worry about the cost.

The next match was between Dian Shu Xian and Yu Qi.

"Sister Yu Qi, beat him up." Dian Qi Qi cheered up Yu Qi.

"Qi Qi, you know that I am your brother, right?" Dian Shu Xian asked.

"Yes. So, what?" Dian Qi Qi put a proud face.

Dian Shu Xian smiled hopelessly. Both of them went up to the stage.

"The man is your descendant too?" The ancestor asked Great Grandpa Dian.

"Yes, Your Grace." Great Grandpa Dian nodded.

"Oh..." The ancestor replied making everyone confused with this.

Even though the ancestor came every year competition, he did not pay much attention to the finalists. He just looked at fight with a boring look.

However, this year, the ancestor talked more than he usually talked. So, it surprised others. This year competition had a lot of surprise.

From Great Grandpa Dian coming to watch the competition, the new member of Dian Family, the participants that they expect to enter final round failed, and the ancestor's weird behaviour, everything happened in this year martial art competition.

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