Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1204: Teleportation Device

Chapter 1204: Teleportation Device

Early in the morning, Yu Qi and Long Hui had been gathered with others around the mountain. Yu Qi was feeling a little bit confused when Dian Qi Qi told her that they needed to gather here after breakfast.

A lot of Dian's family members were here too. They seemed to wait for something. Dian Qi Qi came to Yu Qi's side with all of her brothers. Yu Qi and Long Hui greeted them.

"Sister Yu Qi, I am excited to be with you in this competition. I want to spar with you too." Dian Qi Qi hugged Yu Qi.

Seeing this, Long Hui slowly pulled from Dian Qi Qi. Dian Qi Qi frowned when she saw this.

"Stingy." Dian Qi Qi commented.

Long Hui just ignored her and still held Yu Qi's hand. Yu Qi looked at both of them. Dian Qi Qi was one thing but to think that Long Hui would act like this was very strange.

"What are we doing here?" Yu Qi had time to ask Dian Brothers.

"We will go to the martial arts competition from here." Dian Shu Xian said.

"From here?" Yu Qi tilted her head.

"Oh, I forget that this is your first time." Dian Shu Xian realized that fact.

"We are going to use the teleportation device." Dian Ren Qi said.

"Teleportation device?" Yu Qi was shocked.

The thing used in the fantasy drama and movies had actually existed? Yu Qi really wanted to see that thing right now.

"Where is the teleportation device?" Yu Qi looked around curiously.

"It was a device. Grandpa will handle that device." Dian Zin Fang explained.

"I see." Yu Qi said.

Not far from them, Dian Chi Ne looked at them. To be exact, she was looking at Long Hui. She also heard their conversation.

Pulling her sister's hand, Dian Chi Ne said to her sister, Dian Wan Ye. "Why does she not know about the teleportation device? It's embarrassing."

Dian Wan Ye frowned when she heard that. "Don't say something like that. What if anyone hears that? You will be punished."

"She is such a bumpkin." Dian Chi Ne said, ignoring Dian Wan Ye's warning.

She did not know that those people were listening to their conversation as well. Yu Qi and others were looking at her like she was an idiot.

Dian Qi Qi was angry at Dian Chi Ne for saying such a thing to her Sister Yu Qi. She approached Dian Chi Ne right away.

"Hey, you. How dare you say such a thing to my Sister Yu Qi?" Dian Qi Qi looked at Dian Chi Ne.

The two sisters were shocked when seeing Dian Qi Qi suddenly talking to them. Dian Wan Ye was panicked. They must be heard what her sister had been talking about earlier.

"Young Miss, we are sorry. We just..." Dian Wan Ye wanted to explain.

"Just what? You dare to insult the main family member." Dian Qi Qi glared at Dian Chi Ne.

"I... I..." Dian Chi Ne just realized that.

Insulting the main family member was offensive to the main family. They could be punished.

"Let's this go first. We can not punish her right now. Let's wait after the competition is over. Then we will discuss that." Dian Zin Fang said.

"Thank you, First Young Master." Dian Wan Ye thanked Dian Zin Fang and bowed to him.

She also pulled Dian Chi Ne to bow to them. After that, they left the place.

"Do you want to die?" Dian Wan Ye hit Dian Chi Ne's back.

"Ouch, that's hurt." Dian Chi Ne claimed.

"So, you know it is hurt. Then why do you say something like that there? You must know that they also could hear you." Dian Wan Ye was once again furious with her stupid sister.

"I forget about that." Dian Chi Ne looked away.

Dian Wan Ye sighed. "After this competition, you better apologize to Miss Yu Qi directly. Make an effort. Otherwise, you will be punished."

"But..." Dian Chi Ne whined. She did not want to apologize. It was embarrassing for her to apologize to Yu Qi. That woman must be with Long Hui when she wanted to apologize. Then Long Hui would be seeing the situation where she apologized to his girlfriend.

"Don't but me. If you don't want to be heavily punished, just do it. Understand?" Dian Wan Ye said harshly to her sister.

She needed to be harsh on her sister. Her sister was a typical woman who wanted people to bend to her wishes due to the excessive attention given by her parent. Her parent doted her sister so much that her sister felt she was right even though she was wrong.

"Okay. I will do it." Dian Chi Ne just nodded for now.

At Dian Qi Qi's side

"That girl really getting on my nerve." Dian Qi Qi said. "Like yesterday."

"Yeah, she is right. I really don't know about the teleportation port." Yu Qi acknowledged.

She did not know such a thing existed.

"Of course, you would not know about that. You just recently know about us." Dian Qi Qi protected Yu Qi.

"Okay... Okay... Don't be so mad about that. Just forget about that." Yu Qi patted Dian Qi Qi's head and tried to calm her down.

"I know. If I get to fight with her, I will teach her a lesson." Dian Qi Qi said excitedly.

"Sure... Sure..." Yu Qi nodded.

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