Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1135: Meet Mu Yian On The Way

Chapter 1135: Meet Mu Yian On The Way

The dinner was finished. Wang Kee Hee personally escorted them out.

On the way, they saw a familiar face.

"Eldest Young Miss." Wang Kee Hee greeted Mu Yian.

That's right. It was Mu Yian.

"Hmm..." Mu Yian responded to Wang Kee Hee's greet. Her eyes then moved to Yu Qi. "Never thought to see Doctor Tang here."

Wang Kee Hee was a little bit confused. 'Doctor?'

"I have some matter here." Yu Qi replied.

Wang Kee Hee was shocked. 'This woman is a doctor, then just now? What happened?'

"Oh, I remembered that our restaurant try to reach out to YQ Greenhouse to supply the vegetables to our restaurant. I forget that greenhouse is yours." Mu Yian said.

"Yeah. We just finished with the negotiation with Mr Wang here." Yu Qi pointed to Wang Kee Hee.

"I see. By the way, can you go and check on my second sister again? She is still staying in her room, did not want to leave." Mu Yian changed the topic.

"As for my concern, my duty over there is already completed. Her body is already healed from the wound here. As for she did not want to leave her room, you can not ask me to treat her. You can ask for a plastic surgeon to treat her scars." Yu Qi said without considering where she was.

Mu Yian's eyes flashed coldness. 'This woman dared to say that Mu Second Daughter's face is ruined in the public.'

Wang Kee Hee was also surprised to hear that. No wonder Second Young Miss had been seen for a while. But this Tang Yu Qi seemed to have a grudge against Mu Family. Was that okay to proceed with this control? He wondered about that.

"It's late. I need to return." Yu Qi said.

Without waiting for any response, Yu Qi walked past Mu Yian. Su Fan also followed her. He was thinking about something. He also felt that his boss seemed to dislike Mu Yian.

Of course, he knew Mu Yian. She was a high class woman that a man wanted. She was beautiful, mature and have a very good family background. Many men admired her including him in the past. However, after meeting with Yu Qi, he feel Mu Yian could not be compared with Yu Qi.

"Don't forget another appointment tomorrow." Yu Qi reminded Su Fan.

"Yes, boss." Su Fan nodded.

"I am leaving." Yu Qi left.

Yu Qi wanted to stop by somewhere to buy something for her little cuties. While driving, she saw a bakery that was still open. She stopped the car and went to the bakery.

"Welcome." The staff of the bakery greeted their customer warmly.

"May I help you, Miss?" The staff asked.

"May I know how much is the red velvet cake?" Yu Qi pointed to the cake in the glass display.

"It is 10 dollars per slice and 70 dollars for a whole cake. It is a little bit expensive but I can guarantee you that it is very delicious." The staff explained.

Yu Qi was thinking at the moment. If she bought one slice, it would not be enough for Bo Ya.

"Give me the whole cake. This cake and this cake." Yu Qi pointed to another too. It was vanilla cake.

"You mean one whole red velvet cake and one whole vanilla cake?" The staff was confirming the order.

"Yes. Two whole cakes." Yu Qi nodded.

The cake could be stored in the refrigerator in her space. It would not go bad. And she never thought it would go bad since Bo Ya could finish them. That stomach was bottomless for the sweet.

"Thank you for your purchasing." The staff said before Yu Qi left.

Before leaving, Yu Qi had time to ask about the food store about.

The staff told her that there would be food street vendors 200 meters ahead. Yu Qi thanked the staff and left the bakery.

She drove as the staff told her. And she saw a bunch of street vendors selling a lot of things including the food. She parked her car and walked to the vendor.

She saw a vendor that sold a chicken. She went to that vendor.

"Please give me a whole chicken." Yu Qi said to the owner.

"Sure." The man started preparing Yu Qi's order.

"Are you alone, Young Miss?" The man asked.

"Yeah." Yu Qi nodded.

"Then, you should be careful. This place is a bit dangerous for a girl. Especially a beautiful girl like you." The man said.

"Why?" Yu Qi asked.


"Oh, what we have here." Someone said.

The chicken man frowned as he looked at the group of men who arrived in front of his vendor.

"Ging Man. Don't disturb my customer." The chicken man said.

"Hi, beautiful girl. I am Ging Man. May I know your name?" Ging Man smiled at Yu Qi.

Yu Qi understood what the man said earlier. It must be this man who used to disturb other women who came here.

"My surname is Tang. What do you want from me?" Yu Qi asked.

"Let's have fun tonight. I will let you go tomorrow." Ging Man said.

"You used your face to say something like that to other women too?" Yu Qi glanced at Ging Man's face.

Ging Man became angry when this fearless woman dared to say such a thing about him in front of his face. This woman needed to be taught some lessons.

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