Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1003 - 1003: Went Shopping

Chapter 1003 - 1003: Went Shopping

Yu Qi woke up in Long Hui's arms. She could see that Long Hui had already woken up and was staring at her.

"Why don't you wake up me?" Yu Qi asked.

"You were sleeping soundly. I don't want to wake you up." Long Hui hugged her even tightly.

"Wake up... I think it is already morning outside. Let's cook something for breakfast and go out." Yu Qi said.

They were currently inside the space. Long Hui really liked to spend the time inside the space since it had a longer time compared to the outside world. And yesterday, they made love about 4 to 5 times before Long Hui, eventually, let Yu Qi sleep.

Yu Qi was about to stand up but her waist hurt a little bit. She glared at Long Hui. Long Hui was only grinning stupidly at her.

"Let me help you." Long Hui helped Yu Qi to the bathroom.

When he was about to enter the bathroom too, Yu Qi pushed him out.

"Go and take a bath in your bathroom." Yu Qi said before closing the door.

Long Hui was stunned for a moment. Then he chuckled.

"Be careful inside the bathroom. Shout if something happens." Long Hui said before leaving.

Yu Qi rolled her eyes. She tried to massage the parts which hurt. After applying some cream and massaging them a little bit, the pain had decreased. Then, she cleaned up her body.

Yu Qi finished cleaning up and went out. She wear simple shirt and jean. She went to the kitchen. She was surprised that the breakfast had already been made amd served on the table.

It was Long Hui who had prepared the breakfast. Looks like Shino and Aoi were also currently eating the food.

"Qi Qi... come. I have just prepared some fried rice and eggs with tea and coffee. Which one do you want, tea or coffee?" Long Hui took the cup.

"Tea, please." Yu Qi said.

"Okay. Wait a minute." Long Hui quickly prepared the tea and poured it into the cup and placed it in front of Yu Qi.

"I have used anything that I have found in the refrigerator. I think that it is time to top up things inside the space." Long Hui said.

"Hmm... Let's go and buy things after breakfast." Yu Qi tasted the fried rice.

"Hmm... It is delicious. Brother Hui, if you quit being a soldier, you can be a chef and open the restaurant." Yu Qi was satifiested with his fried rice.

"It is a nice idea. You can be my co-worker." Long Hui added.

After breakfast, Yu Qi told Shino and Aoi that she would later go shopping outside. She asked whether they wanted to follow her. Both of them? nodded. However, Shino needed to be on Yu Qi's shoulder most of the place and Aoi had to put on the leash.

Both of them nodded. They had been exploring the forest behind the resort. Actually they were looking for something to give Yu Qi. They figured since their master liked some herbs. They decided to found some wild herbs inside the forest. Bo Ya also guided them, telling them which one was the herbs.

They were ready to go to shopping at the supermarket. It was a weekday. So there were not many people around, making things more easily for them.

They brought the necessary things for cooking. They went and brought the goose meat that they found in the supermarket.

The cashier was staring at Yu Qi when they were about to pay for the things.

"Is there something?" Yu Qi asked.

"Oh... Actually, I see that you have ferret as your pet. It is very cute. Can I touch it?" The cashier asked.

Since there were no people waiting behind them, Yu Qi let the cashier touched the ferret. The cashier was excited to see the ferret. And it was very obedient too. It let the cashier touch and rub its head.

"What is its name?" The cashier asked.

"Shino..." Yu Qi answered.

"What a cute name!" The cashier smiled.

Then the people started to line up for paying. They quickly ended the touching part and settled the payment. The cashier took a quick picture of the ferret. She seemed to really like Shino very much.

Yu Qi told Long Hui that she would take and store the things that they had bought into the space. After seeing nobody and no CCTV around, Yu Qi disappeared with the grocery. About one minutes later, she came out.

"Where are we going next?" Long Hui asked.

"Well, I have heard from Su Fan, there is a shrine around here. Let's take a look at it." Yu Qi remembered what Su Fan told her.

There was also a fortune-teller at the shrine.

"Sure, let's go." Long Hui nodded.

It was still 10 a.m. in the morning. According to the map, the shrine was located at the top of the hill around here. It was easy to locate the shrine. They needed to park the car below and climb the stair to arrive at the shrine.

It was high but for Yu Qi and Long Hui, it was easy. Yu Qi pulled Long Hui to climb the stairs at the left side leaving a lot of space.

"I have read on the internet that we need to leave more space in the middle. It is God's path." Yu Qi said.

"Oh, really?" Long Hui did not really believe it.

"I don't know. Well, let's just follow the tradition." Yu Qi said.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

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