Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

1605 Chapter 1605: Take A Walk

It was finally the day when Yu Qi would go to the Suman Continent. As expected, Long Hui had been assigned as her bodyguard along with other five men. However, they would not appear unless it was necessary. 

Yu Qi did not mind. Well, they would not believe her if she told them that she did not need them. She did not want to waste her energy and time. So, she just let them do whatever they wanted.

Yu Qi boarded the flight together with Long Hui. The organisation of the medical conference cover the flight ticket but it was just for the economy seat. 

Since Long Hui boarded the flight using the first-class seat ticket, Yu Qi went to upgrade it. As soon as Yu Qi got seated, her eyelids became so heavy. She fell asleep.

Long Hui turned around to say something to Yu Qi but when he saw Yu Qi fall asleep. She did not even tighten up her seatbelt.

The flight attendance saw this. She approached Yu Qi to wake her up and asked Yu Qi to tighten up her seatbelt. When the flight attendance was about to wake Yu Qi up, she saw the passenger beside Yu Qi signalled her to keep quiet. She was surprised to see a handsome man.

Long Hui ignored the flight attendance. He tightened the seatbelt for Yu Qi. Yu Qi was startled and woke up.

“Just sleep. I will wake you up after we arrived.” Long Hui rubbed her head.

“O…kay..” Yu Qi fell asleep again.

Long Hui adjusted the chair to make Yu Qi comfortable to sleep.

The flight attendance was startled by the announcement. It was almost time to take off. She rushed to her seat and buckled her seatbelt. 

The flight took off safely. Yu Qi did not wake up. She was tired due to her research yesterday. She did not sleep at all yesterday. 

Long Hui sometimes looked at Yu Qi to see if she woke up. It was twelve hours of flight. Until the flight touched down, Yu Qu did not wake up even once.

“Qi Qi, we arrive.” Long Hui whispered into Yu Qi’s ear.

Yu Qi slowly woke up. She rubbed her eyes. 

“We arrived? Really?” Yu Qi yawned.

“Hmm… Let’s go…” Long Hui stated.

“Okay…” Yu Qi stood up and stretched her body. “I sleep well.” 

They finally arrived at Suman Continent. They ordered a taxi and went to their hotel to check in the room. The medical conference would be held here, in one of their halls. 

“Let’s go and talk a walk around.” Yu Qi stated.

“Hmm…” Long Hui nodded.

“We should go to their market. They might have good local food. I want to try it.” Yu Qi grinned.

“You should be eating first. You did not have any meal on the flight earlier.” Long Hui said.

“Don’t worry. An empty stomach would not affect me much these days.” Yu Qi remarked.

As the cultivator, they could hold hunger much longer.

“And we are going to eat some local food.” Yu Qi added.

“Okay… Okay… Let’s go.” Long Hui really could not fight Yu Qi.

“How about the other bodyguards? Are they coming with us too?” Yu Qi asked.

“Of course. They are your bodyguards.” Long Hui said. He added. “Don’t worry. Just ignore their existence.”

“Oh… Okay.” Yu Qi said.

They went out. After asking the hotel employees, they knew where to go. The hotel employee even offered help by calling the taxi. They accepted his kindness. 

The taxi came and they went off. They arrived at the local market. It was like a row of food stalls. It was not too crowded. So it was perfect. 

Long Hui grabbed Yu Qi’s hand. Yu Qi turned and lifted her eyebrow. 

“In case you go stranded.” Long Hui said.

Yu Qi chuckled. “Sure… Sure…” It was not like she did not know what he tried to do.

When they stepped out of the taxi, some eyes were watching them. Women’s eyes were on Long Hui and the men’s eyes were on Yu Qi. Long Hui wanted to tell others that they were a couple, so, thinking about getting her or him. 

They ignored others’ eyes and walked through the market. Yu Qi found a stall that sold food. They seemed just finished making them. 

Before Yu Qi came here, she went to the internet to look for their local food. Pirukas. It was snacks consisting of dough pockets filled with a variety of ingredients. 

“Please give us a bag of Pirukas.” Yu Qi spoke the Estonian Language. 

The seller was surprised to see a female foreigner speaking their language very well. 

“Oh, are you a tourist?” The seller asked.

“Well, we came here for some work-related. We just take a chance to see this beautiful country.” Yu Qi said as she praised the country.

Hearing the country had been praised, the seller was happy. She packed the food and gave them to Yu Qi. 

“Enjoy.” The seller stated.

Long Hui took out the money and paid the seller. 

“Your boyfriend?” The seller asked.

“My fiance.” Yu Qi answered.

“Hmm… He is handsome.” The seller praised.

Yu Qi smiled. “Hmm…” 

They found an empty bench and took a seat on it. Yu Qi took out the food and gave some of them to Long Hui. 

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm Yu Qi took a bite. “Hmm… Delicious. Brother Hui, you should try them.” She said when seeing Long Hui staring at the food. 

Long Hui also took a bite. “Hmm… Not bad.”

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