Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

1586 Chapter 1586: The Appearance With The Combination Of Her And Long Hui

The maid was worried when the old woman did not eat. So, she called Wei Zichen to tell him about the matter.

“Old Madam did not eat much after going out last week. She had not gone out this week either.” The maid informed Wei Zichen.

Wei Zichen sighed as he heard about this. 

“It’s okay. Just ask what she wants to cook and cook for her. I will go and see her tomorrow.” Wei Zichen said.

The call ended there. 

“Why do you have such a long face?” Feng Ni Lan asked when she came out of the bathroom and saw Wei Zichen’s face.

“It is about Mum.” Wei Zichen stated.

“What? What about her? Is she sick or something?” Feng Ni Lan asked in worried.

“No… No… It is nothing like that. She is okay. But according to the maid, she did not eat much.” Wei Zichen calmed down his wife.

“Not eating much? That is dangerous for an elder. Does the maid cook enough for her?” Feng Ni Lan could not help to worry about her mother-in-law. 

“The maids are doing their jobs just fine. The problem is with Mum.” Wei Zichen sighed.

“Do you know why she became like that?” Feng Ni Lan asked.

“I don’t know. But I think I will find out about this tomorrow.” Wei Zichen thought about something.

His mother just went out last night. Her destination was the prison. She probably went there to visit Chi Yuan. His mother’s current behaviour was probably related to Chi Yuan. 

After getting reprimanded by Neko-chan about Zhao Yongzhung, Yu Qi called Zhao Yongzhung about the matter.

Zhao Yongzhung told her that he would be free and come to FINN City on the next day. Neko-chan was happy to hear about the news.

“Neko-chan, you will be discussing with him about building the robot. You should use human appearance when doing so.” Yu Qi told Neko-chan.

Neko-chan was staggered. “Why? Why can I use my cute appearance?” She showed off her cute body.

“First, I don’t want him to know you are an AI. Second, he might not take you seriously. The first impression is important.” Yu Qi gave the reasons. 

Neko-chan was swaying her tail while thinking. After considering, she also thought the same.

“Hmm… What kind of human appearance I should use?” Neko-chan said. 

“It is up to you. You can create a new look if you want.” Yu Q suggested. 

“Oh…” Neko-chan nodded. She changed her appearance. “Master, what about this?” 

Yu Qi was flabbergasted to see Neko-chan’s human appearance. It was a combination between Yu Qi and Long Hui. She had Long Hui Phoenix eyes and Yu Qi’s nose.

She looked elegant yet bewitching at the same time. It was a great combination. 

“Master, how about this?” Neko-chan repeated the question.

Yu Qi coughed several times. “Are you sure you want to use this look?” 

“Hmm? Why? Can’t I? It is the combination of Master and Master’s man. Do you think it is good?” Neko-chan was confused.

“It is up to you. You can use the look if you want.” Yu Qi said. She moved to another topic. “Hmm… Then, it is about your identity. You just can see him on the screen. He might be curious about that.”

“Let’s say, I am your patient. People can’t come and see me because of the illness. So, that’s why he just can see me through the screen like this.” Neko-chan suggested. 

“Hmm… Let’s go with that. What about your name?” Yu Qi asked again.

“Hmm… I don’t know. Master you can choose that for me.” Neko-chan said. 

Actually, she did not mind using the Neko-chan name. 

“Hmmm… You can just use your name. Neko-chan.” Yu Qi stated.

She did not think much about that. Neko-chan’s name was kind of cute. 

“Okay, Master.” Neko-chan danced around.

“You seemed to like that name.” Yu Qi looked at Neko-chan.

“Of course. It is the name that Master gave to me. Of course, I am liking it.” Neko-chan smiled.

Yu Qi was stunned. Neko-chan smiled with the human appearance. Even she felt the fatalness of the smile. 

“Restrain from smiling with this face.” Yu Qi stated.

“Why?” Neko-chan asked.

“Nothing…” Yu Qi did not know how to explain. So, she just let her be. 


Mu Li Zei hired a man to send the sample to be tested at three different facilities. He wanted to be sure about this.

He was afraid one test was not enough. It was good to be thorough about this. 

He went to his mother’s place. Kang Pian Sue just sat drinking some tea while looking at the flower. The maid informed her that her son was coming to see her. She told the maid to bring him to her. 

“Mum…” Mu Li Zei greeted Kang Pian Sue.

“Hmmm… What are you doing here?” Kang Pian Sue asked.

“I just want to inform you that we finally get that girl’s sample to be tested.” Mu Li Zei said.

“Oh, you finally get it?” Kang Pian Sue lifted her eyebrow.

“No… It does not me. It is Yian-er.” Mu Li Zei told the truth. 

“Oh, as expected my smart granddaughter.” Kang Pian Sue nodded several time. “Then, tell me how does she do it?” 

Mu Li Zei began to tell Kang Pian Sue about Mu Yian’s method. Kang Pian Sue was smiling to hear the story. She was proud.

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