Reborn Girl’s New Life

Chapter 553 - All in the Mind

Chapter 553 All in the Mind

The dean could not stop Song Yunxuan from seeing Gu Changle.

So he gave a wry smile, saying, “This way, please. I’ll lead you to Miss Gu’s ward.”

The dean felt that he might lose his job and title at any moment.

Besides, he felt a lot more stressed contending with the Shao Family and the Song Family.

He could not afford to offend either side because they both had the goods on him.

It was the real cause of Gu Changge’s death.

As soon as Song Yunxuan reached Gu Changle’s ward with the dean, she saw that some nurses were bustling and Tan Yi just came out after the daily round.

Noticing that Song Yunxuan had come, Tan Yi did nothing but glanced at her. Then he walked away while telling a nurse about the medicine that should be prepared today.

Song Yunxuan gently raised her eyebrows. Then she pushed open the door and found that Shao Tianze was peeling an apple at Gu Changle’s bedside.

In Gu Changle’s eyes towards Shao Tianze, there were tiredness and relief.

However, as soon as Gu Changle noticed that Song Yunxuan entered the ward, her eyes turned cold.

“Song Yunxuan.”

Gu Changle called her name.

Hearing that, Shao Tianze also turned to look at the door.

Just at that moment, he cut one of his fingers and it immediately began to bleed. Doubtless, it was because he failed to hold the fruit knife well in his hand.

Seeing that, Gu Changle hastily reached out and wiped the blood for him by using her sleeve. Meanwhile, she called out to a nurse standing by, “Tianze’s finger was cut. Get it wrapped now!”

The nurse was about to put Gu Changle on a drip. Hearing her words, she nodded and rushed out to find bandages and medicine for Shao Tianze.

Seeing Gu Changle’s anxiety, Shao Tianze gently pressed his lips, consoling her, “Don’t worry. No big deal.”

However, Gu Changle still appeared worried to death.

After entering the ward, Song Yunxuan and Song Yunying couldn’t help feeling amused.

Song Yunying even sighed, whispering to Song Yunxuan, “They really make a good couple.”

Song Yunxuan said nothing but gave a gentle smile, waiting for them to finish their public display of affection.

In moments, the nurse returned and dressed the wound for Shao Tianze.

The wound was small, so a doctor was not needed at the moment.

After it was over, Gu Changle turned to look at Song Yunxuan with a frown, asking, “What are you doing here?”

Song Yunxuan slightly curled up her lips, replying, “I took my sister to do a test. A doctor told me that you were seriously ill, so I come to pay you a visit.”

Gu Changle was beside herself with anger when hearing the words ‘seriously ill’.

It turned out that the two sisters of the Song Family came to make fun of her. Their eldest sister Song Yunjia failed in the fight against Gu Changle for Shao Tianze and had already died. However, they actually came to make fun of her at this time.

Gu Changle swallowed her anger, replying smilingly, “Come on, that’s too much for me. Besides, I’m perfectly fine.”

However, she had egg on her face right after she finished her words. Gu Changle felt a sharp pain in her chest, which contorted her face. She instantly covered her chest with her hands.

Seeing that, Shao Tianze knew something went wrong.

He immediately told the nurse beside him, “Get Doctor Tan here now!”

The nurse dared not to waste any time. She immediately got up and went to the doctor’s office to call for Tan Yi.

Song Yunxuan took a kind of dark pleasure in looking at Gu Changle covering her chest with her hands in pain.

Seeing that, Gu Changle was furious.

The b*tch came over to provoke her.

But given her present health, she felt her heart became weaker and weaker.

What was worse, Gu Changge had appeared in her dreams lots of times.

Why did this happen? Was she really going to die because of this serious illness?

Gu Changle felt scared, but she would not show it easily.

In moments, Tan Yi arrived and immediately did a test for Gu Changle.

Seeing that Song Yunxuan and Song Yunying were still in the ward, Gu Changle slightly frowned and told the nurse, “Get the outsiders out.”

Hearing that, the nurse politely said to Song Yunxuan and Song Yunying, “Misses, you may not visit the patient at the moment. Please come later.”

Visiting Gu Changle was the last thing Song Yunying wanted to do. It was just that Song Yunxuan wanted to visit her, so she followed Yunxuan here.

Now seeing Gu Changle relapse, she didn’t feel like watching this anymore. Thus she turned around and prepared to leave.

So did Song Yunxuan.

It was just that she gave Gu Changle a bigger smile before leaving the ward.

It seemed that Gu Changle would be scared to death by her.

No sooner had they got out of the ward than Song Yunying said, “I didn’t expect that Gu Changle’s illness would be this serious. I thought it was a rumor.”

“That’s right. But it’s hard to tell whether she will die of this illness.” Song Yunxuan murmured.

Hearing that, Song Yunying was stupefied.

She thought that Gu Changle just had a serious illness that might be hard to heal.

It turned out that her younger sister wanted Gu Changle to die as soon as possible.

Song Yunying had mixed feelings.

Song Yunxuan took no notice of what was in her mind. She changed the subject, asking her, “How is my brother-in-law doing lately?”

Hearing that Song Yunxuan inquired something about Xue Tao, Song Yunying nodded, replying, “I heard that he could get out of bed and walk.”

“Haven’t you visited my brother-in-law often?” Song Yunxuan asked with a smile.

Xue Tao’s legs had been broken for two months. As the old saying went, one needed a hundred days to recover when his legs or muscles were hurt. Therefore, it would be hard for him to get out of bed now, not to mention walking.

Perhaps he would be cross at Song Yunying at the mere thought of how his legs were broken.

Song Yunying grimaced, replying, “He cursed me every time I visited him. So I rarely visit him now.”

“You don’t have to go since he curses you. But I say you still need to visit him to put on a show.”

Song Yunying nodded, replying, “I know.”

Yuncheng was a big city with a great number of people. Therefore, if there was any sign of conflicts between powerful families, it would be reported in newspapers and magazines instantly.

It was not hard for Song Yunying to establish herself in the Xue Family now because she had given birth to her eldest son. However, she could not let the public know that she was on bad terms with Xue Tao.

So she should visit Xue Tao once in a while to put on a show, which was necessary.

Song Yunying added with some misgivings, “But Xue Tao, he…”

“What did he say?” Song Yunxuan asked her.

Song Yunying frowned, feeling embarrassed.

Seeing that, Song Yunxuan could guess what Xue Tao said and how unpleasant it was.

She nodded, saying, “Since my brother-in-law loves cursing, let’s go to visit him together. After all, it’s been a while since the last time I saw him. I don’t want the public to say that I don’t care about my brother-in-law.”

She wanted to find out how Xue Tao cursed her.

Seeing that Song Yunxuan wanted to see Xue Tao, Song Yunying knew Xue Tao would probably suffer.

She nodded, promising Song Yunxuan, “OK. Let’s go there later.”

Just at that moment, Tan Yi walked out of the ward.

Seeing Tan Yi, Song Yunxuan sighed gently and said to Song Yunying, “Sister, wait for me downstairs. I’ll be there soon.”

Seeing that Song Yunxuan took her eyes off Tan Yi, Song Yunying knew what she was going to do. Thus she nodded and left.

After Song Yunying left, Song Yunxuan walked to Tan Yi’s office.

Tan Yi’s office was a separate one with no other doctors working inside.

After entering the office, Song Yunxuan closed the door, asking, “How is Gu Changle?”

“Not so good.”

“Does her health begin to worsen now?” Song Yunxuan asked Tan Yi.

Tan Yi shook his head, “Well, not quite like that.”

“But why did she seem to be seriously ill?” Song Yunxuan felt confused.

Tan Yi sat down on the chair beside the desk, leafed through Gu Changle’s medical record, and replied, “She’s not seriously ill. However, her mental condition may worsen her health.”

Hearing that, Song Yunxuan finally understood.

It turned out that Gu Changle was really scared to death by her.

“I told her that she should take anti-rejection drugs every day. Even though she has had such an operation, her heart might stop beating at any moment.”

Hearing Tan Yi’s words, Song Yunxuan felt satisfied.

“It turns out Gu Changle is so scared of death.”

Gu Changle was perfectly fine. Nevertheless, when the doctor lied to her that her condition worsened, she was scared to death.

How amusing!

Song Yunxuan smiled and understood everything.

“I won’t stay here for too long, or there might be some gossips. Inform me if anything happens. See you next time.”

Anyway, Tan Yi was Gu Changle’s family doctor and attending doctor. Besides, Gu Changle was on bad terms with Song Yunxuan.

Therefore, it was not appropriate for her to stay too long in Gu Changle’s attending doctor’s office.

Otherwise, there might be some gossips if some outsiders saw it.

Song Yunxuan pressed her lips and walked out of Tan Yi’s office.

Then she went downstairs to meet Song Yunying.

She told Song Yunying that she would go to see Xue Tao minutes ago.

In that case, she had to see him anyway.

After all, Xue Tao was a troublemaker. So she had better keep Xue Tao in line.

Such as teaching Xue Tao a lesson from time to time.

Otherwise, he would forget the pain once the wound healed.

No sooner had Song Yunxuan approached the car than the chauffeur opened the car door for her.

Then Song Yunying said, “To First Orthopaedic Hospital.”

Song Yunxuan sat in the car which was moving forward, watching the receding People’s Hospital.

Pleasure began to fill her heart.

Did Gu Changle begin to get scared?

Was she afraid that she might turn into a stiff when her heart stopped beating?

Actually, she was worried about nothing.

It was because Song Yunxuan would not let her die this easily.

She must suffer more before she died.

Song Yunxuan would let Gu Changle live on for some time. She wanted her to witness how Shao Tianze would end up after murdering Gu Changge.

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