Rebirth: The Fake Young Lady Is A Real Young Lady

Chapter 356 - Chapter 356: Assassins

Chapter 356: Assassins

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio     Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Sun Ming, is that M. Sun? No wonder she’s so angry. I’d be upset if someone rotten like Jiang Xue wore something I designed…” Zhao Yuan felt she could understand Sun Ming. If her works were associated with people like Jiang Xue, she might be so disgusted that she would throw up all she had eaten.

“We’ll be careful. We won’t poke the hornet’s nest. Shen Xi promised.

“Zhao Yuan, should we head back? I don’t think we’ll be seeing the host today,” Shen Xi said

Zhao Yuan was out of the loop, so she did not understand why the guest of honor would not appear at his birthday banquet.

“Old Master Guan isn’t feeling well,” Zheng Huai explained. “He’ll probably apologize and ask us to please make our way home.”

“You really are a worldly doctor!” Zhao Yuan’s eyes were filled with admiration as she looked at Zheng Huai.

Zheng Huai puffed out his chest and declared proudly, “That’s right, I’m very knowledgeable and well-respected.”

Zheng Huai’s narcissism made Shen Xi and Zhao Yuan laugh.

Shen Xi washed up as soon as they returned to their hotel. She stared blankly at her phone, wondering why Guan Lei had not messaged her. Guan Lei had said they would talk later, but he had not done so. Shen Xi had no idea what he was busy with.

Shen Xi flopped on her bed, lying on her tummy. Forget it. She decided she could wait a while longer.

Meanwhile, Guan Lei and Xue Li hid in a storeroom, holding their breaths.

When he and Shen Xi were on the phone earlier, Guan Lei noticed something was amiss. No sooner had he put down the phone when a swarm of well-trained combatants rushed into the room.

Guan Lei wanted to inform Li Zhe and his little lover of the situation but realized he had no reception. His assailants had blocked all signals.

Thus, he and Xue Li were forced to confront their attackers without help. Although they were skilled, it was one against many, and they were soon put at a disadvantage by the sheer number of enemies.

On the bright side, Guan Lei was on home turf. Relying on his familiarity with his surroundings, they played hide-and-seek with their would-be killers, engaging in guerilla tactics.

Guan Lei’s head was a mess. Word had trickled in from home, stating that an attack had gone down at the birthday banquet. Why, then, were these people here? How did they know of this place? Did they have a mole in their midst?

Thankfully, Grandma had taken a flight back to Beijing earlier that evening. Otherwise, it would have been far more troublesome to deal with so many faceless assassins while keeping her safe.

Li Zhe and Meng Yu e s situation was not much better—wave after wave crashed against them, each aimed to kill. Li Zhe was not a particularly good martial artist, which showed as the fight progressed.

If not for Meng Yu i s stalwart defense as he fought off the majority, Li Zhe would not have remained unscathed. Still, wounds were accumulating on Meng Yu’s body at an astonishing rate, and if things continued, he would not last.

Perhaps it was his imagination, but Li Zhe could not help but feel that their enemies were particularly ruthless toward Meng Yu while going easy on him.

“Let me,” Li Zhe said to Meng Yu, “I’ll take the lead and open up a path. Follow me.”

“No. I won’t let you get hurt.” Meng Yu rejected Li Zhe’s suggestion without a second thought.

Li Zhe knew he could not persuade Meng Yuj so he tried to rush to Guan Lei.

Meng Yu prevented him, pulling him back and absconding to a dark hidey-hole.

li lt sounds like there are more people outside. They’re probably with those assassins who attacked us,” Meng Yu whispered, his expression grave.

Li Zhe’s eyes widened in shock, and he cursed in his heart.

He still could not understand how their assailants managed to infiltrate the island and split them into two groups, one to corner Guan Lei and the other to trap him and Meng Yu.

“No. We’ll die if this continues. Director Li, escape while you can and see if you can contact the Guan family.” Meng Yu kept a vigil over their surroundings, staying alert to any possible threats.

“I’m not letting you risk yourself for me.” Li Zhe grabbed Meng Yu i s shoulder, steadfastly refusing the latter’s suggestion.

“Director Li, please don’t be stubborn. If you don’t call for help, Guan Lei and I will die, don’t you understand? Other than Guan Lei, only you have a direct line with the Guan family.” Meng Yu rubbed his throbbing temple as he stared at Li Zhe, his expression uncharacteristically serious.

Li Zhe knew what Meng Yu said was true, but he could not bare the thought of leaving the love of his life alone, surrounded by enemies. At least 20, if not 30, were on their way to reinforce their attackers, and all were quite skilled. If this were a setup, those going after Guan Lei would surely be stronger than they could manage. Li Zhe worried about Meng Yu l s safety going in to engage the enemy alone..

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