Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 1292 - The Sick Goddess

Chapter 1292: The Sick Goddess

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Hong Dali slept soundly that night and even had a rather nice dream. In his dream, he held the Goddess of Wisdom and Tang Muxin on his left, Li Nianwei and Zhang Yi on his right, Lin Chuyin and Qianxue were standing at his back, and there was a child in front of him…

Blissful! No one wanted to wake from a dream like this one, right?

However, as Hong Dali was happily dreaming, he suddenly realized that something seemed to be wrong. He seemed to hear the Goddess of Wisdom mumbling faintly.

That’s not right. What’s happening?

Hong Dali grumbled and woke up. He fumbled along in the direction of the Goddess of Wisdom. It was early in the morning, only four or five o’clock, and the skies were still dark. He could not see his surroundings clearly and could only vaguely remember the general direction. As he felt his way out, as expected, he tripped and fell right on the Goddess of Wisdom…

“I, I, I, I, I didn’t mean it!” Hong Dali was shocked. The Goddess of Wisdom was pure and untainted. Although she had been accidentally taken advantage of by him before, he had not dared to flirt or touch her afterward. It was important that he didn’t touch her casually, he could die!

Unexpectedly, the Goddess of Wisdom, who should have flown into a rage, did not respond at all. Hong Dali felt that something was wrong and quickly shook the Goddess of Wisdom. But she still didn’t respond! He could only feel that the body of the Goddess of Wisdom was hot, very hot!

“God!” Hong Dali was so scared he opened his eyes wide. “Could Sister Goddess be sick?! Do Goddesses fall sick?!”

In Hong Dali’s mind, Goddesses should not fall sick. They had eternal life and they were so powerful. Countless people would die with just a flick of their finger—how could such an existence fall sick?!

But the facts were in front of him and Hong Dali had no choice but to believe it. No matter how he looked, it was a fact that the Goddess of Wisdom was now sick.

In fact, it was not difficult to understand—everyone knew about AIDS. AIDS was simply the human immune system failing. The person lost resistance to diseases, which allowed various diseases and cancers to survive in the human body, ultimately leading to their death.

The Goddess of Wisdom’s situation was similar.

She was a powerful goddess before. When she had her divinity, her body was able to aggressively regenerate the effects of aging with powerful energy. She would naturally be immune to viruses. Now, things were different. Her divinity had been sealed, and just like a person whose immune system had suddenly disappeared, her resistance to disease would naturally take a dive.

So, in these two days, she had been on an emotional roller coaster and had fallen sick…

It seemed weird, but that was in fact what happened.

“What should I do, what should I do?” Hong Dali touched the Goddess of Wisdom’s forehead. It was hot and it looked like she had a common cold. Although a cold was just a mild illness, for the Goddess of Wisdom, who now needed to re-establish her immune system, it could turn life-threatening.

“I can’t bother with so much now.” There was no medicine around there. He had to use the simplest method of cooling a body down—Hong Dali took off his clothes very swiftly and ran all the way to the pool. The water in the morning was cool and perfect for lowering one’s temperature.

Using his clothes as a wet towel, Hong Dali ran back to the cave and carefully placed it on the forehead of the Goddess of Wisdom.

Time passed minute by minute. Just after the day broke, the Goddess of Wisdom finally moved.

“En… I… what’s wrong with me? I feel so dizzy…” The Goddess of Wisdom felt weak. She couldn’t get up although she wanted to. Fortunately, her mind was alert.

“Phew—you’re awake.” Seeing that the Goddess of Wisdom was finally speaking, Hong Dali heaved a sigh of relief. “Do you know you were sick? You laid there just now and no matter how I shook you, you refused to wake up. I was so afraid. Luckily you’re awake now. Otherwise, you might be the first Goddess to die in all the dimensions of the universe—do you feel better now?”

As Hong Dali spoke, he simply took the clothes placed on her forehead away and reached out to touch her forehead. “Fortunately, the temperature has gone down quite a bit. Do you know you were so feverish just now your entire body was burning and your forehead was scalding… eh? Eh, what are you doing? Sit down! Let’s talk calmly, don’t resort to violence!”

“You, did you touch me just now?!” The Goddess of Wisdom held the staff firmly in her right hand. If Hong Dali dared to come any closer to her, she would blow the prodigal up and then die of her illness by herself.

“If I didn’t touch you, you won’t even be able to get up now. Do you know that?” Hong Dali stepped back and said, “You’re a patient now, a sick person, okay? Can you stop getting worked up? What kind of person do you think I am? Do you think I’m trying to take advantage of you all the time? I swear to the lamp, I only touched your head just now. I didn’t do anything else!”

What he said was somewhat amusing and also true. Also, her attire was untouched. So he probably didn’t try to feel her up. Only then did the Goddess of Wisdom feel relief. Immediately afterward, she felt a wave of weakness and her entire body shook.

Seeing that she was about to fall, Hong Dali didn’t care about anything else and rushed forward to catch her before putting her down slowly. He said, “Can you stop getting so worked up? There’s no medicine here. You can only rely on your own immune system to fight the virus—speaking of which, you’re a goddess and you can actually catch a cold? I’m really flabbergasted…”

“My divinity has been sealed. My body’s self-regeneration ability has disappeared and my immunity is lowered. Is it that strange that I will get sick?” The Goddess of Wisdom slowly laid down with Hong Dali’s help. She looked much better now. “Thank you.”

“Look at you, you’re so polite now.” Hong Dali, wearing only his underwear, sat on the floor grinning. “You can lie down and rest peacefully. Anyway, there are only the two of us here, you don’t need to worry so much. I will take care of you these few days. It’s just that I may be a bit touchy and not very good at waiting on people. Don’t get angry if I offend you.”

“I know.” The Goddess of Wisdom was lying on the earthen bed. Her goddess robe was made of some unknown material that was of exceptional quality. Not a speck of dirt clung to it. It would not need to be washed or changed. She laid down for a while and suddenly sighed softly. “You’re a very kind person. Alas, it’s a pity that I realized it too late.”

“I’m very kind, to begin with, hehe.” Being suddenly praised by the Goddess of Wisdom, Hong Dali felt floaty and embarrassed. “Actually, I’m not that good. You don’t have to be too grateful to me… ah, let me get you some food first. You must recuperate and get well as soon as possible. You’re lucky it’s just a small cold. I can’t help if it’s anything more serious.”

“I understand.” The Goddess of Wisdom responded softly before closing her eyes.

This time, Hong Dali had just left for a while before he ran back in excitedly, shouting happily, “Hahaha, Sister Goddess, I made a big discovery! I found that there are animals here! Hahaha!”

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