Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 1265 - The Mills of God Grind Slowly

Chapter 1265: The Mills of God Grind Slowly

I’ve come from Hell to take revenge on you!

Actually, when Hong Dali actually said this, he just wanted to provoke Liu Mingyi and see what he would say. After all, Hong Dali didn’t know how his biological parents died. He just intuitively thought that a traitor who colluded with foreign enemies would definitely have something else to hide.

However, Liu Mingyi didn’t know that. He saw Hong Dali wearing the armor that resembled Iron Man’s. He was immune to attacks from swords and guns. Subconsciously, he believed that Hong Dali knew everything.

“I cannot get away in the end…” Liu Mingyi threw away the gun and sat down. He visibly sagged. He chuckled and said, “I did not expect this, this is too unexpected. Brother Haoming, you came to me for revenge, after all. Ah…”

Hong Dali listened quietly. He said nothing and just looked at him.

“When I killed you, I knew I would suffer retribution. Sigh.” Liu Mingyi smiled and shook his head bitterly. “Now it’s finally here. What else can I say?”

Speaking up to this point, he looked at Hong Dali, smiled, and said, “Since you already know everything, I have nothing more to say. All these years, whenever I sleep, I will dream of Brother Haoming coming to look for me… Hehe, I will finally be free today.”

“You would even do something like that for money.” Hong Dali said grimly, “If you don’t even have a conscience, how can you be human? My father was so close to you…”

“Haha, good terms, yes, we were close…” Liu Mingyi looked at the ceiling and muttered, “At that time, we started a business together, we drank together at night. We were really happy then…

“Then, I met Ebert. He promised me a start-up capital of one million dollars…” Liu Mingyi said dreamily, “One million dollars, do you know how much that is? That’s equivalent to one billion! One billion! Can it not be attractive to me, who had only a few hundred thousand in total in assets?”

One million dollars was equivalent to more than eight million yuan. Especially when it was more than 20 years ago. What was 8 million at that time? Converted to the present day, it was equivalent to 100 million!

How could a person who had a total worth of less than a hundred thousand not waver when faced with such a windfall?

“Money is seductive, I admit.” Hong Dali looked at Liu Mingyi and said flatly, “But to kill for money…”

“At that time, I was side-blinded. Who would think so much?” Liu Mingyi chuckled and coughed twice. “When I killed Brother Haoming, I knew that one day he would come to me to take revenge. Originally, I was most worried about his son, so I specially checked it out at that time. Then, I heard that his son was also dead. Unexpectedly, you actually managed to return using another body. This is retribution…”

Hong Dali was silent.

Liu Mingyi was right, the mills of God grind slowly. Who could have thought that he would have had revenge on his father’s murderer by accident like this?

“Okay, since I’ve already said this much, there’s no need to say more.” Liu Mingyi said slowly, “Since my identity has been exposed, I cannot continue to live. Whether it’s colluding with foreign spies or being the leader of the Black Dragon Gang, just one of these identities is enough for me to die ten times over. So, Hong Dali, there’s no chance of you capturing me alive…”

As he said this, he spat out a jet of black blood. “Oh, Brother Haoming, you have a good son. Let’s be brothers again in our next lives…” After he said these words, Liu Mingyi gradually crumpled. Soon, he stopped moving.

Suicide by a self-administered dose of poison was probably the best outcome for gang leader Liu Mingyi…

“Phew, it’s finally over.” Hong Dali took a deep breath, then slowly walked out of the villa. At this time, almost all the other members of the Black Dragon Gang had either died or been captured. The Black Dragon Gang, which had always been a headache for the high-leveled officials, had finally been completely disintegrated.

“Young Master Dali, what’s happening inside?” Seeing that Hong Dali had come out, Zhao Mingguang hurried forward and asked, “Did you catch Liu Mingyi?” He was a mastermind, definitely not a joke.

“He’s dead.” Hong Dali shook his head. “He committed suicide by taking poison. He’s the Black Dragon Gang Leader. It’s impossible to capture him alive.”

“As expected.” Zhao Mingguang sighed softly and said, “Although it’s a pity that we couldn’t capture him alive, it’s already an accomplishment to be able to get this far. If it were not for Young Master Dali, we wouldn’t have been able to exterminate the Black Dragon Gang without at least double the effort. This guy is hidden really deep. Who would have thought that he’s actually the leader of the Black Dragon Gang? He’s actually quite well-known in the business world.”

“Whatever.” Now that Liu Mingyi was dead, Hong Dali suddenly felt a little forlorn and disappointed. He said, “I’m tired, I’m going back to sleep first. You deal with this, I will not stay.”

“Ah? Okay, okay…” Seeing that Hong Dali was leaving, although Zhao Mingguang wanted to stop him, he didn’t know what to say. Finally, he nodded. “Young Master Dali, rest early. I won’t hold you back.”

“Well, see you later.” Hong Dali immediately led Han Songyang’s group of wealthy young men back to the Water Creek villa.

On the way, Hong Dali closed his eyes and rested. As expected, as soon as he got into the car and moved off, the System’s voice spoke up—

“Side Mission: Save the stock market, mission completed. Mission Reward: 2,000 Achievement Points.”

“Side Mission: Destroy the Black Dragon Gang, mission completed. Mission Reward: 640 Achievement Points.”

That was more than 2,000 Achievement Points. Including the side missions done previously, Hong Dali had more than 3,000 Achievement Points now. But he was not happy at all.

“Ayes, even though I got revenge, I’m not happy.” Hong Dali leaned back on the car seat, closed his eyes, and finally murmured, “I’m tired. Xinxin, let’s go back…”

“En, okay.” Tang Muxin understood Hong Dali’s mood at this time and kissed him softly. “When we get back to our place, let’s return. We’ll bring everyone back and rest.”

Soon, after returning to Water Creek villa, Hong Dali tied up all the loose ends with Han Songyang, then brought everyone back to the headquarters at Tuka Planet.

Unexpectedly, once he arrived, lackey Li Yang rushed over and said hurriedly, “Young Master, it’s not good! Hong Family! The family chief, as well as Old Master and Old Madam, have all been arrested by the Dimensional War Inspectorate!”

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